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The Build Artifact Repository Manager</li>
<li id="publishDate" class="pull-right">Last Published: 26 Feb 2015</li>
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<p><b>Our code source is now using git, so you can propose pull requests using <a class="externalLink" href="">github mirror</a></b></p>
<p><b>4th September 2014 release of 2.1.1 See <a class="externalLink" href="">Quick Tour</a></b></p>
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<p>Dynamic LDAP Configuration.</p>
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<p>Dynamic LDAP Group-Roles mapping Configuration.</p>
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<p>Informative display for artifacts stored in the repository.</p>
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<p>Drag &amp; drop remote proxies ordering.</p>
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<p>Drag &amp; drop upload artifacts via UI.</p>
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<p>Comprehensive web-based administration interface.</p>
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<p>Bulk update of your black/while list when fetching remote repositories.</p>
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<h2>Apache Archiva&#x99;: The Build Artifact Repository Manager<a name="Apache_Archiva:_The_Build_Artifact_Repository_Manager"></a></h2>
Apache Archiva&#x99; is an extensible repository management software that
helps taking care of your own personal or enterprise-wide build
artifact repository. It is the perfect companion for build tools such
as <a class="externalLink" href="">Maven</a>,
<a class="externalLink" href="">Continuum</a>,
and <a class="externalLink" href="">ANT</a>.
Archiva offers several capabilities, amongst which remote repository proxying,
security access management, build artifact storage, delivery, browsing, indexing
and usage reporting, extensible scanning functionality&#x85; and many more! Get the
latest updates, follow us on twitter <a class="externalLink" href="">@archiva</a>.
And in case you were wondering, it is pronounced <i>ahr-kahy-vuh</i>, like <i>archive</i> but with an <i>a</i>!
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<a href="docs/2.1.1/tour/index.html">Take a look around</a>
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Try out the live demo, or take a look at the screenshots in the feature walkthrough. -->
Take a look at the screenshots in the feature walkthrough.
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<a href="download.html">Download Archiva</a>
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<b>Latest stable release:</b>
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<a href="#a" class="btn btn-primary btn-medium" style="margin-bottom: 5px;" id="openDialogRelease">Get Archiva 2.1.1 <span style="font-size:smaller;color:#F89406">4th September 2014</span>
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<img src="images/collapsed.gif" width="7" height="7" alt="" />
<b>Previous release:</b>
<span class="button mainalign">
<a href="#a" class="btn btn-primary btn-medium" style="margin-bottom: 5px;" id="openDialogPreview">Get Archiva 1.3.9 <span style="font-size:smaller;color:#F89406">1 July 2014</span>
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<a href="download.html"><b>All downloads</b></a>
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<a href="docs/2.1.1/index.html">Documentation</a>
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Simple out of the box configuration and <a href="docs/2.1.1/quick-start.html">quick start guide</a>
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Read the <a href="docs/2.1.1/userguide/index.html">users guide</a> and <a href="docs/2.1.1/adminguide/index.html">administration documentation</a>
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<img src="images/collapsed.gif" width="7" height="7" alt="" />
For security issues, read the <a href="security.html">security vulnerabilities document</a>
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Documentation is also available for <a href="versions.html">previous versions</a>
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<h2>Videos<a name="Videos"></a></h2>
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<h4>Quick start<a name="Quick_start"></a></h4>
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<h4>Browsing/Uploading/Searching<a name="BrowsingUploadingSearching"></a></h4>
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<h2>License<a name="License"></a></h2>
Archiva is distributed under the <a class="externalLink" href="">Apache License, version 2.0</a>
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<h2>Thanks<a name="Thanks"></a></h2>
We would like to thank all the <a class="externalLink" href="">sponsors that provide financial assistance to the Apache Software Foundation</a>.
For more information on how you can support the foundation, see the <a class="externalLink" href="">sponsorship</a> page.
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<h2>Resources<a name="Resources"></a></h2>
Need more? Try some of these resources.
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<h3>Books<a name="Books"></a></h3>
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<a class="externalLink" href=""><img src="images/books/apache_maven_2_effective_implementation.jpg" alt="" /></a><br />
<a class="externalLink" href="">Apache Maven 2: Effective Implementation</a> (Maria Odea Ching, Brett Porter; September 2009)<br />
<span style="font-size: 0.8em">
Build and manage applications with Maven, Continuum and Archiva
<div style="float: left; width: 50%;">
<a class="externalLink" href=""><img src="images/books/java_power_tools.gif" alt="" /></a><br />
<a class="externalLink" href="">Java Power Tools</a> (John Smart; April 2008)<br />
<span style="font-size: 0.8em">
Contains a section on Archiva and repository management
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<h3>Articles, Presentations and Tutorials<a name="Articles_Presentations_and_Tutorials"></a></h3>
<a class="externalLink" href="">Archiva 1.1.1 Tutorial in Spanish!</a> - Video also available <a class="externalLink" href="">here</a> - (&#xc1;ngel Garc&#xed;a Jerez; September 2008)
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<h1>Archiva 2.1.1</h1>
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This is the recommended latest release of Archiva.
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<td>Archiva 2.1.1 Standalone</td>
<td><a href="[preferred]archiva/2.1.1/binaries/">zip</a></td>
<td><a class="externalLink" href="">md5</a></td>
<td><a class="externalLink" href="">asc</a></td>
<tr class="a">
<td>Archiva 2.1.1 WAR</td>
<td><a href="[preferred]archiva/2.1.1/binaries/apache-archiva-2.1.1.war">war</a></td>
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<h1>Archiva 1.3.9</h1>
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<p>This is the last release of the previous Archiva development series.</p>
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<th> </th>
<tr class="b">
<td>Archiva 1.3.9 Standalone</td>
<td><a href="[preferred]archiva/1.3.9/binaries/">zip</a></td>
<td><a class="externalLink" href="">md5</a></td>
<td><a class="externalLink" href="">asc</a></td>
<tr class="a">
<td>Archiva 1.3.9 WAR</td>
<td><a href="[preferred]archiva/1.3.9/binaries/apache-archiva-1.3.9.war">war</a></td>
<td><a class="externalLink" href="">md5</a></td>
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