blob: 7e42517eb7505d977b55f58332c97daeff82e872 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.internal;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.apache.aries.subsystem.ContentHandler;
import org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.content.ConfigAdminContentHandler;
import org.apache.aries.util.filesystem.IDirectoryFinder;
import org.eclipse.equinox.region.RegionDigraph;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.Filter;
import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil;
import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration;
import org.osgi.framework.hooks.bundle.EventHook;
import org.osgi.framework.hooks.resolver.ResolverHookFactory;
import org.osgi.service.coordinator.Coordinator;
import org.osgi.service.resolver.Resolver;
import org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker;
import org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTrackerCustomizer;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* The bundle activator for the this bundle. When the bundle is starting, this
* activator will create and register the SubsystemAdmin service.
public class Activator implements BundleActivator, ServiceTrackerCustomizer<Object, Object> {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Activator.class);
public static final String MODELLED_RESOURCE_MANAGER = "org.apache.aries.application.modelling.ModelledResourceManager";
public static final String LOG_ENTRY = "Method entry: {}, args {}";
public static final String LOG_EXIT = "Method exit: {}, returning {}";
private static Activator instance;
public static synchronized Activator getInstance() {
logger.debug(LOG_ENTRY, "getInstance");
logger.debug(LOG_EXIT, "getInstance", instance);
return instance;
private static synchronized void checkInstance() {
logger.debug(LOG_ENTRY, "checkInstance");
if (instance == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("The activator has not been initialized or has been shutdown");
logger.debug(LOG_EXIT, "checkInstance");
// @GuardedBy("this")
private BundleEventHook bundleEventHook;
private volatile BundleContext bundleContext;
private volatile ConfigAdminContentHandler configAdminHandler;
private volatile Coordinator coordinator;
private volatile Object modelledResourceManager;
private volatile ServiceModeller serviceModeller;
private volatile SubsystemServiceRegistrar registrar;
private volatile RegionDigraph regionDigraph;
private volatile Resolver resolver;
private ServiceTracker<?,?> serviceTracker;
private volatile Subsystems subsystems;
private final Collection<ServiceRegistration<?>> registrations = new HashSet<ServiceRegistration<?>>();
private final Collection<IDirectoryFinder> finders = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<IDirectoryFinder>());
public BundleContext getBundleContext() {
return bundleContext;
public Coordinator getCoordinator() {
return coordinator;
public ServiceModeller getServiceModeller() {
return serviceModeller;
public RegionDigraph getRegionDigraph() {
return regionDigraph;
public Collection<IDirectoryFinder> getIDirectoryFinders() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(finders);
public Resolver getResolver() {
return resolver;
public Subsystems getSubsystems() {
return subsystems;
public SubsystemServiceRegistrar getSubsystemServiceRegistrar() {
logger.debug(LOG_ENTRY, "getSubsystemServiceRegistrar");
SubsystemServiceRegistrar result = registrar;
logger.debug(LOG_EXIT, "getSubsystemServiceRegistrar", result);
return result;
public org.apache.aries.subsystem.core.repository.Repository getSystemRepository() {
return new SystemRepository(getSubsystems().getRootSubsystem());
public synchronized void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
logger.debug(LOG_ENTRY, "start", context);
bundleContext = context;
serviceTracker = new ServiceTracker<Object, Object>(bundleContext, generateServiceFilter(), this);;
logger.debug(LOG_EXIT, "start");
public synchronized void stop(BundleContext context) {
logger.debug(LOG_ENTRY, "stop", context);
serviceTracker = null;
bundleContext = null;
logger.debug(LOG_EXIT, "stop");
private void activate() {
if (isActive() || !hasRequiredServices())
synchronized (Activator.class) {
instance = Activator.this;
subsystems = new Subsystems();
registrations.add(bundleContext.registerService(ResolverHookFactory.class, new SubsystemResolverHookFactory(subsystems), null));
Dictionary<String, Object> handlerProps = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
