blob: 191f9bb03af5e3c508afd430487ec07be414ffcb [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.archiva.commons.transfer.interactive;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.swing.AbstractListModel;
import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JDialog;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JList;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JPasswordField;
import javax.swing.JRadioButton;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import org.apache.archiva.commons.transfer.TransferNetworkProxy;
import org.apache.archiva.commons.transfer.TransferStore;
import org.apache.archiva.commons.transfer.defaults.DefaultTransferStore;
import org.apache.archiva.commons.transfer.interactive.swing.ActionMapper;
import org.apache.archiva.commons.transfer.interactive.swing.CommonStyles;
import org.apache.archiva.commons.transfer.interactive.swing.GBC;
import org.apache.archiva.commons.transfer.interactive.swing.GBCStyles;
import org.apache.archiva.commons.transfer.interactive.swing.HorizontalRule;
import org.apache.archiva.commons.transfer.interactive.swing.UIUtils;
import org.apache.archiva.commons.transfer.interactive.swing.WindowUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.math.IntRange;
import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
* NetworkProxyDialog
* @author <a href="">Joakim Erdfelt</a>
* @version $Id$
public class NetworkProxyDialog
extends JDialog
class NoProxyListModel
extends AbstractListModel
private static final long serialVersionUID = -268017959753502789L;
List<String> hosts = new ArrayList<String>();
public NoProxyListModel()
public NoProxyListModel( Set<String> noProxyList )
setProxyList( noProxyList );
public void addHost( String host )
int presize = hosts.size();
hosts.add( host );
Collections.sort( hosts );
fireChange( presize );
public void editHost( String selectedHost, String replacementHost )
int presize = hosts.size();
hosts.remove( selectedHost );
hosts.add( replacementHost );
Collections.sort( hosts );
fireChange( presize );
private void fireChange( int presize )
int nowsize = hosts.size();
if ( nowsize > presize )
fireIntervalAdded( this, 0, nowsize - 1 );
else if ( nowsize < presize )
fireIntervalRemoved( this, 0, nowsize - 1 );
fireContentsChanged( this, 0, nowsize - 1 );
public Object getElementAt( int index )
if ( index >= hosts.size() )
return null;
return hosts.get( index );
public List<String> getHosts()
return Collections.unmodifiableList( hosts );
public int getSize()
return hosts.size();
public void removeHost( String host )
int presize = hosts.size();
hosts.remove( host );
fireChange( presize );
public void setProxyList( Set<String> noProxyList )
hosts.addAll( noProxyList );
Collections.sort( hosts );
fireChange( 0 );
private static final long serialVersionUID = 816496870511533703L;
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog( NetworkProxyDialog.class );
// Action commands - Typically buttons
public static final String OK = "ok";
public static final String CANCEL = "cancel";
public static final String ADD_NOPROXY_HOST = "addNoProxy";
public static final String EDIT_NOPROXY_HOST = "editNoProxy";
public static final String REMOVE_NOPROXY_HOST = "removeNoProxy";
public static final String USE_BROWSER_SETTINGS = "useBrowserSettings";
public static final String USE_DIRECT_CONNECTION = "useDirectConnection";
public static final String USE_PROXIED_CONNECTION = "useProxiedConnection";
public static final String PROXY_AUTH_STATE = "proxyAuthState";
private static final int DIRECT = 0;
private static final int PROXIED = 1;
public static void collectAndSave()
NetworkProxyDialog dlg = new NetworkProxyDialog();
TransferNetworkProxy proxy = DefaultTransferStore.getDefault().getNetworkProxy();
if ( proxy == null )
proxy = new TransferNetworkProxy();
proxy.setEnabled( false );
proxy.setHost( "" );
proxy.setPort( 8080 );
proxy.setUsername( "username" );
proxy.setPassword( null );
proxy.setAuthEnabled( false );
proxy.addNoProxyHost( "localhost" );
proxy.addNoProxyHost( "" );
proxy = proxy );
