blob: 3a6d031ebd877ac8eb8055fe1c6fe38592624fbd [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
//! Contains declarations to bind to the [C Data Interface](
//! Generally, this module is divided in two main interfaces:
//! One interface maps C ABI to native Rust types, i.e. convert c-pointers, c_char, to native rust.
//! This is handled by [FFI_ArrowSchema] and [FFI_ArrowArray].
//! The second interface maps native Rust types to the Rust-specific implementation of Arrow such as `format` to `Datatype`,
//! `Buffer`, etc. This is handled by `ArrowArray`.
//! ```rust
//! # use std::sync::Arc;
//! # use arrow::array::{Int32Array, Array, ArrayData, make_array_from_raw};
//! # use arrow::error::{Result, ArrowError};
//! # use arrow::compute::kernels::arithmetic;
//! # use std::convert::TryFrom;
//! # fn main() -> Result<()> {
//! // create an array natively
//! let array = Int32Array::from(vec![Some(1), None, Some(3)]);
//! // export it
//! let (array_ptr, schema_ptr) = array.to_raw()?;
//! // consumed and used by something else...
//! // import it
//! let array = unsafe { make_array_from_raw(array_ptr, schema_ptr)? };
//! // perform some operation
//! let array = array.as_any().downcast_ref::<Int32Array>().ok_or(
//! ArrowError::ParseError("Expects an int32".to_string()),
//! )?;
//! let array = arithmetic::add(&array, &array)?;
//! // verify
//! assert_eq!(array, Int32Array::from(vec![Some(2), None, Some(6)]));
//! // (drop/release)
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
# Design:
Main assumptions:
* A memory region is deallocated according it its own release mechanism.
* Rust shares memory regions between arrays.
* A memory region should be deallocated when no-one is using it.
The design of this module is as follows:
`ArrowArray` contains two `Arc`s, one per ABI-compatible `struct`, each containing data
according to the C Data Interface. These Arcs are used for ref counting of the structs
within Rust and lifetime management.
Each ABI-compatible `struct` knowns how to `drop` itself, calling `release`.
To import an array, unsafely create an `ArrowArray` from two pointers using [ArrowArray::try_from_raw].
To export an array, create an `ArrowArray` using [ArrowArray::try_new].
use std::{
mem::{size_of, ManuallyDrop},
ptr::{self, NonNull},
use crate::array::ArrayData;
use crate::buffer::Buffer;
use crate::datatypes::{DataType, Field, TimeUnit};
use crate::error::{ArrowError, Result};
use crate::util::bit_util;
/// ABI-compatible struct for `ArrowSchema` from C Data Interface
/// See <>
/// This was created by bindgen
pub struct FFI_ArrowSchema {
format: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char,
name: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char,
metadata: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char,
flags: i64,
n_children: i64,
children: *mut *mut FFI_ArrowSchema,
dictionary: *mut FFI_ArrowSchema,
release: ::std::option::Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(arg1: *mut FFI_ArrowSchema)>,
private_data: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
// callback used to drop [FFI_ArrowSchema] when it is exported.
unsafe extern "C" fn release_schema(schema: *mut FFI_ArrowSchema) {
let schema = &mut *schema;
// take ownership back to release it.
CString::from_raw(schema.format as *mut std::os::raw::c_char);
schema.release = None;
struct SchemaPrivateData {
children: Box<[*mut FFI_ArrowSchema]>,
impl FFI_ArrowSchema {
/// create a new [FFI_ArrowSchema] from a format.
fn new(
format: &str,
children: Vec<*mut FFI_ArrowSchema>,
nullable: bool,
) -> FFI_ArrowSchema {
let children = children.into_boxed_slice();
let n_children = children.len() as i64;
let children_ptr = children.as_ptr() as *mut *mut FFI_ArrowSchema;
let flags = if nullable { 2 } else { 0 };
let private_data = Box::new(SchemaPrivateData { children });
// <>
FFI_ArrowSchema {
format: CString::new(format).unwrap().into_raw(),
// For child data a non null string is expected and is called item
name: CString::new("item").unwrap().into_raw(),
metadata: std::ptr::null_mut(),
children: children_ptr,
dictionary: std::ptr::null_mut(),
release: Some(release_schema),
private_data: Box::into_raw(private_data) as *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
/// create an empty [FFI_ArrowSchema]
fn empty() -> Self {
Self {
format: std::ptr::null_mut(),
name: std::ptr::null_mut(),
metadata: std::ptr::null_mut(),
flags: 0,
n_children: 0,
children: ptr::null_mut(),
dictionary: std::ptr::null_mut(),
release: None,
private_data: std::ptr::null_mut(),
/// returns the format of this schema.
