blob: a8daf16a2743e37c77a70d93a2cd2b996a2a3a4b [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.archiva.consumers.core.repository;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.archiva.common.utils.VersionUtil;
import org.apache.archiva.metadata.model.ArtifactMetadata;
import org.apache.archiva.metadata.model.facets.AuditEvent;
import org.apache.archiva.metadata.model.maven2.MavenArtifactFacet;
import org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.*;
import org.apache.archiva.model.ArtifactReference;
import org.apache.archiva.repository.ContentNotFoundException;
import org.apache.archiva.repository.ManagedRepositoryContent;
import org.apache.archiva.metadata.audit.RepositoryListener;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Base class for all repository purge tasks.
public abstract class AbstractRepositoryPurge
implements RepositoryPurge
protected Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( getClass( ) );
protected final ManagedRepositoryContent repository;
protected final RepositorySession repositorySession;
protected final List<RepositoryListener> listeners;
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger( "org.apache.archiva.AuditLog" );
private static final char DELIM = ' ';
public AbstractRepositoryPurge( ManagedRepositoryContent repository, RepositorySession repositorySession,
List<RepositoryListener> listeners )
this.repository = repository;
this.repositorySession = repositorySession;
this.listeners = listeners;
* We have to track namespace, project, project version, artifact version and classifier
* There is no metadata class that contains all these properties.
class ArtifactInfo
final String namespace;
final String name;
final String projectVersion;
String version;
String classifier;
ArtifactInfo( String namespace, String name, String projectVersion, String version )
this.namespace = namespace; = name;
this.projectVersion = projectVersion;
this.version = version;
ArtifactInfo( String namespace, String name, String projectVersion )
this.namespace = namespace; = name;
this.projectVersion = projectVersion;
* Creates a info object without version and classifier
ArtifactInfo projectVersionLevel( )
return new ArtifactInfo( this.namespace,, this.projectVersion );
public void setClassifier( String classifier )
this.classifier = classifier;
public String getNamespace( )
return namespace;
public String getName( )
return name;
public String getProjectVersion( )
return projectVersion;
public String getVersion( )
return version;
public String getClassifier( )
return classifier;
public boolean hasClassifier( )
return classifier != null && !"".equals( classifier );
public boolean equals( Object o )
if ( this == o ) return true;
if ( o == null || getClass( ) != o.getClass( ) ) return false;
ArtifactInfo that = (ArtifactInfo) o;
if ( !namespace.equals( that.namespace ) ) return false;
if ( !name.equals( ) ) return false;
if ( !projectVersion.equals( that.projectVersion ) ) return false;
if ( !( version != null ? version.equals( that.version ) : that.version == null ) ) return false;
return classifier != null ? classifier.equals( that.classifier ) : that.classifier == null;
public int hashCode( )
int result = namespace.hashCode( );
result = 31 * result + name.hashCode( );
result = 31 * result + projectVersion.hashCode( );
result = 31 * result + ( version != null ? version.hashCode( ) : 0 );
result = 31 * result + ( classifier != null ? classifier.hashCode( ) : 0 );
return result;
public String toString( )
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( "ArtifactInfo{" );
sb.append( "namespace='" ).append( namespace ).append( '\'' );
sb.append( ", name='" ).append( name ).append( '\'' );
sb.append( ", projectVersion='" ).append( projectVersion ).append( '\'' );
sb.append( ", version='" ).append( version ).append( '\'' );
sb.append( ", classifier='" ).append( classifier ).append( '\'' );
sb.append( '}' );
return sb.toString( );
* Purge the repo. Update db and index of removed artifacts.
* @param references
protected void purge( Set<ArtifactReference> references )
if ( references != null && !references.isEmpty( ) )
MetadataRepository metadataRepository = repositorySession.getRepository( );
Map<ArtifactInfo, ArtifactMetadata> metaRemovalList = new HashMap<>( );
Map<String, Collection<ArtifactMetadata>> metaResolved = new HashMap<>( );
for ( ArtifactReference reference : references )
String baseVersion = VersionUtil.getBaseVersion( reference.getVersion( ) );
// Needed for tracking in the hashmap
String metaBaseId = reference.getGroupId( ) + "/" + reference.getArtifactId( ) + "/" + baseVersion;
if ( !metaResolved.containsKey( metaBaseId ) )
metaResolved.put( metaBaseId, metadataRepository.getArtifacts(repositorySession, repository.getId( ),
reference.getGroupId( ), reference.getArtifactId( ), baseVersion ) );
catch ( MetadataResolutionException e )
log.error( "Error during metadata retrieval {}: {}", metaBaseId, e.getMessage( ) );
StorageAsset artifactFile = repository.toFile( reference );
for ( RepositoryListener listener : listeners )
listener.deleteArtifact( metadataRepository, repository.getId( ), reference.getGroupId( ),
reference.getArtifactId( ), reference.getVersion( ),
artifactFile.getName( ));
log.debug( "File deleted: {}", artifactFile );
catch ( IOException e )
log.error( "Could not delete file {}: {}", artifactFile.toString(), e.getMessage( ), e );
repository.deleteArtifact( reference );
catch ( ContentNotFoundException e )
log.warn( "skip error deleting artifact {}: {}", reference, e.getMessage( ) );
catch ( org.apache.archiva.repository.ContentAccessException e )
e.printStackTrace( );
boolean snapshotVersion = VersionUtil.isSnapshot( reference.getVersion( ) );
// If this is a snapshot we have to search for artifacts with the same version. And remove all of them.
if ( snapshotVersion )
Collection<ArtifactMetadata> artifacts =
metaResolved.get( metaBaseId );
if ( artifacts != null )
// cleanup snapshots metadata
for ( ArtifactMetadata artifactMetadata : artifacts )
// Artifact metadata and reference version should match.
