blob: f8e8db067b921dfb75adaed0a494cece0abe6f60 [file] [log] [blame]
Release Notes for Archiva 1.2-SNAPSHOT
Release Notes for Archiva 1.2-SNAPSHOT
The Apache Archiva team would like to announce the release of Archiva 1.2. Archiva is {{{}
available for download from the web site}}.
Archiva is an application for managing one or more remote repositories, including administration, artifact handling, browsing and searching.
If you have any questions, please consult:
* the web site: {{}}
* the archiva-user mailing list: {{}}
* New in Archiva 1.2
* Release Notes
The Archiva 1.2 feature set can be seen in the {{{tour/index.html} feature tour}}.
* Changes in Archiva 1.2
* Changes in Archiva 1.1.3
** Bug
* [MRM-967] - Security Issue: If repository observer role is enabled for the 'guest' user, an invalid user is able to deploy to that repository
* [MRM-397] - background of the Archiva logo is not transparent in repositories page
* [MRM-580] - does not give error message when one defines an illegal directory for a managed repository
* [MRM-954] - Footer doesn't stretch across repositoryGroups page
* Changes in Archiva 1.1.2
** Bug
* [MRM-765] - should not be possible to create a proxy connector if there are no remote repositories
* [MRM-807] - Deployed dll won't be indexed
* [MRM-834] - Wrong repository url when archiva is used behind Apache with mof_proxy
* [MRM-841] - Introducing a new scannable artifact file type requires restart in order for some consumers to work
* [MRM-880] - Archiva does not start up on Solaris 64-Bit
* [MRM-881] - Failing to startup due to invalid bean definition
* [MRM-893] - Illegal browse operation allow
* [MRM-902] - If path has leading slash when being checked againts whitelists and blacklists causes matching failure
* [MRM-903] - Repository scanning should not stop when encounters error
* [MRM-905] - EL Expression failed with empty/not functions
* [MRM-911] - Archiva checks user's credentials before guest's rights on the repository
* [MRM-912] - rss urls seem to use fixed webcontext "archiva" instead of actual webcontext
* [MRM-915] - NPE with rss links
* [MRM-926] - NPE with search page
* [MRM-932] - Error 500 when clicking the Next or Previous icon of the results of a search, if user is trying to search for java classes, packages or methods.
* [MRM-934] - For bytecode search, only 1 version of the artifact is returned even if there are more than 1 version of that artifact which matched the search
* [MRM-943] - results search option should only be available on results page
** Improvement
* [MRM-839] - change RSS URLs
* [MRM-848] - Pre-configured repositories initially appear to be empty
* [MRM-874] - POM snippet for plugins should be <plugin> not <dependency>
The full list of changes can be found {{{} in JIRA}}.
* Changes in Archiva 1.1.1
** Bug
* [MRM-584] - Newly created user cannot login
* [MRM-631] - network proxy is always used when defined
* [MRM-814] - Invalid cron expressions are accepted in Database Scanning
* [MRM-873] - repository groups - move up/down should not show when it's not possible
* [MRM-883] - RSS syndication java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* [MRM-884] - network proxy fails after upgrading to archiva 1.1
* [MRM-888] - add notes on reindexing to the upgrade docs
* [MRM-891] - Unable to use archiva as http source with maven-stage-plugin
* [MRM-892] - Search for java classes and package names is broken
* [MRM-895] - Archiva version doesn't appear on the footer when it is installed on Tomcat
* [MRM-896] - classifier is appended to pom filename after artifact upload
** Improvement
* [MRM-817] - Artifact information screen should indicate the name of repository in which the artifact resides
The full list of changes can be found {{{} in JIRA}}.
* Changes in Archiva 1.1
** Sub-task
* [MRM-801] - Create documentation for virtual repositories
* [MRM-861] - Paginate Search Results page
** Bug
* [MRM-234] - Moving files between repos through webdav doesn't work
* [MRM-312] - ConcurrentModificationException
* [MRM-523] - Appearance Actions do not work when ${user.home} is invalid.
