blob: 2dd19c4bbd59e7a00a12e734d58f3c708d260d1c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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//! Defines aggregations over Arrow arrays.
use multiversion::multiversion;
use std::ops::Add;
use crate::array::{
Array, BooleanArray, GenericStringArray, PrimitiveArray, StringOffsetSizeTrait,
use crate::datatypes::{ArrowNativeType, ArrowNumericType};
/// Generic test for NaN, the optimizer should be able to remove this for integer types.
fn is_nan<T: ArrowNativeType + PartialOrd + Copy>(a: T) -> bool {
!(a == a)
/// Helper macro to perform min/max of strings
fn min_max_string<T: StringOffsetSizeTrait, F: Fn(&str, &str) -> bool>(
array: &GenericStringArray<T>,
cmp: F,
) -> Option<&str> {
let null_count = array.null_count();
if null_count == array.len() {
return None;
let data =;
let mut n;
if null_count == 0 {
n = array.value(0);
for i in {
let item = array.value(i);
if cmp(&n, item) {
n = item;
} else {
n = "";
let mut has_value = false;
for i in {
let item = array.value(i);
if data.is_valid(i) && (!has_value || cmp(&n, item)) {
has_value = true;
n = item;
/// Returns the minimum value in the array, according to the natural order.
/// For floating point arrays any NaN values are considered to be greater than any other non-null value
#[cfg(not(feature = "simd"))]
pub fn min<T>(array: &PrimitiveArray<T>) -> Option<T::Native>
T: ArrowNumericType,
T::Native: ArrowNativeType,
min_max_helper(array, |a, b| (is_nan(*a) & !is_nan(*b)) || a > b)
/// Returns the maximum value in the array, according to the natural order.
/// For floating point arrays any NaN values are considered to be greater than any other non-null value
#[cfg(not(feature = "simd"))]
pub fn max<T>(array: &PrimitiveArray<T>) -> Option<T::Native>
T: ArrowNumericType,
T::Native: ArrowNativeType,
min_max_helper(array, |a, b| (!is_nan(*a) & is_nan(*b)) || a < b)
/// Returns the maximum value in the string array, according to the natural order.
pub fn max_string<T: StringOffsetSizeTrait>(
array: &GenericStringArray<T>,
) -> Option<&str> {
min_max_string(array, |a, b| a < b)
/// Returns the minimum value in the string array, according to the natural order.
pub fn min_string<T: StringOffsetSizeTrait>(
array: &GenericStringArray<T>,
) -> Option<&str> {
min_max_string(array, |a, b| a > b)
/// Helper function to perform min/max lambda function on values from a numeric array.
#[clone(target = "x86_64+avx")]
fn min_max_helper<T, F>(array: &PrimitiveArray<T>, cmp: F) -> Option<T::Native>
T: ArrowNumericType,
F: Fn(&T::Native, &T::Native) -> bool,
let null_count = array.null_count();
// Includes case array.len() == 0
if null_count == array.len() {
return None;
let data =;
let m = array.values();
let mut n;
if null_count == 0 {
// optimized path for arrays without null values
n = m[1..]
.fold(m[0], |max, item| if cmp(&max, item) { *item } else { max });
} else {
n = T::default_value();
let mut has_value = false;
for (i, item) in m.iter().enumerate() {
if data.is_valid(i) && (!has_value || cmp(&n, item)) {
has_value = true;
n = *item
/// Returns the minimum value in the boolean array.
