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<div class="wiki-content"><h1 id="january-2012-board-report">January 2012 Board report</h1>
<p>Apache Aries delivers a set of pluggable Java components enabling an enterprise OSGi application programming model.</p>
<p>We have successfully executed on our 'release by bundle' approach. This will help our users who would like to take updates of individual bundles: "Small releases". Distribution releases containing sets of bundles that combine well together will come later: "Big releases".</p>
<h2 id="releases">Releases</h2>
<li>Apache Aries Unit Test Support 0.4</li>
<li>Apache Aries Util 0.4</li>
<li>Apache Aries Proxy:</li>
<li>Apache Aries Proxy API 0.4</li>
<li>Apache Aries Proxy Service 0.4</li>
<li>Apache Aries Proxy iTests 0.4</li>
<li>Apache Aries Proxy Bundle 0.4</li>
<li>Apache Aries Quiesce</li>
<li>Apache Aries Quiesce Manager 0.3.1</li>
<li>Apache Aries Quiesce Manager iTests 0.3.1</li>
<li>Apache Aries Blueprint</li>
<li>Apache Aries Blueprint Annotation API 0.3.2</li>
<li>Apache Aries Blueprint Annotation Impl 0.3.2</li>
<li>Apache Aries Blueprint Annotation iTests 0.3.2</li>
<li>Apache Aries Blueprint CM 0.3.2</li>
<li>Apache Aries Blueprint Core 0.4</li>
<li>Apache Aries Blueprint iTests 0.4</li>
<li>Apache Aries Blueprint JEXL evaluator 0.1.0</li>
<li>Apache Aries Blueprint Sample 0.4</li>
<li>Apache Aries Blueprint Sample for Testing Annotation 0.3.2</li>
<li>Apache Aries Blueprint Sample Fragment for Testing Annotation 0.3.2</li>
<li>Apache Aries Blueprint Test Bundle A 0.3.2</li>
<li>Apache Aries Blueprint Test Bundle B 0.3.2</li>
<li>Apache Aries Blueprint Test Quiesce Bundle 0.3.2</li>
<li>Apache Aries Blueprint Bundle 0.4</li>
<li>Apache Aries Blueprint Parser 0.4</li>
<li>Apache Aries JNDI</li>
<li>Apache Aries JNDI Core 0.3.1</li>
<li>Apache Aries JNDI URL Handler 0.3.1</li>
<li>Apache Aries JNDI RMI Handler 0.3.1</li>
<li>Apache Aries JNDI Bundle 0.3.1</li>
<li>Apache Aries JNDI Support for Legacy Runtimes 0.3.1</li>
<li>Apache Aries JNDI "business logic" test bundle for Aries jndi-url iTests 0.3.1</li>
<li>Apache Aries JNDI Test Bundle for Aries jndi-url iTests 0.3.1</li>
<li>Apache Aries JNDI iTests for jndi-url 0.3.1</li>
<h2 id="project-branding-board-report-checklist">Project Branding Board Report Checklist</h2>
<li>Project Website Basics : homepage is (done)</li>
<li>Project Naming And Descriptions : use proper Apache forms, describe product, etc. (pending)</li>
<li>Website Navigation Links : navbar links included, link to included (pending - feather link done)</li>
<li>Trademark Attributions : attribution for all ASF marks included in footers, etc. (pending)</li>
<li>Logos and Graphics : include TM, use consistent product logo on your site (pending)</li>
<li>Project Metadata : DOAP file checkedin and up to date (done)</li>
<h2 id="community-update">Community update</h2>
<p>No new committers since the last report.</p>
<p>There are no board level issues.</p></div>
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