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Installing Apache Archiva as a Web Application
Installing Apache Archiva as a Web Application
~~TODO: link to wiki location for other application servers
Archiva can be deployed as a web application into any Java EE application server. This document will show an
example of doing so with Tomcat 5.5 and Tomcat 6.0.x.
<<Note>>: When you first start Archiva, you will see an Exception that schema SA does not exist - however it doesn't
cause a problem. If you use a username other than 'sa', such as 'archiva', then you seem to get the same error but
Tomcat fails to start the context and you have to shutdown and restart again.
To deploy Archiva on Tomcat 5.5 and Tomcat 6.0
* Create a directory in tomcat called archiva, at the same level as bin, conf, logs and the others.
* Copy the war file into the new directory
* Create a <<<\<tomcat home\>/conf/Catalina/localhost/archiva.xml>>> file with the following data (replace the database paths with a suitable location):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context path="/archiva"
<Resource name="jdbc/users" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
url="jdbc:derby:/path/to/database/users;create=true" />
<Resource name="jdbc/archiva" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
url="jdbc:derby:/path/to/database/archiva;create=true" />
<Resource name="mail/Session" auth="Container"
* Install <<<derby->>> (or later), <<<activation-1.1.jar>>> and <<<mail-1.4.jar>>> into the Tomcat 5.5 <<<common/lib>>> or Tomcat 6.0 <<<lib>>> directory.
This is required since the data sources are instantiated before the web application.
<<Note>>: Tomcat 5.5.20 and 5.5.23 are missing MailSessionFactory and a
few other classes. JNDI mail sessions will <not> work. Use Tomcat 5.5.25
instead, or see {{{}
Bug 40668}} for a workaround.
* The ${appserver.base} java property is used by the Archiva internal logging configuration to determine where to output its logs to.
It is important to define this property either in the $CATALINA_OPTS system environment variable (if Tomcat is being launched via the
command line) or the service properties (if being launched as a service or daemon). The format typically expected is
-Dappserver.base=<SOMEWHERE>. In this example, we'll put the logs in Tomcat's <<<logs>>> directory so we need to set appserver.base
property to where Tomcat is installed:
export CATALINA_OPTS="-Dappserver.home=$CATALINA_HOME -Dappserver.base=$CATALINA_HOME"
For more information, see {{{} Archiva on Tomcat}} in the wiki.
Archiva Configuration
Archiva is configured using the <<<~/.m2/archiva.xml>>> configuration file by default when using a Java EE application server.
~~TODO: how to configure the other file
Upgrading Archiva
To upgrade the Archiva web application, simply replace the web application with an alternative. Since the database and configuration files are stored
externally to the application, no further maintainance is needed.
For general information about upgrading Archiva, see the relevant section in the {{{standalone.html#Upgrading%20Archiva} Installing standalone}} guide.
Configuring and Running Archiva
Once Archiva is running, it is configured in the same way as the standalone instance. See the {{{../quick-start.html#Setting%20up%20your%20Archiva%20instance} quick start}} guide for more information.