if ( proxy == null )
System.out.println( "User canceled." );
System.out.println( "User clicked OK." );
System.out.println( proxy.toDump() );
DefaultTransferStore.getDefault().setNetworkProxy( proxy );
catch ( IOException e )
/* .\ Dialog Widgets \.___________________________________ */
public static void main( String[] args )
SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable()
public void run()
System.exit( -1 );
} );
private TransferStore transferStore;
private List<JComponent> sectionProxied;
private List<JComponent> sectionProxiedAuth;
/** Direct Connections Option */
private JRadioButton radioDirectConnection;
/** Proxied Connections Options */
private JRadioButton radioProxiedConnection;
/** Proxy Hostname */
private JTextField txtProxyHost;
/** Proxy Port */
private JTextField txtProxyPort;
/** No Proxy List */
private JList lstNoProxy;
private NoProxyListModel noProxyListModel;
/** No Proxy - Add Button */
private JButton btnAddNoProxyHost;
/** No Proxy - Edit Button */
private JButton btnEditNoProxyHost;
/** No Proxy - Remove Button */
private JButton btnRemoveNoProxyHost;
/** Option to enable Proxy Auth */
private JCheckBox boxEnableProxyAuth;
/** Proxy Auth - User Name */
private JTextField txtProxyUsername;
/** Proxy Auth - Password */
private JPasswordField txtProxyPassword;
/** Button - Accept settings */
private JButton btnOk;
/** Button - Cancel settings */
private JButton btnCancel;
// Event Handlers
private ActionMapper actionMapper;
private TransferNetworkProxy model;
private boolean bCanceled = false;
private JButton createJButton( String text, String actionCommand )
JButton button = new JButton();
button.setAction( getActionMapper() );
button.setActionCommand( actionCommand );
button.setText( text );
return button;
protected void dialogInit()
setModal( true );
/* .\ Init \._________________________________________ */
sectionProxied = new ArrayList<JComponent>();
sectionProxiedAuth = new ArrayList<JComponent>();
radioDirectConnection = new JRadioButton();
radioDirectConnection.setAction( getActionMapper() );
radioDirectConnection.setActionCommand( USE_DIRECT_CONNECTION );
radioDirectConnection.setText( "Use a Direct Connection" );
// Init Section 1
radioProxiedConnection = new JRadioButton();
radioProxiedConnection.setAction( getActionMapper() );
radioProxiedConnection.setActionCommand( USE_PROXIED_CONNECTION );
radioProxiedConnection.setText( "Use a Proxied Connection" );
ButtonGroup connectionTypeGroup = new ButtonGroup();
connectionTypeGroup.add( radioDirectConnection );
connectionTypeGroup.add( radioProxiedConnection );
radioDirectConnection.setSelected( true );
txtProxyHost = new JTextField( "[host]" );
txtProxyPort = new JTextField( "[port]" );
txtProxyPort.setColumns( 6 );
// Init Section 2
noProxyListModel = new NoProxyListModel();
lstNoProxy = new JList( noProxyListModel );
btnAddNoProxyHost = createJButton( "Add ...", ADD_NOPROXY_HOST );
btnEditNoProxyHost = createJButton( "Edit ...", EDIT_NOPROXY_HOST );
btnRemoveNoProxyHost = createJButton( "Remove", REMOVE_NOPROXY_HOST );
// Init Section 3
boxEnableProxyAuth = new JCheckBox();
boxEnableProxyAuth.setAction( getActionMapper() );
boxEnableProxyAuth.setActionCommand( PROXY_AUTH_STATE );
boxEnableProxyAuth.setText( "Enable Proxy Auth" );
txtProxyUsername = new JTextField( "[username]" );
txtProxyPassword = new JPasswordField( "[password]" );
// Init Button Bar
btnOk = createJButton( "OK", OK );
btnCancel = createJButton( "Cancel", CANCEL );
/* .\ Layout \._______________________________________ */
Container pane = getContentPane();
pane.setLayout( new GridBagLayout() );
GBCStyles styles = CommonStyles.baseline();
styles.define( "left_spacer" ).marginLeft( 20 ).fillTall();
styles.define( "radio_button" ).margin( 5, 5, 0, 5 ).spanCol( 2 ).fillWide();
styles.define( "checkbox" ).margin( 5, 5, 0, 5 ).spanCol( 2 ).fillWide();
styles.define( "hr" ).margin( 5, 5, 0, 5 ).spanCol( 2 ).fillWide().endRow();
styles.define( "noproxy_button" ).margin( 0, 5, 5, 5 ).x( 1 ).stretch( GBC.WIDE ).endRow();
// Layout top of dialog.