/// ```
/// use arrow::{
/// array::BooleanArray,
/// compute::min_boolean,
/// };
/// let a = BooleanArray::from(vec![Some(true), None, Some(false)]);
/// assert_eq!(min_boolean(&a), Some(false))
/// ```
pub fn min_boolean(array: &BooleanArray) -> Option<bool> {
// short circuit if all nulls / zero length array
if array.null_count() == array.len() {
return None;
// Note the min bool is false (0), so short circuit as soon as we see it
.find(|&b| b == Some(false))
/// Returns the maximum value in the boolean array
/// ```
/// use arrow::{
/// array::BooleanArray,
/// compute::max_boolean,
/// };
/// let a = BooleanArray::from(vec![Some(true), None, Some(false)]);
/// assert_eq!(max_boolean(&a), Some(true))
/// ```
pub fn max_boolean(array: &BooleanArray) -> Option<bool> {
// short circuit if all nulls / zero length array
if array.null_count() == array.len() {
return None;
// Note the max bool is true (1), so short circuit as soon as we see it
.find(|&b| b == Some(true))
/// Returns the sum of values in the array.
/// Returns `None` if the array is empty or only contains null values.
#[cfg(not(feature = "simd"))]
pub fn sum<T>(array: &PrimitiveArray<T>) -> Option<T::Native>
T: ArrowNumericType,
T::Native: Add<Output = T::Native>,
let null_count = array.null_count();
if null_count == array.len() {
return None;
let data: &[T::Native] = array.values();
match {
None => {
let sum = data.iter().fold(T::default_value(), |accumulator, value| {
accumulator + *value
Some(buffer) => {
let mut sum = T::default_value();
let data_chunks = data.chunks_exact(64);
let remainder = data_chunks.remainder();
let bit_chunks = buffer.bit_chunks(array.offset(), array.len());
.for_each(|(chunk, mask)| {
// index_mask has value 1 << i in the loop
let mut index_mask = 1;
chunk.iter().for_each(|value| {
if (mask & index_mask) != 0 {
sum = sum + *value;
index_mask <<= 1;
let remainder_bits = bit_chunks.remainder_bits();
remainder.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, value)| {
if remainder_bits & (1 << i) != 0 {
sum = sum + *value;
#[cfg(feature = "simd")]
mod simd {
use super::is_nan;
use crate::array::{Array, PrimitiveArray};
use crate::datatypes::ArrowNumericType;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops::Add;
pub(super) trait SimdAggregate<T: ArrowNumericType> {
type ScalarAccumulator;
type SimdAccumulator;
/// Returns the accumulator for aggregating scalar values
fn init_accumulator_scalar() -> Self::ScalarAccumulator;
/// Returns the accumulator for aggregating simd chunks of values
fn init_accumulator_chunk() -> Self::SimdAccumulator;
/// Updates the accumulator with the values of one chunk
fn accumulate_chunk_non_null(
accumulator: &mut Self::SimdAccumulator,
chunk: T::Simd,
/// Updates the accumulator with the values of one chunk according to the given vector mask
fn accumulate_chunk_nullable(
accumulator: &mut Self::SimdAccumulator,
chunk: T::Simd,
mask: T::SimdMask,
/// Updates the accumulator with one value
fn accumulate_scalar(accumulator: &mut Self::ScalarAccumulator, value: T::Native);
/// Reduces the vector lanes of the simd accumulator and the scalar accumulator to a single value
fn reduce(
simd_accumulator: Self::SimdAccumulator,
scalar_accumulator: Self::ScalarAccumulator,
) -> Option<T::Native>;
pub(super) struct SumAggregate<T: ArrowNumericType> {
phantom: PhantomData<T>,
impl<T: ArrowNumericType> SimdAggregate<T> for SumAggregate<T>
T::Native: Add<Output = T::Native>,
type ScalarAccumulator = T::Native;
type SimdAccumulator = T::Simd;
