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<div class="section"><h2>Using Archiva Web Services</h2><p>Web services is a new feature for 1.2. Archiva exposes two types of services: administrative and search. A sample client that shows how to access these services is provided in the source code. You can check out the module for the sample client at:</p><div class="source"><pre></pre></div><p>The SampleClient class shows how to connect to and invoke the Archiva web services. To execute the sample client, edit the following configuration in the archiva-xmlrpc-client module's pom.xml:</p><div class="source"><pre>&lt;project&gt;
URL: ex.
USERNAME &amp; PASSWORD: Archiva credentials
&lt;/project&gt;</pre></div><p>In the first &lt;argument&gt;, set the url of the Archiva instance you are running but make sure that you have <i>/xmlrpc</i> appended at the end. For example if your Archiva instance is running in localhost and port 8080, then set it to http://localhost:8080/archiva/xmlrpc.</p><p>The second &lt;argument&gt; corresponds to the username of the existing Archiva user that will be used to access the services while the last &lt;argument&gt; is where you set the user's password.</p><p>After configuring the pom, you can now run the sample client by executing <b>mvn exec:java</b> in the command-line. You should be able to see the list of managed and remote repositories, the list of database and repository consumers and more printed on the command-line.</p><div class="section"><h3>Administration Service</h3><p>In order for a user to be able to access the Administration services, the user must have a <b>System Administrator</b> role in Archiva.</p><p>The Administration Service exposes the following methods:</p><ol type="1"><li>Boolean executeRepositoryScanner( String repoId ) - triggers the repository scanner to scan the specified repository.</li><li>Boolean executeDatabaseScanner() - triggers the database scanner to be executed.</li><li>List&lt;String&gt; getAllDatabaseConsumers() - retrieves all the Archiva database consumers associated with the database scanning.</li><li>Boolean configureDatabaseConsumer( String consumerId, boolean enable ) - enables or disables the specified database consumer.</li><li>List&lt;String&gt; getAllRepositoryConsumers() - retrieves all the Archiva repository consumers associated with the repository scanning.</li><li>Boolean configureRepositoryConsumer( String repoId, String consumerId, boolean enable ) - enables or disables the specified repository consumer.</li><li>List&lt;ManagedRepository&gt; getAllManagedRepositories() - retrieves all the managed repositories in Archiva.</li><li>List&lt;RemoteRepository&gt; getAllRemoteRepositories() - retrieves all the remote repositories in Archiva.</li><li>Boolean deleteArtifact( String repoId, String groupId, String artifactId, String version ) - deletes the specified artifact from the repository.</li></ol></div><div class="section"><h3>Search Service</h3><p>To access the Search Service, the user must have at least a <b>Repository Observer</b> role.</p><p>The Search Service exposes the following methods:</p><ol type="1"><li>List&lt;Artifact&gt; quickSearch( String queryString ) - search for the specified term. This behaves just like Archiva's Quick Search from the web app.</li><li>List&lt;Artifact&gt; getArtifactByChecksum( String checksum ) - search for artifact(s) matching the specified checksum. This behaves like the Find Artifact from the web app.</li><li>List&lt;Artifact&gt; getArtifactVersions( String groupId, String artifactId ) - retrieves all available versions of the artifact.</li><li>List&lt;Artifact&gt; getArtifactVersionsByDate( String groupId, String artifactId, String version, Date since ) - <i>not yet implemented</i></li><li>List&lt;Dependency&gt; getDependencies( String groupId, String artifactId, String version ) - retrieves all the dependencies of the specified artifact. This is the equivalent of the Dependencies tab in the Artifact Browse.</li><li>List&lt;Artifact&gt; getDependencyTree( String groupId, String artifactId, String version ) - <i>not yet implemented</i></li><li>List&lt;Artifact&gt; getDependees( String groupId, String artifactId, String version ) - retrieves all the artifacts with a dependency on the specified artifact. This is the equivalent of the Used By tab in the Artifact Browse.</li></ol></div></div>
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