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<h1>Data Model</h1>
All endpoints act on a common set of data. The data can be represented with difference media (i.e. "MIME") types, depending on the endpoint
that consumes and/or produces the data. The data can described by <a href="">XML Schema</a>, which definitively
describes the XML representation of the data.
This document will describe the data using terms based on <a href="">XML Schema</a>.
Data can be grouped by namespace, with a schema document describing the <i>elements</i> and <i>types</i> of the namespace.
Generally speaking, <i>types</i> define the structure of the data and <i>elements</i> are <i>instances</i> of a type. For example,
<i>elements</i> are usually produced by (or consumed by) a REST endpoint, and the structure of each element is described by
its <i>type</i>.
<h2>Namespace "ns0"</h2>
<td align="right">Namespace URI:</td>
<td>(default namespace)</td>
<td align="right">XSD:</td>
<td><a href="ns0.xsd">ns0.xsd</a></td>
<h3>Data Elements</h3>
<li><a href="el_ns0_applicationRuntimeInfo.html">applicationRuntimeInfo</a></li>
<li><a href="el_ns0_fileMetadata.html">fileMetadata</a></li>
<li><a href="el_ns0_javascriptLog.html">javascriptLog</a></li>
<h3>Data Types</h3>
<li><a href="ns0_applicationRuntimeInfo.html">applicationRuntimeInfo</a></li>
<li><a href="ns0_cookieInformation.html">cookieInformation</a></li>
<li><a href="ns0_fileMetadata.html">fileMetadata</a></li>
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Generated by <a href="">Enunciate</a>.
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