fn init_accumulator_scalar() -> Self::ScalarAccumulator {
fn init_accumulator_chunk() -> Self::SimdAccumulator {
fn accumulate_chunk_non_null(accumulator: &mut T::Simd, chunk: T::Simd) {
*accumulator = *accumulator + chunk;
fn accumulate_chunk_nullable(
accumulator: &mut T::Simd,
chunk: T::Simd,
vecmask: T::SimdMask,
) {
let zero = T::init(T::default_value());
let blended = T::mask_select(vecmask, chunk, zero);
*accumulator = *accumulator + blended;
fn accumulate_scalar(accumulator: &mut T::Native, value: T::Native) {
*accumulator = *accumulator + value
fn reduce(
simd_accumulator: Self::SimdAccumulator,
scalar_accumulator: Self::ScalarAccumulator,
) -> Option<T::Native> {
// we can't use T::lanes() as the slice len because it is not const,
// instead always reserve the maximum number of lanes
let mut tmp = [T::default_value(); 64];
let slice = &mut tmp[0..T::lanes()];
T::write(simd_accumulator, slice);
let mut reduced = Self::init_accumulator_scalar();
.for_each(|value| Self::accumulate_scalar(&mut reduced, *value));
Self::accumulate_scalar(&mut reduced, scalar_accumulator);
// result can not be None because we checked earlier for the null count
pub(super) struct MinAggregate<T: ArrowNumericType> {
phantom: PhantomData<T>,
impl<T: ArrowNumericType> SimdAggregate<T> for MinAggregate<T>
T::Native: PartialOrd,
type ScalarAccumulator = (T::Native, bool);
type SimdAccumulator = (T::Simd, T::SimdMask);
fn init_accumulator_scalar() -> Self::ScalarAccumulator {
(T::default_value(), false)
fn init_accumulator_chunk() -> Self::SimdAccumulator {
(T::init(T::default_value()), T::mask_init(false))
fn accumulate_chunk_non_null(
accumulator: &mut Self::SimdAccumulator,
chunk: T::Simd,
) {
let acc_is_nan = !T::eq(accumulator.0, accumulator.0);
let is_lt = acc_is_nan | T::lt(chunk, accumulator.0);
let first_or_lt = !accumulator.1 | is_lt;
accumulator.0 = T::mask_select(first_or_lt, chunk, accumulator.0);
accumulator.1 = T::mask_init(true);
fn accumulate_chunk_nullable(
accumulator: &mut Self::SimdAccumulator,
chunk: T::Simd,
vecmask: T::SimdMask,
) {
let acc_is_nan = !T::eq(accumulator.0, accumulator.0);
let is_lt = vecmask & (acc_is_nan | T::lt(chunk, accumulator.0));
let first_or_lt = !accumulator.1 | is_lt;
accumulator.0 = T::mask_select(first_or_lt, chunk, accumulator.0);
accumulator.1 |= vecmask;
fn accumulate_scalar(
accumulator: &mut Self::ScalarAccumulator,
value: T::Native,
) {
if !accumulator.1 {
accumulator.0 = value;
} else {
let acc_is_nan = is_nan(accumulator.0);
if acc_is_nan || value < accumulator.0 {
accumulator.0 = value
accumulator.1 = true
fn reduce(
simd_accumulator: Self::SimdAccumulator,
scalar_accumulator: Self::ScalarAccumulator,
) -> Option<T::Native> {
// we can't use T::lanes() as the slice len because it is not const,
// instead always reserve the maximum number of lanes
let mut tmp = [T::default_value(); 64];
let slice = &mut tmp[0..T::lanes()];
T::write(simd_accumulator.0, slice);
let mut reduced = Self::init_accumulator_scalar();
.filter(|(i, _value)| T::mask_get(&simd_accumulator.1, *i))
.for_each(|(_i, value)| Self::accumulate_scalar(&mut reduced, *value));
if scalar_accumulator.1 {
Self::accumulate_scalar(&mut reduced, scalar_accumulator.0);
if reduced.1 {
} else {
pub(super) struct MaxAggregate<T: ArrowNumericType> {
phantom: PhantomData<T>,
impl<T: ArrowNumericType> SimdAggregate<T> for MaxAggregate<T>
T::Native: PartialOrd,
type ScalarAccumulator = (T::Native, bool);
type SimdAccumulator = (T::Simd, T::SimdMask);