handlerProps.put(ContentHandler.CONTENT_TYPE_PROPERTY, ConfigAdminContentHandler.CONTENT_TYPES);
configAdminHandler = new ConfigAdminContentHandler(bundleContext);
registrations.add(bundleContext.registerService(ContentHandler.class, configAdminHandler, handlerProps));
registrar = new SubsystemServiceRegistrar(bundleContext);
BasicSubsystem root = subsystems.getRootSubsystem();
private void deactivate() {
if (!isActive())
new StopAction(subsystems.getRootSubsystem(), subsystems.getRootSubsystem(), true).run();
for (ServiceRegistration<?> registration : registrations) {
try {
catch (IllegalStateException e) {
logger.debug("Service had already been unregistered", e);
synchronized (Activator.class) {
instance = null;
private <T> T findAlternateServiceFor(Class<T> service) {
Object[] services = serviceTracker.getServices();
if (services == null)
return null;
for (Object alternate : services)
if (service.isInstance(alternate))
return service.cast(alternate);
return null;
private Filter generateServiceFilter() throws InvalidSyntaxException {
return FrameworkUtil.createFilter(generateServiceFilterString());
private String generateServiceFilterString() {
return new StringBuilder("(|(")
private boolean hasRequiredServices() {
return coordinator != null &&
regionDigraph != null &&
resolver != null;
private boolean isActive() {
synchronized (Activator.class) {
return instance != null && getSubsystems() != null;
private void registerBundleEventHook() {
Dictionary<String, Object> properties = new Hashtable<String, Object>(1);
properties.put(org.osgi.framework.Constants.SERVICE_RANKING, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
bundleEventHook = new BundleEventHook();
registrations.add(bundleContext.registerService(EventHook.class, bundleEventHook, properties));
private void registerWovenClassListener() {
new WovenClassListener(bundleContext, subsystems),
/* Begin ServiceTrackerCustomizer methods */
public synchronized Object addingService(ServiceReference<Object> reference) {
Object service = bundleContext.getService(reference);
// Use all of each type of the following services.
if (service instanceof IDirectoryFinder)
finders.add((IDirectoryFinder) service);
// Use only one of each type of the following services.
else if (service instanceof Coordinator && coordinator == null)
coordinator = (Coordinator) service;
else if (service instanceof RegionDigraph && regionDigraph == null)
regionDigraph = (RegionDigraph) service;
else if (service instanceof Resolver && resolver == null)
resolver = (Resolver) service;
else {
try {
Class clazz = getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(MODELLED_RESOURCE_MANAGER);
if (clazz.isInstance(service) && serviceModeller == null) {
modelledResourceManager = service;
serviceModeller = new ApplicationServiceModeller(service);
} else {
service = null;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
service = null;
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
service = null;
// Activation is harmless if already active or all required services
// have not yet been found.
// Filter guarantees we want to track all services received.
return service;
public void modifiedService(ServiceReference<Object> reference, Object service) {
// Nothing
public synchronized void removedService(ServiceReference<Object> reference, Object service) {
if (service instanceof Coordinator) {
if (service.equals(coordinator)) {
Coordinator coordinator = findAlternateServiceFor(Coordinator.class);
if (coordinator == null)
this.coordinator = coordinator;
else if (service instanceof RegionDigraph) {
if (service.equals(regionDigraph)) {
RegionDigraph regionDigraph = findAlternateServiceFor(RegionDigraph.class);
if (regionDigraph == null)
this.regionDigraph = regionDigraph;
else if (service instanceof Resolver) {
if (service.equals(resolver)) {
Resolver resolver = findAlternateServiceFor(Resolver.class);
if (resolver == null)
this.resolver = resolver;
else if (service instanceof IDirectoryFinder)
else {
if (service.equals(modelledResourceManager)) {
try {
Class clazz = getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(MODELLED_RESOURCE_MANAGER);
Object manager = findAlternateServiceFor(clazz);
if (manager == null) {
modelledResourceManager = null;
serviceModeller = null;
} else {
modelledResourceManager = service;
serviceModeller = new ApplicationServiceModeller(service);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// ignore
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
// ignore
/* End ServiceTrackerCustomizer methods */