pub fn format(&self) -> &str {
unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(self.format) }
.expect("The external API has a non-utf8 as format")
impl Drop for FFI_ArrowSchema {
fn drop(&mut self) {
match self.release {
None => (),
Some(release) => unsafe { release(self) },
/// maps a DataType `format` to a [DataType](arrow::datatypes::DataType).
/// See
fn to_datatype(
format: &str,
child_type: Option<DataType>,
schema: &FFI_ArrowSchema,
) -> Result<DataType> {
Ok(match format {
"n" => DataType::Null,
"b" => DataType::Boolean,
"c" => DataType::Int8,
"C" => DataType::UInt8,
"s" => DataType::Int16,
"S" => DataType::UInt16,
"i" => DataType::Int32,
"I" => DataType::UInt32,
"l" => DataType::Int64,
"L" => DataType::UInt64,
"e" => DataType::Float16,
"f" => DataType::Float32,
"g" => DataType::Float64,
"z" => DataType::Binary,
"Z" => DataType::LargeBinary,
"u" => DataType::Utf8,
"U" => DataType::LargeUtf8,
"tdD" => DataType::Date32,
"tdm" => DataType::Date64,
"tts" => DataType::Time32(TimeUnit::Second),
"ttm" => DataType::Time32(TimeUnit::Millisecond),
"ttu" => DataType::Time64(TimeUnit::Microsecond),
"ttn" => DataType::Time64(TimeUnit::Nanosecond),
// Note: The datatype null will only be created when called from ArrowArray::buffer_len
// at that point the child data is not yet known, but it is also not required to determine
// the buffer length of the list arrays.
"+l" => {
let nullable = schema.flags == 2;
// Safety
// Should be set as this is expected from the C FFI definition
let name = unsafe { CString::from_raw( as *mut c_char) }
// prevent a double free
let name = ManuallyDrop::new(name);
"+L" => {
let nullable = schema.flags == 2;
// Safety
// Should be set as this is expected from the C FFI definition
let name = unsafe { CString::from_raw( as *mut c_char) }
// prevent a double free
let name = ManuallyDrop::new(name);
dt => {
return Err(ArrowError::CDataInterface(format!(
"The datatype \"{}\" is not supported in the Rust implementation",
/// the inverse of [to_datatype]
fn from_datatype(datatype: &DataType) -> Result<String> {
Ok(match datatype {
DataType::Null => "n",
DataType::Boolean => "b",
DataType::Int8 => "c",
DataType::UInt8 => "C",
DataType::Int16 => "s",
DataType::UInt16 => "S",
DataType::Int32 => "i",
DataType::UInt32 => "I",
DataType::Int64 => "l",
DataType::UInt64 => "L",
DataType::Float16 => "e",
DataType::Float32 => "f",
DataType::Float64 => "g",
DataType::Binary => "z",
DataType::LargeBinary => "Z",
DataType::Utf8 => "u",
DataType::LargeUtf8 => "U",
DataType::Date32 => "tdD",
DataType::Date64 => "tdm",
DataType::Time32(TimeUnit::Second) => "tts",
DataType::Time32(TimeUnit::Millisecond) => "ttm",
DataType::Time64(TimeUnit::Microsecond) => "ttu",
DataType::Time64(TimeUnit::Nanosecond) => "ttn",
DataType::List(_) => "+l",
DataType::LargeList(_) => "+L",
z => {
return Err(ArrowError::CDataInterface(format!(
"The datatype \"{:?}\" is still not supported in Rust implementation",
// returns the number of bits that buffer `i` (in the C data interface) is expected to have.