fn init_accumulator_scalar() -> Self::ScalarAccumulator {
(T::default_value(), false)
fn init_accumulator_chunk() -> Self::SimdAccumulator {
(T::init(T::default_value()), T::mask_init(false))
fn accumulate_chunk_non_null(
accumulator: &mut Self::SimdAccumulator,
chunk: T::Simd,
) {
let chunk_is_nan = !T::eq(chunk, chunk);
let is_gt = chunk_is_nan | T::gt(chunk, accumulator.0);
let first_or_gt = !accumulator.1 | is_gt;
accumulator.0 = T::mask_select(first_or_gt, chunk, accumulator.0);
accumulator.1 = T::mask_init(true);
fn accumulate_chunk_nullable(
accumulator: &mut Self::SimdAccumulator,
chunk: T::Simd,
vecmask: T::SimdMask,
) {
let chunk_is_nan = !T::eq(chunk, chunk);
let is_gt = vecmask & (chunk_is_nan | T::gt(chunk, accumulator.0));
let first_or_gt = !accumulator.1 | is_gt;
accumulator.0 = T::mask_select(first_or_gt, chunk, accumulator.0);
accumulator.1 |= vecmask;
fn accumulate_scalar(
accumulator: &mut Self::ScalarAccumulator,
value: T::Native,
) {
if !accumulator.1 {
accumulator.0 = value;
} else {
let value_is_nan = is_nan(value);
if value_is_nan || value > accumulator.0 {
accumulator.0 = value
accumulator.1 = true;
fn reduce(
simd_accumulator: Self::SimdAccumulator,
scalar_accumulator: Self::ScalarAccumulator,
) -> Option<T::Native> {
// we can't use T::lanes() as the slice len because it is not const,
// instead always reserve the maximum number of lanes
let mut tmp = [T::default_value(); 64];
let slice = &mut tmp[0..T::lanes()];
T::write(simd_accumulator.0, slice);
let mut reduced = Self::init_accumulator_scalar();
.filter(|(i, _value)| T::mask_get(&simd_accumulator.1, *i))
.for_each(|(_i, value)| Self::accumulate_scalar(&mut reduced, *value));
if scalar_accumulator.1 {
Self::accumulate_scalar(&mut reduced, scalar_accumulator.0);
if reduced.1 {
} else {
pub(super) fn simd_aggregation<T: ArrowNumericType, A: SimdAggregate<T>>(
array: &PrimitiveArray<T>,
) -> Option<T::Native> {
let null_count = array.null_count();
if null_count == array.len() {
return None;
let data: &[T::Native] = array.values();
let mut chunk_acc = A::init_accumulator_chunk();
let mut rem_acc = A::init_accumulator_scalar();
match {
None => {
let data_chunks = data.chunks_exact(64);
let remainder = data_chunks.remainder();
data_chunks.for_each(|chunk| {
chunk.chunks_exact(T::lanes()).for_each(|chunk| {
let chunk = T::load(&chunk);
A::accumulate_chunk_non_null(&mut chunk_acc, chunk);
remainder.iter().for_each(|value| {
A::accumulate_scalar(&mut rem_acc, *value);
Some(buffer) => {
// process data in chunks of 64 elements since we also get 64 bits of validity information at a time
let data_chunks = data.chunks_exact(64);
let remainder = data_chunks.remainder();
let bit_chunks = buffer.bit_chunks(array.offset(), array.len());
let remainder_bits = bit_chunks.remainder_bits();|(chunk, mut mask)| {
// split chunks further into slices corresponding to the vector length
// the compiler is able to unroll this inner loop and remove bounds checks
// since the outer chunk size (64) is always a multiple of the number of lanes
chunk.chunks_exact(T::lanes()).for_each(|chunk| {
let vecmask = T::mask_from_u64(mask);
let chunk = T::load(&chunk);
A::accumulate_chunk_nullable(&mut chunk_acc, chunk, vecmask);
// skip the shift and avoid overflow for u8 type, which uses 64 lanes.
mask >>= T::lanes() % 64;
remainder.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, value)| {
if remainder_bits & (1 << i) != 0 {
A::accumulate_scalar(&mut rem_acc, *value)
A::reduce(chunk_acc, rem_acc)
/// Returns the sum of values in the array.
