blob: 1c3558a9918eed7f45f653bf58a822e3d3a6f7c6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.aries.osgi.functional;
import org.apache.aries.functional.Function2;
import org.apache.aries.functional.Function3;
import org.apache.aries.functional.Function4;
import org.apache.aries.functional.Function5;
import org.apache.aries.functional.Function6;
import org.apache.aries.osgi.functional.internal.BundleContextOSGiImpl;
import org.apache.aries.osgi.functional.internal.BundleOSGi;
import org.apache.aries.osgi.functional.internal.ChangeContextOSGiImpl;
import org.apache.aries.osgi.functional.internal.ConfigurationOSGiImpl;
import org.apache.aries.osgi.functional.internal.ConfigurationsOSGiImpl;
import org.apache.aries.osgi.functional.internal.DistributeOSGi;
import org.apache.aries.osgi.functional.internal.JustOSGiImpl;
import org.apache.aries.osgi.functional.internal.NothingOSGiImpl;
import org.apache.aries.osgi.functional.internal.OnCloseOSGiImpl;
import org.apache.aries.osgi.functional.internal.PrototypesOSGi;
import org.apache.aries.osgi.functional.internal.ServiceReferenceOSGi;
import org.apache.aries.osgi.functional.internal.ServiceRegistrationOSGiImpl;
import org.apache.aries.osgi.functional.internal.ServicesOSGi;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceFactory;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceObjects;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* @author Carlos Sierra Andrés
public interface OSGi<T> extends OSGiRunnable<T> {
Runnable NOOP = () -> {};
<S> OSGi<S> map(Function<? super T, ? extends S> function);
<S> OSGi<S> flatMap(Function<? super T, OSGi<? extends S>> fun);
<S> OSGi<S> then(OSGi<S> next);
OSGi<Void> foreach(Consumer<? super T> onAdded);
OSGi<Void> foreach(
Consumer<? super T> onAdded, Consumer<? super T> onRemoved);
static OSGi<BundleContext> bundleContext() {
return new BundleContextOSGiImpl();
static OSGi<Bundle> bundles(int stateMask) {
return new BundleOSGi(stateMask);
static <T> OSGi<T> changeContext(
BundleContext bundleContext, OSGi<T> program) {
return new ChangeContextOSGiImpl<>(program, bundleContext);
static OSGi<Dictionary<String, ?>> configuration(String pid) {
return new ConfigurationOSGiImpl(pid);
static OSGi<Dictionary<String, ?>> configurations(String factoryPid) {
return new ConfigurationsOSGiImpl(factoryPid);
static <S> OSGi<S> just(S s) {
return new JustOSGiImpl<>(s);
static <S> OSGi<S> nothing() {
return new NothingOSGiImpl<>();
static OSGi<Void> onClose(Runnable action) {
return new OnCloseOSGiImpl(action);
static OSGi<ServiceObjects<Object>> prototypes(String filterString) {
return prototypes(null, filterString);
static <T> OSGi<ServiceObjects<T>> prototypes(Class<T> clazz) {
return prototypes(clazz, null);
static <T> OSGi<ServiceObjects<T>> prototypes(
Class<T> clazz, String filterString) {
return new PrototypesOSGi<>(clazz, filterString);
static <T> OSGi<ServiceRegistration<T>> register(
Class<T> clazz, T service, Map<String, Object> properties) {
return new ServiceRegistrationOSGiImpl<>(clazz, service, properties);
static <T> OSGi<ServiceRegistration<T>> register(
Class<T> clazz, ServiceFactory<T> service, Map<String, Object> properties) {
return new ServiceRegistrationOSGiImpl<>(clazz, service, properties);
static OSGi<ServiceRegistration<?>> register(
String[] classes, Object service, Map<String, ?> properties) {
return new ServiceRegistrationOSGiImpl(classes, service, properties);
static <T> OSGi<T> services(Class<T> clazz) {
return services(clazz, null);
static <T> OSGi<Object> services(String filterString) {
return services(null, filterString);
static <T> OSGi<T> services(Class<T> clazz, String filterString) {
return new ServicesOSGi<>(clazz, filterString);
static <T> OSGi<ServiceReference<T>> serviceReferences(
Class<T> clazz) {
return new ServiceReferenceOSGi<>(null, clazz);
static OSGi<ServiceReference<Object>> serviceReferences(
String filterString) {
return new ServiceReferenceOSGi<>(filterString, null);
static <T> OSGi<ServiceReference<T>> serviceReferences(
Class<T> clazz, String filterString) {
return new ServiceReferenceOSGi<>(filterString, clazz);
static <T> OSGi<T> all(OSGi<T> ... programs) {
return new DistributeOSGi<>(programs);
OSGi<T> filter(Predicate<T> predicate);
OSGi<T> route(Consumer<Router<T>> routerConsumer);
interface Router<T> {
void onIncoming(Consumer<Event<T>> adding);
void onLeaving(Consumer<Event<T>> removing);
void onStart(Runnable start);
void onClose(Runnable close);
void signalAdd(Event<T> event);
void signalLeave(Event<T> event);
public default <S> OSGi<S> applyTo(OSGi<Function<T, S>> fun) {
return fun.flatMap(this::map);
public static <A, B, C> OSGi<C> apply(Function2<A, B, C> fun, OSGi<A> a, OSGi<B> b) {
return b.applyTo(a.applyTo(just(fun.curried())));
public static <A, B, C, D> OSGi<D> apply(Function3<A, B, C, D> fun, OSGi<A> a, OSGi<B> b, OSGi<C> c) {
return c.applyTo(OSGi.apply((A aa, B bb) -> fun.curried().apply(aa).apply(bb), a, b));
public static <A, B, C, D, E> OSGi<E> apply(Function4<A, B, C, D, E> fun, OSGi<A> a, OSGi<B> b, OSGi<C> c, OSGi<D> d) {
return d.applyTo(OSGi.apply((A aa, B bb, C cc) -> fun.curried().apply(aa).apply(bb).apply(cc), a, b, c));
public static <A, B, C, D, E, F> OSGi<F> apply(Function5<A, B, C, D, E, F> fun, OSGi<A> a, OSGi<B> b, OSGi<C> c, OSGi<D> d, OSGi<E> e) {
return e.applyTo(OSGi.apply((A aa, B bb, C cc, D dd) -> fun.curried().apply(aa).apply(bb).apply(cc).apply(dd), a, b, c, d));
public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, G> OSGi<G> apply(Function6<A, B, C, D, E, F, G> fun, OSGi<A> a, OSGi<B> b, OSGi<C> c, OSGi<D> d, OSGi<E> e, OSGi<F> f) {
return f.applyTo(OSGi.apply((A aa, B bb, C cc, D dd, E ee) -> fun.curried().apply(aa).apply(bb).apply(cc).apply(dd).apply(ee), a, b, c, d, e));