blob: 26c1b96f333924fc573472b36d853bb3199d84dd [file] [log] [blame]
all: html
html: py r java
@echo "\n\n>>> Cookbooks (except C++) Available in ./build <<<"
test: pytest rtest javatest
@echo "make all Build cookbook for all platforms in HTML, will be available in ./build"
@echo "make test Test cookbook for all platforms."
@echo "make py Build the Cookbook for Python only."
@echo "make r Build the Cookbook for R only."
@echo "make pytest Verify the cookbook for Python only."
@echo "make rtest Verify the cookbook for R only."
@echo "make java Build the Cookbook for Java only."
@echo "make javatest Verify the cookbook for Java only."
@echo ">>> Installing Python Dependencies <<<\n"
cd python && pip install -r requirements.txt
@echo ">>> Installing Java Dependencies <<<\n"
cd java && pip install -r requirements.txt
py: pydeps
@echo ">>> Building Python Cookbook <<<\n"
cd python && make html
mkdir -p build/py
cp -r python/build/html/* build/py
pytest: pydeps
@echo ">>> Testing Python Cookbook <<<\n"
cd python && make doctest
@echo ">>> Installing R Dependencies <<<\n"
ifdef arrow_r_version
cd ./r && Rscript ./scripts/install_dependencies.R $(arrow_r_version)
cd ./r && Rscript ./scripts/install_dependencies.R
pip install pyarrow
r: rdeps
@echo ">>> Building R Cookbook <<<\n"
R -s -e 'bookdown::render_book("./r/content", output_format = "bookdown::gitbook")'
mkdir -p build/r
cp -r r/content/_book/* build/r
rtest: rdeps
@echo ">>> Testing R Cookbook <<<\n"
cd ./r && Rscript ./scripts/test.R
# Only release mode is supported because of a Protobuf WONTFIX bug
@echo ">>> Running C++ Tests/Snippets <<<\n"
rm -rf cpp/recipe-test-build
mkdir cpp/recipe-test-build
cd cpp/recipe-test-build && cmake ../code -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cmake --build . && ctest --output-on-failure -j 1
mkdir -p cpp/build
cp cpp/recipe-test-build/recipes_out.arrow cpp/build
cpp: cpptest
@echo ">>> Building C++ Cookbook <<<\n"
cd cpp && make html
mkdir -p build/cpp
cp -r cpp/build/html/* build/cpp
.PHONY: java
java: javadeps
@echo ">>> Building Java Cookbook <<<\n"
cd java && make html
mkdir -p build/java
cp -r java/build/html/* build/java
javatest: javadeps
@echo ">>> Testing Java Cookbook <<<\n"
cd java && make javadoctest