/// Returns `None` if the array is empty or only contains null values.
#[cfg(feature = "simd")]
pub fn sum<T: ArrowNumericType>(array: &PrimitiveArray<T>) -> Option<T::Native>
T::Native: Add<Output = T::Native>,
use simd::*;
simd::simd_aggregation::<T, SumAggregate<T>>(&array)
#[cfg(feature = "simd")]
/// Returns the minimum value in the array, according to the natural order.
/// For floating point arrays any NaN values are considered to be greater than any other non-null value
pub fn min<T: ArrowNumericType>(array: &PrimitiveArray<T>) -> Option<T::Native>
T::Native: PartialOrd,
use simd::*;
simd::simd_aggregation::<T, MinAggregate<T>>(&array)
#[cfg(feature = "simd")]
/// Returns the maximum value in the array, according to the natural order.
/// For floating point arrays any NaN values are considered to be greater than any other non-null value
pub fn max<T: ArrowNumericType>(array: &PrimitiveArray<T>) -> Option<T::Native>
T::Native: PartialOrd,
use simd::*;
simd::simd_aggregation::<T, MaxAggregate<T>>(&array)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::array::*;
use crate::compute::add;
fn test_primitive_array_sum() {
let a = Int32Array::from(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
assert_eq!(15, sum(&a).unwrap());
fn test_primitive_array_float_sum() {
let a = Float64Array::from(vec![1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5]);
assert!(16.5 - sum(&a).unwrap() < f64::EPSILON);
fn test_primitive_array_sum_with_nulls() {
let a = Int32Array::from(vec![None, Some(2), Some(3), None, Some(5)]);
assert_eq!(10, sum(&a).unwrap());
fn test_primitive_array_sum_all_nulls() {
let a = Int32Array::from(vec![None, None, None]);
assert_eq!(None, sum(&a));
fn test_primitive_array_sum_large_64() {
let a: Int64Array = (1..=100)
.map(|i| if i % 3 == 0 { Some(i) } else { None })
let b: Int64Array = (1..=100)
.map(|i| if i % 3 == 0 { Some(0) } else { Some(i) })
// create an array that actually has non-zero values at the invalid indices
let c = add(&a, &b).unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some((1..=100).filter(|i| i % 3 == 0).sum()), sum(&c));
fn test_primitive_array_sum_large_32() {
let a: Int32Array = (1..=100)
.map(|i| if i % 3 == 0 { Some(i) } else { None })
let b: Int32Array = (1..=100)
.map(|i| if i % 3 == 0 { Some(0) } else { Some(i) })
// create an array that actually has non-zero values at the invalid indices
let c = add(&a, &b).unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some((1..=100).filter(|i| i % 3 == 0).sum()), sum(&c));
fn test_primitive_array_sum_large_16() {
let a: Int16Array = (1..=100)
.map(|i| if i % 3 == 0 { Some(i) } else { None })
let b: Int16Array = (1..=100)
.map(|i| if i % 3 == 0 { Some(0) } else { Some(i) })
// create an array that actually has non-zero values at the invalid indices
let c = add(&a, &b).unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some((1..=100).filter(|i| i % 3 == 0).sum()), sum(&c));
fn test_primitive_array_sum_large_8() {
// include fewer values than other large tests so the result does not overflow the u8
let a: UInt8Array = (1..=100)