// This is set by the Arrow specification
fn bit_width(data_type: &DataType, i: usize) -> Result<usize> {
Ok(match (data_type, i) {
// the null buffer is bit sized
(_, 0) => 1,
// primitive types first buffer's size is given by the native types
(DataType::Boolean, 1) => 1,
(DataType::UInt8, 1) => size_of::<u8>() * 8,
(DataType::UInt16, 1) => size_of::<u16>() * 8,
(DataType::UInt32, 1) => size_of::<u32>() * 8,
(DataType::UInt64, 1) => size_of::<u64>() * 8,
(DataType::Int8, 1) => size_of::<i8>() * 8,
(DataType::Int16, 1) => size_of::<i16>() * 8,
(DataType::Int32, 1) | (DataType::Date32, 1) | (DataType::Time32(_), 1) => size_of::<i32>() * 8,
(DataType::Int64, 1) | (DataType::Date64, 1) | (DataType::Time64(_), 1) => size_of::<i64>() * 8,
(DataType::Float32, 1) => size_of::<f32>() * 8,
(DataType::Float64, 1) => size_of::<f64>() * 8,
// primitive types have a single buffer
(DataType::Boolean, _) |
(DataType::UInt8, _) |
(DataType::UInt16, _) |
(DataType::UInt32, _) |
(DataType::UInt64, _) |
(DataType::Int8, _) |
(DataType::Int16, _) |
(DataType::Int32, _) | (DataType::Date32, _) | (DataType::Time32(_), _) |
(DataType::Int64, _) | (DataType::Date64, _) | (DataType::Time64(_), _) |
(DataType::Float32, _) |
(DataType::Float64, _) => {
return Err(ArrowError::CDataInterface(format!(
"The datatype \"{:?}\" expects 2 buffers, but requested {}. Please verify that the C data interface is correctly implemented.",
data_type, i
// Variable-sized binaries: have two buffers.
// "small": first buffer is i32, second is in bytes
(DataType::Utf8, 1) | (DataType::Binary, 1) | (DataType::List(_), 1) => size_of::<i32>() * 8,
(DataType::Utf8, 2) | (DataType::Binary, 2) | (DataType::List(_), 2) => size_of::<u8>() * 8,
(DataType::Utf8, _) | (DataType::Binary, _) | (DataType::List(_), _)=> {
return Err(ArrowError::CDataInterface(format!(
"The datatype \"{:?}\" expects 3 buffers, but requested {}. Please verify that the C data interface is correctly implemented.",
data_type, i
// Variable-sized binaries: have two buffers.
// LargeUtf8: first buffer is i64, second is in bytes
(DataType::LargeUtf8, 1) | (DataType::LargeBinary, 1) | (DataType::LargeList(_), 1) => size_of::<i64>() * 8,
(DataType::LargeUtf8, 2) | (DataType::LargeBinary, 2) | (DataType::LargeList(_), 2)=> size_of::<u8>() * 8,
(DataType::LargeUtf8, _) | (DataType::LargeBinary, _) | (DataType::LargeList(_), _)=> {
return Err(ArrowError::CDataInterface(format!(
"The datatype \"{:?}\" expects 3 buffers, but requested {}. Please verify that the C data interface is correctly implemented.",
data_type, i
_ => {
return Err(ArrowError::CDataInterface(format!(
"The datatype \"{:?}\" is still not supported in Rust implementation",
/// ABI-compatible struct for ArrowArray from C Data Interface
/// See <>
/// This was created by bindgen
pub struct FFI_ArrowArray {
pub(crate) length: i64,
pub(crate) null_count: i64,
pub(crate) offset: i64,
pub(crate) n_buffers: i64,
pub(crate) n_children: i64,
pub(crate) buffers: *mut *const ::std::os::raw::c_void,
children: *mut *mut FFI_ArrowArray,
dictionary: *mut FFI_ArrowArray,
release: ::std::option::Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(arg1: *mut FFI_ArrowArray)>,
// When exported, this MUST contain everything that is owned by this array.