pane.add( radioDirectConnection, styles.use( "radio_button" ).endRow() );
pane.add( radioProxiedConnection, styles.use( "radio_button" ).endRow() );
pane.add( new JPanel(), styles.base().marginLeft( 20 ) );
pane.add( getProxiedPanel( styles ), styles.base().margin( 5, 5, 5, 5 ).fillBoth().endRow() );
pane.add( layoutButtonBar( styles ), styles.use( "button_bar" ).fillWide().endRow() );
/* .\ Properties \.___________________________________ */
setTitle( "Network Proxy Setup" );
setResizable( false );
setDefaultCloseOperation( DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE );
public void doAddNoProxy( ActionEvent evt )
String host = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( this, "Enter Hostname to Add.\n"
+ "The hostname can use globs such as \"*\"", "No Proxy List Add",
host = StringUtils.trimToNull( host );
if ( host != null )
noProxyListModel.addHost( host );
public void doCancel( ActionEvent evt )
bCanceled = true;
setVisible( false );
public void doEditNoProxy( ActionEvent evt )
if ( lstNoProxy.isSelectionEmpty() )
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Select a hostname to edit.", "No Proxy List Edit Warning",
String selectedHost = (String) lstNoProxy.getSelectedValue();
String host = (String) JOptionPane.showInputDialog( this, "Edit Hostname.\n"
+ "The hostname can use globs such as \"*\"", "No Proxy List Edit",
JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, null, selectedHost );
host = StringUtils.trimToNull( host );
if ( host != null )
noProxyListModel.editHost( selectedHost, host );
public void doOk( ActionEvent evt )
boolean directSelected = radioDirectConnection.isSelected();
boolean proxiedSelected = radioProxiedConnection.isSelected();
if ( !directSelected && !proxiedSelected )
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Select a mode: Direct or Proxied.", "Validation Error",
this.model.setEnabled( proxiedSelected );
// Validate Host
String host = StringUtils.trimToEmpty( txtProxyHost.getText() );
if ( proxiedSelected && StringUtils.isBlank( host ) )
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "The proxy host name is required.", "Validation Error",
if ( !StringUtils.containsNone( host, " \\/\t:" ) )
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "The proxy host name entered contains invalid characters.",
"Validation Error", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE );
this.model.setHost( host );
// Validate Port
String portStr = StringUtils.trimToEmpty( txtProxyPort.getText() );
if ( proxiedSelected && StringUtils.isBlank( portStr ) )
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "The proxy port is required.", "Validation Error",
if ( !StringUtils.isNumeric( portStr ) )
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "The proxy port entered is invalid.", "Validation Error",
int port = NumberUtils.toInt( portStr, 0 );
IntRange validTcpPorts = new IntRange( 1, 65535 );
if ( !validTcpPorts.containsInteger( port ) )
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "The proxy port must be a valid tcp port number, within the range of "
+ validTcpPorts.getMinimumInteger() + " and " + validTcpPorts.getMaximumInteger() + ".",
"Validation Error", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE );
this.model.setPort( port );
// Validate No Proxy List
for ( String nohost : noProxyListModel.getHosts() )
this.model.addNoProxyHost( nohost );
// Validate Auth
boolean authEnabled = boxEnableProxyAuth.isSelected();
this.model.setAuthEnabled( authEnabled );
// Validate Username
String username = StringUtils.trimToEmpty( txtProxyUsername.getText() );
if ( authEnabled && StringUtils.isBlank( username ) )
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "The proxy username is required.", "Validation Error",
this.model.setUsername( username );
// Validate Password
String password = new String( txtProxyPassword.getPassword() );
if ( authEnabled && StringUtils.isBlank( password ) )
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "The proxy username is required.", "Validation Error",
this.model.setPassword( password );
// Persist network proxy settings.
getTransferStore().setNetworkProxy( this.model );
catch ( IOException e )
log.warn( e.getMessage(), e );
bCanceled = false;
setVisible( false );
public void doProxyAuthState( ActionEvent evt )
enableSection( sectionProxiedAuth, boxEnableProxyAuth.isSelected() );
public void doRemoveNoProxy( ActionEvent evt )
if ( lstNoProxy.isSelectionEmpty() )
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Select a hostname to remove.", "No Proxy List Remove Warning",
String selectedHost = (String) lstNoProxy.getSelectedValue();
noProxyListModel.removeHost( selectedHost );
public void doUseDirectConnection( ActionEvent evt )
setMode( DIRECT );
public void doUseProxiedConnection( ActionEvent evt )
setMode( PROXIED );