.map(|i| if i % 33 == 0 { Some(i) } else { None })
let b: UInt8Array = (1..=100)
.map(|i| if i % 33 == 0 { Some(0) } else { Some(i) })
// create an array that actually has non-zero values at the invalid indices
let c = add(&a, &b).unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some((1..=100).filter(|i| i % 33 == 0).sum()), sum(&c));
fn test_primitive_array_min_max() {
let a = Int32Array::from(vec![5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);
assert_eq!(5, min(&a).unwrap());
assert_eq!(9, max(&a).unwrap());
fn test_primitive_array_min_max_with_nulls() {
let a = Int32Array::from(vec![Some(5), None, None, Some(8), Some(9)]);
assert_eq!(5, min(&a).unwrap());
assert_eq!(9, max(&a).unwrap());
fn test_primitive_min_max_1() {
let a = Int32Array::from(vec![None, None, Some(5), Some(2)]);
assert_eq!(Some(2), min(&a));
assert_eq!(Some(5), max(&a));
fn test_primitive_min_max_float_large_nonnull_array() {
let a: Float64Array = (0..256).map(|i| Some((i + 1) as f64)).collect();
// min/max are on boundaries of chunked data
assert_eq!(Some(1.0), min(&a));
assert_eq!(Some(256.0), max(&a));
// max is last value in remainder after chunking
let a: Float64Array = (0..255).map(|i| Some((i + 1) as f64)).collect();
assert_eq!(Some(255.0), max(&a));
// max is first value in remainder after chunking
let a: Float64Array = (0..257).map(|i| Some((i + 1) as f64)).collect();
assert_eq!(Some(257.0), max(&a));
fn test_primitive_min_max_float_large_nullable_array() {
let a: Float64Array = (0..256)
.map(|i| {
if (i + 1) % 3 == 0 {
} else {
Some((i + 1) as f64)
// min/max are on boundaries of chunked data
assert_eq!(Some(1.0), min(&a));
assert_eq!(Some(256.0), max(&a));
let a: Float64Array = (0..256)
.map(|i| {
if i == 0 || i == 255 {
} else {
Some((i + 1) as f64)
// boundaries of chunked data are null
assert_eq!(Some(2.0), min(&a));
assert_eq!(Some(255.0), max(&a));
let a: Float64Array = (0..256)
.map(|i| if i != 100 { None } else { Some((i) as f64) })
// a single non-null value somewhere in the middle
assert_eq!(Some(100.0), min(&a));
assert_eq!(Some(100.0), max(&a));
// max is last value in remainder after chunking
let a: Float64Array = (0..255).map(|i| Some((i + 1) as f64)).collect();
assert_eq!(Some(255.0), max(&a));
// max is first value in remainder after chunking
let a: Float64Array = (0..257).map(|i| Some((i + 1) as f64)).collect();
assert_eq!(Some(257.0), max(&a));
fn test_primitive_min_max_float_edge_cases() {
let a: Float64Array = (0..100).map(|_| Some(f64::NEG_INFINITY)).collect();
assert_eq!(Some(f64::NEG_INFINITY), min(&a));
assert_eq!(Some(f64::NEG_INFINITY), max(&a));
let a: Float64Array = (0..100).map(|_| Some(f64::MIN)).collect();
assert_eq!(Some(f64::MIN), min(&a));
assert_eq!(Some(f64::MIN), max(&a));
let a: Float64Array = (0..100).map(|_| Some(f64::MAX)).collect();
assert_eq!(Some(f64::MAX), min(&a));
assert_eq!(Some(f64::MAX), max(&a));
let a: Float64Array = (0..100).map(|_| Some(f64::INFINITY)).collect();
assert_eq!(Some(f64::INFINITY), min(&a));
assert_eq!(Some(f64::INFINITY), max(&a));
fn test_primitive_min_max_float_all_nans_non_null() {
let a: Float64Array = (0..100).map(|_| Some(f64::NAN)).collect();