// for example, any buffer pointed to in `buffers` must be here, as well as the `buffers` pointer
// itself.
// In other words, everything in [FFI_ArrowArray] must be owned by `private_data` and can assume
// that they do not outlive `private_data`.
private_data: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
// callback used to drop [FFI_ArrowArray] when it is exported
unsafe extern "C" fn release_array(array: *mut FFI_ArrowArray) {
if array.is_null() {
let array = &mut *array;
// take ownership of `private_data`, therefore dropping it
Box::from_raw(array.private_data as *mut PrivateData);
array.release = None;
struct PrivateData {
buffers: Vec<Option<Buffer>>,
buffers_ptr: Box<[*const std::os::raw::c_void]>,
children: Box<[*mut FFI_ArrowArray]>,
impl FFI_ArrowArray {
/// creates a new `FFI_ArrowArray` from existing data.
/// # Safety
/// This method releases `buffers`. Consumers of this struct *must* call `release` before
/// releasing this struct, or contents in `buffers` leak.
unsafe fn new(
length: i64,
null_count: i64,
offset: i64,
n_buffers: i64,
buffers: Vec<Option<Buffer>>,
children: Vec<*mut FFI_ArrowArray>,
) -> Self {
let buffers_ptr = buffers
.map(|maybe_buffer| match maybe_buffer {
// note that `raw_data` takes into account the buffer's offset
Some(b) => b.as_ptr() as *const std::os::raw::c_void,
None => std::ptr::null(),
let pointer = buffers_ptr.as_ptr() as *mut *const std::ffi::c_void;
let children = children.into_boxed_slice();
let children_ptr = children.as_ptr() as *mut *mut FFI_ArrowArray;
let n_children = children.len() as i64;
// create the private data owning everything.
// any other data must be added here, e.g. via a struct, to track lifetime.
let private_data = Box::new(PrivateData {
Self {
buffers: pointer,
children: children_ptr,
dictionary: std::ptr::null_mut(),
release: Some(release_array),
private_data: Box::into_raw(private_data) as *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
// create an empty `FFI_ArrowArray`, which can be used to import data into
fn empty() -> Self {
Self {
length: 0,
null_count: 0,
offset: 0,
n_buffers: 0,
n_children: 0,
buffers: std::ptr::null_mut(),
children: std::ptr::null_mut(),
dictionary: std::ptr::null_mut(),
release: None,
private_data: std::ptr::null_mut(),
/// returns a new buffer corresponding to the index `i` of the FFI array. It may not exist (null pointer).
/// `bits` is the number of bits that the native type of this buffer has.
/// The size of the buffer will be `ceil(self.length * bits, 8)`.
/// # Panic
/// This function panics if `i` is larger or equal to `n_buffers`.
/// # Safety
/// This function assumes that `ceil(self.length * bits, 8)` is the size of the buffer
unsafe fn create_buffer(
array: Arc<FFI_ArrowArray>,
index: usize,
len: usize,
) -> Option<Buffer> {
if array.buffers.is_null() {
return None;
let buffers = array.buffers as *mut *const u8;
assert!(index < array.n_buffers as usize);
let ptr = *buffers.add(index);
NonNull::new(ptr as *mut u8).map(|ptr| Buffer::from_unowned(ptr, len, array))
unsafe fn create_child_arrays(
array: Arc<FFI_ArrowArray>,
schema: Arc<FFI_ArrowSchema>,
) -> Result<Vec<ArrayData>> {
(0..array.n_children as usize)
.map(|i| {
let arr_ptr = *array.children.add(i);
let schema_ptr = *schema.children.add(i);
let arrow_arr = ArrowArray::try_from_raw(
arr_ptr as *const FFI_ArrowArray,
schema_ptr as *const FFI_ArrowSchema,
impl Drop for FFI_ArrowArray {
fn drop(&mut self) {
match self.release {
None => (),
Some(release) => unsafe { release(self) },
/// Struct used to move an Array from and to the C Data Interface.
/// Its main responsibility is to expose functionality that requires
/// both [FFI_ArrowArray] and [FFI_ArrowSchema].
