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#Getting started with the Transaction Control Service
To make use of scoped resources and transactions using the transaction control service you need two things:
* A <code>org.osgi.service.transaction.control.TransactionControl</code> implementation
(found in the service registry)
* A <code>org.osgi.service.transaction.control.ResourceProvider</code> for each of the
resources that you want to use.
##Scoping Work using TransactionControl
The Transaction Control Service defines three different scopes:
* Unscoped - There is no scope associated with the current thread
* _No Transaction Scope_ - There is a scope associated with the current thread, but no ongoing transaction
* _Transactional Scope_ - There is an ongoing transaction associated with the current thread
Scoped resources have different behaviours in each of these three scopes:
* Unscoped - The resource is generally not usable and will throw exceptions
* _No Transaction_ Scope - The same physical resource will be used throughout the scope,
and will be automatically tidied up at the end of the scope (e.g. closed or returned to a pool)
* _Transactional Scope_ - The same physical resource will be used throughout the scope, will be
automatically committed or rolled back up at the end of the transaction, and then tidied up afterwards
###Starting and Finishing scopes
A scope is defined using a piece of work wrapped in a <code>Callable</code>. This means that it is lambda-friendly.
Integer result = txControl.required(() -> {
//Work goes in here
return 42;
The scope starts immediately before the work is executed, and finishes immediately afterwards. The
<code>required</code> and <code>requiresNew</code> methods can be used to ensure that a
_Transactional_ scope has been started. The <code>supports</code> and <code>notSupported</code>
methods can be used to ensure that a _No Transaction_ scope has been started.
For more advanced scope control techniques look [here][1]
##Accessing Resources
A <code>ResourceProvider</code> is a generic factory for scoped resources. Typically you will use a more
specific interface for type safety. For example the Transaction Control specification defines
<code>JDBCConnectionProvider</code> and <code>JPAEntityManagerProvider</code> interfaces. If
needed you can [make your own ResourceProvider][2].
To create your scoped resource you make one call to <code>getResource</code> passing in the
<code>TransactionControl</code> service that the resource should integrate with. The returned object
is thread-safe, and can be cached for use in any scope.
###Declarative Services Example
The following component provides read and write access using JDBC to a list of messages created by a user.
The transactionality and lifecycle of the database resources is automatically managed.
public class MyDaoImpl implements MyDao {
TransactionControl control;
Connection dbConn;
void setResource(JDBCConnectionProvder provider) {
dbConn = provider.getResource(control);
public void saveMessage(String user, String message) {
txControl.required(() -> {
PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(
"Insert into MESSAGES values ( ?, ? )");
ps.setString(1, user);
ps.setString(2, message);
return ps.executeUpdate();
public void getMessagesForUser(String user) {
return txControl.supports(() -> {
PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(
ps.setString(1, user);
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
while( {
return result;
[1]: advancedScopes.html
[2]: advancedResourceProviders.html