fn test_primitive_min_max_float_first_nan_nonnull() {
let a: Float64Array = (0..100)
.map(|i| {
if i == 0 {
} else {
Some(i as f64)
assert_eq!(Some(1.0), min(&a));
fn test_primitive_min_max_float_last_nan_nonnull() {
let a: Float64Array = (0..100)
.map(|i| {
if i == 99 {
} else {
Some((i + 1) as f64)
assert_eq!(Some(1.0), min(&a));
fn test_primitive_min_max_float_first_nan_nullable() {
let a: Float64Array = (0..100)
.map(|i| {
if i == 0 {
} else if i % 2 == 0 {
} else {
Some(i as f64)
assert_eq!(Some(1.0), min(&a));
fn test_primitive_min_max_float_last_nan_nullable() {
let a: Float64Array = (0..100)
.map(|i| {
if i == 99 {
} else if i % 2 == 0 {
} else {
Some(i as f64)
assert_eq!(Some(1.0), min(&a));
fn test_primitive_min_max_float_inf_and_nans() {
let a: Float64Array = (0..100)
.map(|i| {
let x = match i % 10 {
0 => f64::NEG_INFINITY,
1 => f64::MIN,
2 => f64::MAX,
4 => f64::INFINITY,
5 => f64::NAN,
_ => i as f64,
assert_eq!(Some(f64::NEG_INFINITY), min(&a));
fn test_string_min_max_with_nulls() {
let a = StringArray::from(vec![Some("b"), None, None, Some("a"), Some("c")]);
assert_eq!("a", min_string(&a).unwrap());
assert_eq!("c", max_string(&a).unwrap());
fn test_string_min_max_all_nulls() {
let a = StringArray::from(vec![None, None]);
assert_eq!(None, min_string(&a));
assert_eq!(None, max_string(&a));
fn test_string_min_max_1() {
let a = StringArray::from(vec![None, None, Some("b"), Some("a")]);
assert_eq!(Some("a"), min_string(&a));
assert_eq!(Some("b"), max_string(&a));
fn test_boolean_min_max_empty() {
let a = BooleanArray::from(vec![] as Vec<Option<bool>>);
assert_eq!(None, min_boolean(&a));
assert_eq!(None, max_boolean(&a));
fn test_boolean_min_max_all_null() {
let a = BooleanArray::from(vec![None, None]);
assert_eq!(None, min_boolean(&a));
assert_eq!(None, max_boolean(&a));
fn test_boolean_min_max_no_null() {
let a = BooleanArray::from(vec![Some(true), Some(false), Some(true)]);
assert_eq!(Some(false), min_boolean(&a));
assert_eq!(Some(true), max_boolean(&a));
fn test_boolean_min_max() {
let a = BooleanArray::from(vec![Some(true), Some(true), None, Some(false), None]);
assert_eq!(Some(false), min_boolean(&a));
assert_eq!(Some(true), max_boolean(&a));
let a = BooleanArray::from(vec![None, Some(true), None, Some(false), None]);
assert_eq!(Some(false), min_boolean(&a));
assert_eq!(Some(true), max_boolean(&a));
let a =
BooleanArray::from(vec![Some(false), Some(true), None, Some(false), None]);
assert_eq!(Some(false), min_boolean(&a));
assert_eq!(Some(true), max_boolean(&a));
fn test_boolean_min_max_smaller() {
let a = BooleanArray::from(vec![Some(false)]);
assert_eq!(Some(false), min_boolean(&a));
assert_eq!(Some(false), max_boolean(&a));
let a = BooleanArray::from(vec![None, Some(false)]);
assert_eq!(Some(false), min_boolean(&a));
assert_eq!(Some(false), max_boolean(&a));
let a = BooleanArray::from(vec![None, Some(true)]);
assert_eq!(Some(true), min_boolean(&a));
assert_eq!(Some(true), max_boolean(&a));
let a = BooleanArray::from(vec![Some(true)]);
assert_eq!(Some(true), min_boolean(&a));
assert_eq!(Some(true), max_boolean(&a));