/// This struct has two main paths:
/// ## Import from the C Data Interface
/// * [ArrowArray::empty] to allocate memory to be filled by an external call
/// * [ArrowArray::try_from_raw] to consume two non-null allocated pointers
/// ## Export to the C Data Interface
/// * [ArrowArray::try_new] to create a new [ArrowArray] from Rust-specific information
/// * [ArrowArray::into_raw] to expose two pointers for [FFI_ArrowArray] and [FFI_ArrowSchema].
/// # Safety
/// Whoever creates this struct is responsible for releasing their resources. Specifically,
/// consumers *must* call [ArrowArray::into_raw] and take ownership of the individual pointers,
/// calling [FFI_ArrowArray::release] and [FFI_ArrowSchema::release] accordingly.
/// Furthermore, this struct assumes that the incoming data agrees with the C data interface.
pub struct ArrowArray {
// these are ref-counted because they can be shared by multiple buffers.
array: Arc<FFI_ArrowArray>,
schema: Arc<FFI_ArrowSchema>,
impl ArrowArray {
/// creates a new `ArrowArray`. This is used to export to the C Data Interface.
/// # Safety
/// See safety of [ArrowArray]
pub unsafe fn try_new(
data_type: &DataType,
len: usize,
null_count: usize,
null_buffer: Option<Buffer>,
offset: usize,
buffers: Vec<Buffer>,
child_data: Vec<ArrowArray>,
nullable: bool,
) -> Result<Self> {
let format = from_datatype(data_type)?;
// * insert the null buffer at the start
// * make all others `Option<Buffer>`.
let new_buffers = iter::once(null_buffer)
.chain(buffers.iter().map(|b| Some(b.clone())))
let mut ffi_arrow_arrays = Vec::with_capacity(child_data.len());
let mut ffi_arrow_schemas = Vec::with_capacity(child_data.len());
child_data.into_iter().for_each(|arrow_arr| {
let (arr, schema) = ArrowArray::into_raw(arrow_arr);
ffi_arrow_arrays.push(arr as *mut FFI_ArrowArray);
ffi_arrow_schemas.push(schema as *mut FFI_ArrowSchema);
let schema = Arc::new(FFI_ArrowSchema::new(&format, ffi_arrow_schemas, nullable));
let array = Arc::new(FFI_ArrowArray::new(
len as i64,
null_count as i64,
offset as i64,
new_buffers.len() as i64,
Ok(ArrowArray { array, schema })
/// creates a new [ArrowArray] from two pointers. Used to import from the C Data Interface.
/// # Safety
/// See safety of [ArrowArray]
/// # Error
/// Errors if any of the pointers is null
pub unsafe fn try_from_raw(
array: *const FFI_ArrowArray,
schema: *const FFI_ArrowSchema,
) -> Result<Self> {
if array.is_null() || schema.is_null() {
return Err(ArrowError::MemoryError(
"At least one of the pointers passed to `try_from_raw` is null"
Ok(Self {
array: Arc::from_raw(array as *mut FFI_ArrowArray),
schema: Arc::from_raw(schema as *mut FFI_ArrowSchema),
/// creates a new empty [ArrowArray]. Used to import from the C Data Interface.
/// # Safety
/// See safety of [ArrowArray]
pub unsafe fn empty() -> Self {
let schema = Arc::new(FFI_ArrowSchema::empty());
let array = Arc::new(FFI_ArrowArray::empty());
ArrowArray { array, schema }
/// exports [ArrowArray] to the C Data Interface
pub fn into_raw(this: ArrowArray) -> (*const FFI_ArrowArray, *const FFI_ArrowSchema) {
(Arc::into_raw(this.array), Arc::into_raw(this.schema))
/// returns the null bit buffer.
/// Rust implementation uses a buffer that is not part of the array of buffers.
/// The C Data interface's null buffer is part of the array of buffers.
pub fn null_bit_buffer(&self) -> Option<Buffer> {
// similar to `self.buffer_len(0)`, but without `Result`.
let buffer_len = bit_util::ceil(self.array.length as usize, 8);
unsafe { create_buffer(self.array.clone(), 0, buffer_len) }
/// Returns the length, in bytes, of the buffer `i` (indexed according to the C data interface)
// Rust implementation uses fixed-sized buffers, which require knowledge of their `len`.