* [MRM-538] - Browse > Info not synchronised with updated POM contents
* [MRM-550] - proxy connectors - move up/down should not show when it's not possible
* [MRM-584] - Newly created user cannot login
* [MRM-597] - Cannot run Archiva as another user because su is run with option "-" (--login)
* [MRM-602] - add "maintainance" to the feature tour
* [MRM-605] - unit tests fail on archiva 1.0 source distribution
* [MRM-610] - a number of unit tests fail on windows
* [MRM-614] - User validation message has incorrect URL
* [MRM-624] - Failed to install Archiva as windows service
* [MRM-629] - NullPointer when setting corporate POM on a fresh archvia install
* [MRM-638] - some developer reports are appearing in the archiva-docs module and need to be disabled
* [MRM-650] - Deleted metadata files still appear in search results
* [MRM-652] - Invalid html links in "webdav" directory browsing
* [MRM-653] - WebDAV deploy fails with error
* [MRM-658] - org.apache.maven.archiva.repository.content.FilenameParser is unable to determine unique snapshot versions with specific version names
* [MRM-682] - Archiva runs out of heap memory
* [MRM-692] - Repository problem is kept in database even though its related artifact has been already removed
* [MRM-702] - in the standalone bundle, the pid file is written into the installation directory alongside the wrapper, but should be in a temporary location
* [MRM-711] - Security using ldap throws NullPointerException
* [MRM-733] - Error ending component lifecycle
* [MRM-753] - Error while deploying an artifact to archiva
* [MRM-767] - generated LICENSE and NOTICE files need improvement
* [MRM-768] - Cannot proxy maven2 plugin (jaxb) from a maven1 repository (
* [MRM-769] - CLONE - 507 Insufficient Storage when deploying artifact with webdav
* [MRM-777] - assignments.jsp: missing <tr></tr> group under "Resource Roles":
* [MRM-778] - DefaultDavServerManager.createServer doesn't create server
* [MRM-780] - Access to indexes files with a browser is not possible
* [MRM-784] - mailing-info on the website points to 'old' addresses
* [MRM-785] - No message is displayed after a successful artifact upload
* [MRM-789] - Archiva may delete you app server installation
* [MRM-790] - [regression] proxying metadata causes an IO exception in new checksum code
* [MRM-792] - remove references to maven in code
* [MRM-796] - releases always activated in repositories
* [MRM-797] - Delete Released Snapshots doesn't work
* [MRM-800] - Admin user account user lockout via Webdav only?
* [MRM-810] - Uploads done through the Web UI are not reported in the audit log
* [MRM-818] - [Repository Group] Page will be broken if entered identifier is too long
* [MRM-819] - ERROR 404 page when clicking the URL of Repository Group with identifier i.e. "test/test"
* [MRM-820] - 404 when the dav url of an Archiva default repository (internal or snapshots) is accessed
* [MRM-823] - Deleted repository still shows up in the repo group
* [MRM-824] - dependency cleanup
* [MRM-835] - Checksum search appears broken
* [MRM-840] - Wagon HTTP deadlocks under high load
* [MRM-845] - Continuous Loop when you click a repository group link
* [MRM-846] - "Repository Purge By Retention Count" option not working
* [MRM-847] - DependencyTreeGeneratorConsumerTest fails under windows due to line ending
* [MRM-851] - wrong taglib short-name causes deployment error on Geronimo
* [MRM-853] - HTTP Error 500 when uploading artifact with Windows OS
* [MRM-855] - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xml/serialize/OutputFormat
* [MRM-856] - Artifact Upload replaces all instances of the name "jar" with "pom" when trying to change the file extension
* [MRM-858] - last-modified header is missing
* [MRM-865] - Upload snapshot should work like a deploy
* [MRM-867] - 500 on HEAD method
* [MRM-869] - many empty folders created in managed repos with proxy connectors when used in a group
* [MRM-870] - addRepositoryToGroup.action => AbstractMethodError on DeferredDocumentImpl.getXmlStandalone()
* [MRM-871] - and jetty.port properties are set by default in jetty.xml preventing user from using other hostname if user is not aware of these properties
* [MRM-872] - empty metadatas frmo a repository group
** Improvement
* [MRM-591] - Reports should show from which repository the defective artifact was found.
* [MRM-651] - Updated consumer plugin to build against the 1.1 apis
* [MRM-654] - Archetype for generation of Consumer plugins
* [MRM-667] - Timeout implementation for Archiva
* [MRM-678] - 404 errors on proxies should be cached
* [MRM-737] - Don't list metadata files in the search results
* [MRM-752] - Trim URL in Remote Repositories
* [MRM-760] - set JSW to auto-restart if it crashes or hangs
* [MRM-773] - Improve RSS feed generation
* [MRM-781] - Removal of Archiva-Webdav implementation in favor of Jackrabbit-webdav
* [MRM-802] - Display the url for the repository group
* [MRM-804] - When uploading artifacts to the repo, they should be added to the index instantly
* [MRM-822] - add org/jvnet/**, com/sun/** to the whitelist for the default repository
* [MRM-829] - Replace Company POM feature with simple Appearence customisation
* [MRM-831] - When deploying artifacts to the repo, they should be added to the index instantly
* [MRM-857] - set a user agent for proxy HTTP requests
* [MRM-859] - Use File.createTempFile() when downloading files from a remote repository
** New Feature
* [MRM-123] - add RSS view to repository manager
* [MRM-216] - Upload (deploy) artifacts to a repository - via a web form (not using wagon)
* [MRM-694] - Virtual repositories or repository grouping
* [MRM-730] - Index/Search by class, method or package name
* [MRM-751] - Support database connection pooling
* [MRM-774] - Support inclusion of pom file when deploying an artifact via the web upload form
* [MRM-864] - Searching within search results
** Task
* [MRM-677] - Upgrade archiva to the latest redback (1.0.1)
* [MRM-688] - Replace plexus-runtime with standalone jetty bundle
* [MRM-708] - Migrate from Plexus Logging to Slf4J
* [MRM-754] - Update the screenshots in the docs
The full list of changes can be found {{{} in JIRA}}.
