blob: 6723877da2e9c037be95acdaa45900c08ae78ca3 [file] [log] [blame]
= {extension}-ui ui bundle extension
:extension: aries-antora
:extension-version: 0.0.1
WARNING: This repository contains files derived from the Antora Default UI, which is MPL2.0 licensed.
Therefore, the contents of this repository must NOT be included in an Apache release.
See link:
== Description
This ui bundle extension creates the UI bundle for Apache Aries.
== Instructions for Aries site maintenance
The Aries Antora website build uses the packed UI bundle built from these sources.
For the production build, this packed UI bundle must be available from the git repo accessed as a noe module.
=== Production
After you are satisfied with your local changes, run `gulp` and commit your changes and the modified `build/`, and push to GitHub (or GitBox).
Aries website builds will now use the modifed UI.
=== Local development
After making changes, run `gulp;yarn pack`.
This will pack the UI bundle, including both sources and the build bundle, into a .tgz of a node module.
Modify the `package.json` file in `aries-antora` so the `"@apache-aries/aries-antora-ui"` devDependency points to this file.
For instance, on my system, this looks like this:
"@apache-aries/{extension}-ui": "file:///Users/david/projects/aries/aries-antora-ui/apache-aries-aries-antora-ui-v0.0.1.tgz"
Running `npm run clean-build` will now build the site with the locally modified UI bundle.
== Converting this project to avoid usin `@djencks/antora-ui-builder`
TODO: expand this
For convenience, this project is initially set up to use `@djencks/antora-ui-builder` to extend the Antora default UI.
If this is determined to be undesirable, it should be easy to turn this into a modified clone of the Antora default UI:
* rename master to something else, such as `builder`.
* Set the Antora Default UI as a remote.
* Pull master from the Antora Default UI.
* Copy the files from the builder branch, src, over the src directory on master.
== Generic Usage
To build a ui bundle based on the antora-ui-default sources with the additions from this extension, run `gulp`.
To combine the UI elements from this extension with other elements, using `@djencks/antora-ui-builder`, include in your antora-ui.yml a clause such as:
- path: antora-ui-default #replace or extend as needed
- path: @djencks/{extension}-ui
Set up your UI project as a ui builder project and include in the `package.json`
"name": "...",
"version": "...",
"description": "...",
"main": "gulpfile.js",
"files": [
"devDependencies": {
"@djencks/antora-ui-builder": "",
"antora-ui-default": "git+",
"@djencks/{extension}-ui": "{extension}-ui-v{extension-version}.tgz"