// for variable-sized buffers, such as the second buffer of a stringArray, we need
// to fetch offset buffer's len to build the second buffer.
fn buffer_len(&self, i: usize) -> Result<usize> {
// Inner type is not important for buffer length.
let data_type = &self.data_type(None)?;
Ok(match (data_type, i) {
(DataType::Utf8, 1)
| (DataType::LargeUtf8, 1)
| (DataType::Binary, 1)
| (DataType::LargeBinary, 1)
| (DataType::List(_), 1)
| (DataType::LargeList(_), 1) => {
// the len of the offset buffer (buffer 1) equals length + 1
let bits = bit_width(data_type, i)?;
debug_assert_eq!(bits % 8, 0);
(self.array.length as usize + 1) * (bits / 8)
(DataType::Utf8, 2) | (DataType::Binary, 2) | (DataType::List(_), 2) => {
// the len of the data buffer (buffer 2) equals the last value of the offset buffer (buffer 1)
let len = self.buffer_len(1)?;
// first buffer is the null buffer => add(1)
// we assume that pointer is aligned for `i32`, as Utf8 uses `i32` offsets.
let offset_buffer = unsafe {
*(self.array.buffers as *mut *const u8).add(1) as *const i32
// get last offset
(unsafe { *offset_buffer.add(len / size_of::<i32>() - 1) }) as usize
(DataType::LargeUtf8, 2)
| (DataType::LargeBinary, 2)
| (DataType::LargeList(_), 2) => {
// the len of the data buffer (buffer 2) equals the last value of the offset buffer (buffer 1)
let len = self.buffer_len(1)?;
// first buffer is the null buffer => add(1)
// we assume that pointer is aligned for `i64`, as Large uses `i64` offsets.
let offset_buffer = unsafe {
*(self.array.buffers as *mut *const u8).add(1) as *const i64
// get last offset
(unsafe { *offset_buffer.add(len / size_of::<i64>() - 1) }) as usize
// buffer len of primitive types
_ => {
let bits = bit_width(data_type, i)?;
bit_util::ceil(self.array.length as usize * bits, 8)
/// returns all buffers, as organized by Rust (i.e. null buffer is skipped)
pub fn buffers(&self) -> Result<Vec<Buffer>> {
(0..self.array.n_buffers - 1)
.map(|index| {
// + 1: skip null buffer
let index = (index + 1) as usize;
let len = self.buffer_len(index)?;
unsafe { create_buffer(self.array.clone(), index, len) }.ok_or_else(
|| {
"The external buffer at position {} is null.",
index - 1
/// returns the child data of this array
pub fn children(&self) -> Result<Vec<ArrayData>> {
unsafe { create_child_arrays(self.array.clone(), self.schema.clone()) }
/// the length of the array
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
self.array.length as usize
/// whether the array is empty
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.array.length == 0
/// the offset of the array
pub fn offset(&self) -> usize {
self.array.offset as usize
/// the null count of the array
pub fn null_count(&self) -> usize {
self.array.null_count as usize
/// the data_type as declared in the schema
pub fn data_type(&self, child_type: Option<DataType>) -> Result<DataType> {
to_datatype(self.schema.format(), child_type, self.schema.as_ref())
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::array::{
make_array, Array, ArrayData, BinaryOffsetSizeTrait, BooleanArray,
GenericBinaryArray, GenericListArray, GenericStringArray, Int32Array,
OffsetSizeTrait, StringOffsetSizeTrait, Time32MillisecondArray,
use crate::compute::kernels;
use crate::datatypes::Field;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
fn test_round_trip() -> Result<()> {
// create an array natively
let array = Int32Array::from(vec![1, 2, 3]);
// export it
let array = ArrowArray::try_from(;
// (simulate consumer) import it
let data = ArrayData::try_from(array)?;
let array = make_array(data);
// perform some operation
let array = array.as_any().downcast_ref::<Int32Array>().unwrap();
let array = kernels::arithmetic::add(&array, &array).unwrap();
// verify
assert_eq!(array, Int32Array::from(vec![2, 4, 6]));
// (drop/release)
// case with nulls is tested in the docs, through the example on this module.