* Changes in Archiva 1.0.2
** Bug
* [MRM-159] - should not respond with a 404 if proxying a file results in a remote error
* [MRM-532] - Unable to specify the location of the index files through the web ui
* [MRM-598] - Validation error on new repository creation and other fields under certain conditions
* [MRM-608] - Unable to find project model for [...] if the initial import of the POM failed
* [MRM-617] - Reporting does not work due to bug in client-side JavaScript validation
* [MRM-618] - PLEXUS_BASE does not work for local databases
* [MRM-622] - database not being updated with project model information
* [MRM-626] - ClassCastException when saving proxy connector with property defined
* [MRM-627] - Archiva doesn't download SNAPSHOTs for proxied repositories.
* [MRM-631] - network proxy is always used when defined
* [MRM-642] - archiva-common tests rely on relative paths
* [MRM-655] - The logs are duplicated in the archiva.log and wrapper.log file.
* [MRM-659] - archiva cannot serve ejb artifacts from a maven1 repository
* [MRM-661] - remote repository removals are not saved after restart
* [MRM-664] - Cannot download a strut-module artifact in a Legacy repository
* [MRM-674] - LayoutException when downloading SNAPSHOT test-sources
* [MRM-683] - Archiva version missing from pages and logs
* [MRM-687] - Project model cannot be added to database if it inherits groupId and/or version from parent POM
* [MRM-689] - Incorrect war name in example for tomcat
* [MRM-690] - using undefined appserver.base
* [MRM-691] - Can't get any of the consumers to work without through a NPE
* [MRM-701] - Buggy documentation on "separating the base from the installation"
* [MRM-703] - Artifacts with extensions longer than fours characters breaks repository scanning.
* [MRM-713] - extensionPattern in FilenameParser is incorrect
* [MRM-715] - error adding artifacts to Lucene under some circumstances
* [MRM-719] - NPE during repository scan
* [MRM-725] - /archiva/browse URL does not work on WebSphere
* [MRM-727] - Archiva does not download plugin artifacts in Geronimo
* [MRM-734] - Unable to update metadata - No versions found for reference
* [MRM-746] - unable to include *.xml in artifacts list as it picks up maven-metadata.xml
* [MRM-750] - Adding a network proxy doesn't require an identifier
* [MRM-755] - No content type for .pom files denoted in file "archiva-mime-types.txt" - workaround included
* [MRM-758] - unable to schedule cron expressions that contain a comma
* [MRM-761] - Exception when trying to retrieve a Maven 1 artifact of type zip
* [MRM-762] - Footer doesn't stretch across repositoryScanning and database pages
* [MRM-763] - Default cron expression for database update is invalid
* [MRM-764] - default policies are not selected in the add proxy connector page
** Improvement
* [MRM-504] - Find Artifact page needs more onscreen information/instructions
* [MRM-656] - Admin guide for installing WAR needs updating
* [MRM-666] - Edit Managed Repository page should indicate the repo id being edited
* [MRM-700] - Review the documentation on deploying to Archiva for inconsistent repository ids
* [MRM-720] - Upgrade Lucene from 2.0 to 2.3.1
* Changes in Archiva 1.0.1
** Bug
* [MRM-623] - find artifact self signed certificate will expire soon
* [MRM-628] - In the audit.log file the userid for each action is guest, even though the deploy was performed by admin
* [MRM-630] - http 502 proxy error with browse button after 2 days running
* [MRM-633] - Logging is too verbose
* [MRM-646] - Documentation for configuring for Tomcat is invalid
* [MRM-662] - Repo purge is not deleting artifacts in correct order
* [MRM-668] - Repo browse and search isn't working in trunk and in archiva 1.0.1 release candidate
* [MRM-670] - legacy artifact mapping form needs better validation
** Improvement
* [MRM-594] - add some minimal hook in LegacyPathParser to allow exception management in artifact resolution
** Task
* [MRM-619] - Update docs/site for some corrections