private void enableSection( List<JComponent> components, boolean enabled )
for ( JComponent comp : components )
comp.setEnabled( enabled );
private ActionMapper getActionMapper()
if ( actionMapper == null )
actionMapper = new ActionMapper( this );
return actionMapper;
private JPanel getProxiedPanel( GBCStyles styles )
JPanel pnlProxied = new JPanel();
pnlProxied.setLayout( new GridBagLayout() );
/* .\ Http Proxy Section \. ________________________________ */
JLabel lblHost = new JLabel( "Host:" );
JLabel lblPort = new JLabel( "Port:" );
pnlProxied.add( lblHost, styles.use( "label" ) );
pnlProxied.add( txtProxyHost, styles.use( "value" ).endRow() );
pnlProxied.add( lblPort, styles.use( "label" ) );
pnlProxied.add( txtProxyPort, styles.use( "value" ).left().stretch( 0 ).endRow() );
sectionProxied.add( lblHost );
sectionProxied.add( txtProxyHost );
sectionProxied.add( lblPort );
sectionProxied.add( txtProxyPort );
pnlProxied.add( new HorizontalRule(), styles.use( "hr" ) );
/* .\ No Proxy Section \. ________________________________ */
JScrollPane noproxyScroller = new JScrollPane( lstNoProxy );
noproxyScroller.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED );
noproxyScroller.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS );
JPanel pnlNoProxy = new JPanel();
pnlNoProxy.setLayout( new GridBagLayout() );
JLabel lblProxyFor = new JLabel( "No Proxy For:" );
pnlNoProxy.add( lblProxyFor, styles.use( "label" ).spanCol( 2 ).left().endRow() );
pnlNoProxy.add( noproxyScroller, styles.base().margin( 0, 5, 5, 5 ).spanRow( 4 ).fillBoth() );
pnlNoProxy.add( btnAddNoProxyHost, styles.use( "noproxy_button" ) );
pnlNoProxy.add( btnEditNoProxyHost, styles.use( "noproxy_button" ) );
pnlNoProxy.add( btnRemoveNoProxyHost, styles.use( "noproxy_button" ) );
pnlNoProxy.add( new JPanel(), styles.base().x( 3 ).fillTall().endBoth() );
pnlProxied.add( pnlNoProxy, styles.base().fillWide().endRow() );
sectionProxied.add( lblProxyFor );
sectionProxied.add( noproxyScroller );
sectionProxied.add( lstNoProxy );
sectionProxied.add( btnAddNoProxyHost );
sectionProxied.add( btnEditNoProxyHost );
sectionProxied.add( btnRemoveNoProxyHost );
pnlProxied.add( new HorizontalRule(), styles.use( "hr" ) );
/* .\ Proxy Auth Section \. ________________________________ */
JLabel lblUsername = new JLabel( "User Name:" );
JLabel lblPassword = new JLabel( "Password:" );
pnlProxied.add( boxEnableProxyAuth, styles.use( "checkbox" ).endRow() );
pnlProxied.add( lblUsername, styles.use( "label" ) );
pnlProxied.add( txtProxyUsername, styles.use( "value" ).endRow() );
pnlProxied.add( lblPassword, styles.use( "label" ) );
pnlProxied.add( txtProxyPassword, styles.use( "value" ).endRow() );
sectionProxiedAuth.add( lblUsername );
sectionProxiedAuth.add( txtProxyUsername );
sectionProxiedAuth.add( lblPassword );
sectionProxiedAuth.add( txtProxyPassword );
sectionProxied.addAll( sectionProxiedAuth );
sectionProxied.add( boxEnableProxyAuth );
pnlProxied.add( new HorizontalRule(), styles.use( "hr" ) );
return pnlProxied;
public TransferStore getTransferStore()
if ( transferStore == null )
transferStore = DefaultTransferStore.getDefault();
return transferStore;
private JPanel layoutButtonBar( GBCStyles styles )
JPanel pnlButtonBar = new JPanel();
pnlButtonBar.setLayout( new GridBagLayout() );
pnlButtonBar.add( btnOk, styles.use( "button" ).weightWide( 1.0 ).right().marginLeft( 15 ) );
pnlButtonBar.add( btnCancel, styles.use( "button" ).right().endBoth() );
return pnlButtonBar;
private void populate( TransferNetworkProxy proxy )
this.model = proxy; // TODO: make a clone.
if ( model != null )
txtProxyHost.setText( model.getHost() );
txtProxyPort.setText( String.valueOf( model.getPort() ) );
noProxyListModel.setProxyList( model.getNoProxyHosts() );
boxEnableProxyAuth.setSelected( model.isAuthEnabled() );
txtProxyUsername.setText( model.getUsername() );
txtProxyPassword.setText( model.getPassword() );
if ( model.isEnabled() )
radioProxiedConnection.setSelected( true );
setMode( PROXIED );
radioDirectConnection.setSelected( true );
setMode( DIRECT );
// this.pack();
// Try persisted proxy.
model = getTransferStore().getNetworkProxy();
if ( model != null )
populate( model );
// Use empty proxy.
model = new TransferNetworkProxy();
model.setEnabled( false );
populate( model );
WindowUtils.centerWindowOnScreen( this );
public void setMode( int mode )
switch ( mode )
case DIRECT:
enableSection( sectionProxied, false );
enableSection( sectionProxied, true );
enableSection( sectionProxiedAuth, boxEnableProxyAuth.isSelected() );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "mode of " + mode + " not recognized." );
public void setTransferStore( TransferStore transferStore )
this.transferStore = transferStore;
public TransferNetworkProxy show( TransferNetworkProxy proxy )
populate( proxy );
setVisible( true );
if ( bCanceled )
return null;
return model;