fn test_generic_string<Offset: StringOffsetSizeTrait>() -> Result<()> {
// create an array natively
let array =
GenericStringArray::<Offset>::from(vec![Some("a"), None, Some("aaa")]);
// export it
let array = ArrowArray::try_from(;
// (simulate consumer) import it
let data = ArrayData::try_from(array)?;
let array = make_array(data);
// perform some operation
let array = kernels::concat::concat(&[array.as_ref(), array.as_ref()]).unwrap();
let array = array
// verify
let expected = GenericStringArray::<Offset>::from(vec![
assert_eq!(array, &expected);
// (drop/release)
fn test_string() -> Result<()> {
fn test_large_string() -> Result<()> {
fn test_generic_list<Offset: OffsetSizeTrait>() -> Result<()> {
// Construct a value array
let value_data = ArrayData::builder(DataType::Int32)
.add_buffer(Buffer::from_slice_ref(&[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]))
// Construct a buffer for value offsets, for the nested array:
// [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7]]
let value_offsets = Buffer::from_iter(
[0usize, 3, 6, 8]
.map(|i| Offset::from_usize(*i).unwrap()),
// Construct a list array from the above two
let list_data_type = match std::mem::size_of::<Offset>() {
4 => DataType::List(Box::new(Field::new("item", DataType::Int32, false))),
_ => {
DataType::LargeList(Box::new(Field::new("item", DataType::Int32, false)))
let list_data = ArrayData::builder(list_data_type)
// create an array natively
let array = GenericListArray::<Offset>::from(list_data.clone());
// export it
let array = ArrowArray::try_from(;
// (simulate consumer) import it
let data = ArrayData::try_from(array)?;
let array = make_array(data);
// downcast
let array = array
// verify
let expected = GenericListArray::<Offset>::from(list_data);
assert_eq!(&array.value(0), &expected.value(0));
assert_eq!(&array.value(1), &expected.value(1));
assert_eq!(&array.value(2), &expected.value(2));
// (drop/release)
fn test_list() -> Result<()> {
fn test_large_list() -> Result<()> {
fn test_generic_binary<Offset: BinaryOffsetSizeTrait>() -> Result<()> {
// create an array natively
let array: Vec<Option<&[u8]>> = vec![Some(b"a"), None, Some(b"aaa")];
let array = GenericBinaryArray::<Offset>::from(array);
// export it
let array = ArrowArray::try_from(;
// (simulate consumer) import it
let data = ArrayData::try_from(array)?;
let array = make_array(data);
// perform some operation
let array = kernels::concat::concat(&[array.as_ref(), array.as_ref()]).unwrap();
let array = array
// verify
let expected: Vec<Option<&[u8]>> = vec![
let expected = GenericBinaryArray::<Offset>::from(expected);
assert_eq!(array, &expected);
// (drop/release)
fn test_binary() -> Result<()> {
fn test_large_binary() -> Result<()> {
fn test_bool() -> Result<()> {
// create an array natively
let array = BooleanArray::from(vec![None, Some(true), Some(false)]);
// export it
let array = ArrowArray::try_from(;
// (simulate consumer) import it
let data = ArrayData::try_from(array)?;
let array = make_array(data);
// perform some operation
let array = array.as_any().downcast_ref::<BooleanArray>().unwrap();
let array = kernels::boolean::not(&array)?;
// verify
BooleanArray::from(vec![None, Some(false), Some(true)])
// (drop/release)
fn test_time32() -> Result<()> {
// create an array natively
let array = Time32MillisecondArray::from(vec![None, Some(1), Some(2)]);
// export it
let array = ArrowArray::try_from(;
// (simulate consumer) import it
let data = ArrayData::try_from(array)?;
let array = make_array(data);
// perform some operation
let array = kernels::concat::concat(&[array.as_ref(), array.as_ref()]).unwrap();
let array = array
// verify
// (drop/release)