if ( artifactMetadata.getVersion( ).equals( reference.getVersion( ) ) )
ArtifactInfo info = new ArtifactInfo( artifactMetadata.getNamespace( ), artifactMetadata.getProject( ), artifactMetadata.getProjectVersion( ), artifactMetadata.getVersion( ) );
if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( reference.getClassifier( ) ) )
info.setClassifier( reference.getClassifier( ) );
metaRemovalList.put( info, artifactMetadata );
// metadataRepository.removeTimestampedArtifact( artifactMetadata, baseVersion );
metaRemovalList.put( info, artifactMetadata );
else // otherwise we delete the artifact version
ArtifactInfo info = new ArtifactInfo( reference.getGroupId( ), reference.getArtifactId( ), baseVersion, reference.getVersion( ) );
for ( ArtifactMetadata metadata : metaResolved.get( metaBaseId ) )
metaRemovalList.put( info, metadata );
triggerAuditEvent( repository.getRepository( ).getId( ), ArtifactReference.toKey( reference ),
purgeSupportFiles( artifactFile );
purgeMetadata( metadataRepository, metaRemovalList );
{ );
catch ( org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.MetadataSessionException e )
e.printStackTrace( );
* Purges the metadata. First removes the artifacts. After that empty versions will be removed.
private void purgeMetadata( MetadataRepository metadataRepository, Map<ArtifactInfo, ArtifactMetadata> dataList )
Set<ArtifactInfo> projectLevelMetadata = new HashSet<>( );
for ( Map.Entry<ArtifactInfo, ArtifactMetadata> infoEntry : dataList.entrySet( ) )
ArtifactInfo info = infoEntry.getKey( );
removeArtifact( metadataRepository, info, infoEntry.getValue( ) );
log.debug( "Removed artifact from MetadataRepository {}", info );
catch ( MetadataRepositoryException e )
log.error( "Could not remove artifact from MetadataRepository {}: {}", info, e.getMessage( ), e );
projectLevelMetadata.add( info.projectVersionLevel( ) );
try { );
} catch (MetadataSessionException e) {
log.error("Could not save sesion {}", e.getMessage());
Collection<ArtifactMetadata> artifacts = null;
// Get remaining artifacts and remove project if empty
for ( ArtifactInfo info : projectLevelMetadata )
artifacts = metadataRepository.getArtifacts(repositorySession , repository.getId( ), info.getNamespace( ),
info.getName( ), info.getProjectVersion( ) );
if ( artifacts.size( ) == 0 )
metadataRepository.removeProjectVersion(repositorySession , repository.getId( ),
info.getNamespace( ), info.getName( ), info.getProjectVersion( ) );
log.debug( "Removed project version from MetadataRepository {}", info );
catch ( MetadataResolutionException | MetadataRepositoryException e )
log.error( "Could not remove project version from MetadataRepository {}: {}", info, e.getMessage( ), e );
try { );
} catch (MetadataSessionException e) {
log.error("Could not save sesion {}", e.getMessage());
* Removes the artifact from the metadataRepository. If a classifier is set, the facet will be removed.
private void removeArtifact( MetadataRepository metadataRepository, ArtifactInfo artifactInfo, ArtifactMetadata artifactMetadata ) throws MetadataRepositoryException
if ( artifactInfo.hasClassifier( ) )
// cleanup facet which contains classifier information
MavenArtifactFacet mavenArtifactFacet =
(MavenArtifactFacet) artifactMetadata.getFacet(
MavenArtifactFacet.FACET_ID );
if ( StringUtils.equals( artifactInfo.classifier,
mavenArtifactFacet.getClassifier( ) ) )
artifactMetadata.removeFacet( MavenArtifactFacet.FACET_ID );
String groupId = artifactInfo.getNamespace( ), artifactId =
artifactInfo.getName( ),
version = artifactInfo.getProjectVersion( );
MavenArtifactFacet mavenArtifactFacetToCompare = new MavenArtifactFacet( );
mavenArtifactFacetToCompare.setClassifier( artifactInfo.getClassifier( ) );
metadataRepository.removeFacetFromArtifact(repositorySession , repository.getId( ), groupId,
artifactId, version, mavenArtifactFacetToCompare );
try { );
} catch (MetadataSessionException e) {
log.error("Could not save session {}", e.getMessage());
metadataRepository.removeTimestampedArtifact(repositorySession , artifactMetadata, artifactInfo.getProjectVersion( ) );
private void deleteSilently( StorageAsset path )
triggerAuditEvent( repository.getRepository( ).getId( ), path.toString( ), AuditEvent.PURGE_FILE );
catch ( IOException e )
log.error( "Error occured during file deletion {}: {} ", path, e.getMessage( ), e );
* <p>
* This find support files for the artifactFile and deletes them.
* </p>
* <p>
* Support Files are things like ".sha1", ".md5", ".asc", etc.
* </p>
* @param artifactFile the file to base off of.
private void purgeSupportFiles( StorageAsset artifactFile )
StorageAsset parentDir = artifactFile.getParent( );
if ( !parentDir.exists() )
final String artifactName = artifactFile.getName( );
StorageUtil.recurse(parentDir, a -> {
if (!a.isContainer() && a.getName().startsWith(artifactName)) deleteSilently(a);
}, true, 3 );
catch ( IOException e )
log.error( "Purge of support files failed {}: {}", artifactFile, e.getMessage( ), e );
private void triggerAuditEvent( String repoId, String resource, String action )
String msg =
repoId + DELIM + "<system-purge>" + DELIM + "<system>" + DELIM + '\"' + resource + '\"' + DELIM + '\"' +
action + '\"'; msg );