blob: ca7f688ab26c903b36d72d2dd20af02f233e117c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Parameter;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.headers.Header;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.responses.ApiResponse;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.tags.Tag;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.authorization.RedbackAuthorization;
import java.util.List;
import static;
import static;
* @author Olivier Lamy
@Path( "/roles" )
@Tag(name = "v2")
@Tag(name = "v2/Roles")
@SecurityRequirement(name = "BearerAuth")
public interface RoleService
@Path( "" )
@Produces( { APPLICATION_JSON } )
@RedbackAuthorization( permissions = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION )
@Operation( summary = "Returns all roles defined. The result is paged.",
parameters = {
@Parameter(name = "q", description = "Search term"),
@Parameter(name = "offset", description = "The offset of the first element returned"),
@Parameter(name = "limit", description = "Maximum number of items to return in the response"),
@Parameter(name = "orderBy", description = "List of attribute used for sorting (user_id, fullName, email, created"),
@Parameter(name = "order", description = "The sort order. Either ascending (asc) or descending (desc)")
security = {
responses = {
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "200",
description = "If the list could be returned",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = PagedResult.class))
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "403", description = "Authenticated user is not permitted to gather the information",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class )) )
PagedResult<RoleInfo> getAllRoles( @QueryParam("q") @DefaultValue( "" ) String searchTerm,
@QueryParam( "offset" ) @DefaultValue( "0" ) Integer offset,
@QueryParam( "limit" ) @DefaultValue( value = DEFAULT_PAGE_LIMIT ) Integer limit,
@QueryParam( "orderBy") @DefaultValue( "id" ) List<String> orderBy,
@QueryParam("order") @DefaultValue( "asc" ) String order)
throws RedbackServiceException;
@Path( "{roleId}" )
@Produces( { APPLICATION_JSON } )
@RedbackAuthorization( permissions = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION )
@Operation( summary = "Returns the definition about a specific role.",
security = {
responses = {
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "200",
description = "If role was found in the database",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RoleInfo.class))
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "404", description = "Role does not exist",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class ))
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "403", description = "Authenticated user is not permitted to gather the information",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class )) )
RoleInfo getRole( @PathParam( "roleId" ) String roleId )
throws RedbackServiceException;
@Path( "{roleId}" )
@Produces( { APPLICATION_JSON } )
@RedbackAuthorization( permissions = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION )
@Operation( summary = "Checks, if the role with the given id exists.",
security = {
responses = {
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "200",
description = "If role was found in the database"
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "404", description = "Role does not exist",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class ))
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "403", description = "Authenticated user is not permitted to gather the information",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class )) )
Response checkRole( @PathParam( "roleId" ) String roleId )
throws RedbackServiceException;
* Moves a templated role from one resource to another resource
* @TODO: Not sure, if it makes sense to keep the child template at the source. Shouldn't we move the childs too?
* @param templateId the template identifier
* @param oldResource the resource of the current role
* @param newResource the resource of the new role
@Path( "templates/{templateId}/{oldResource}/moveto/{newResource}" )
@RedbackAuthorization( permissions = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION )
@Operation( summary = "Moves a templated role from one resource to another resource. If the template has child templates," +
" then child instances will be created on for the destination resource. But the child instances on the source are not deleted.",
security = {
responses = {
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "201",
description = "If user creation was successful",
headers = {
@Header( name="Location", description = "The URL of the moved role", schema = @Schema(type="string"))
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RoleInfo.class))
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "404", description = "The source role does not exist" ),
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "303", description = "The destination role exists already" ),
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "403", description = "The authenticated user has not the permission to move the role.",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class )) )
RoleInfo moveTemplatedRole( @PathParam( "templateId" ) String templateId, @PathParam( "oldResource" ) String oldResource,
@PathParam( "newResource" ) String newResource )
throws RedbackServiceException;
@Path( "templates/{templateId}/{resource}" )
@Produces( { APPLICATION_JSON} )
@RedbackAuthorization( permissions = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION )
@Operation( summary = "Checks, if a instance of the role template exists for the given resource",
security = {
responses = {
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "200",
description = "If the role instance exists"
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "404", description = "Role does not exist",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class ))
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "403", description = "Authenticated user is not permitted to gather the information",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class )) )
Response checkTemplateRole( @PathParam( "templateId" ) String templateId,
@PathParam( "resource" ) String resource )
throws RedbackServiceException;
@Path( "templates/{templateId}/{resource}" )
@Produces( { APPLICATION_JSON } )
@RedbackAuthorization( permissions = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION )
@Operation( summary = "Creates a role instance from a template for the given resource",
security = {
responses = {
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "201",
description = "If user creation was successful",
headers = {
@Header( name = "Location", description = "The URL of the created role", schema = @Schema( type = "string" ) )
content = @Content( mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema( implementation = RoleInfo.class ) )
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "200",
description = "If the role instance existed before and was updated",
headers = {
@Header( name = "Location", description = "The URL of the updated role", schema = @Schema( type = "string" ) )
content = @Content( mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema( implementation = RoleInfo.class ) )
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "404", description = "The template does not exist" ),
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "403", description = "The authenticated user has not the permission for role creation.",
content = @Content( mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema( implementation = RedbackRestError.class ) ) )
RoleInfo createTemplatedRole( @PathParam( "templateId" ) String templateId,
@PathParam( "resource" ) String resource )
throws RedbackServiceException;
* Removes a role corresponding to the role Id that was manufactured with the given resource
* it also removes any user assignments for that role
* @param templateId
* @param resource
@Path( "templates/{templateId}/{resource}" )
@Produces( { APPLICATION_JSON } )
@RedbackAuthorization( permissions = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION )
@Operation( summary = "Deletes a role template instance",
security = {
@SecurityRequirement( name = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION )
responses = {
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "200",
description = "If role deletion was successful"
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "404", description = "Role does not exist",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class )) ),
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "403", description = "The authenticated user has not the permission for deletion.",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class )) )
Response removeTemplatedRole( @PathParam( "templateId" ) String templateId,
@PathParam( "resource" ) String resource )
throws RedbackServiceException;
* Assigns the templated role indicated by the templateId
* fails if the templated role has not been created
* @param templateId
* @param resource
* @param userId
@Path( "templates/{templateId}/{resource}/user/{userId}" )
@Produces( { APPLICATION_JSON } )
@RedbackAuthorization( permissions = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION )
@Operation( summary = "Assigns a template role instance to a given user",
security = {
@SecurityRequirement( name = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION )
responses = {
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "200",
description = "If the role instance was assigned"
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "404", description = "Role instance does not exist",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class )) ),
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "403", description = "The authenticated user has not the permission for role assignment.",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class )) )
RoleInfo assignTemplatedRole( @PathParam( "templateId" ) String templateId,
@PathParam( "resource" ) String resource,
@PathParam( "userId" ) String userId )
throws RedbackServiceException;
* Assigns the role indicated by the roleId to the given principal
* @param roleId
* @param userId
@Path( "{roleId}/user/{userId}" )
@Produces( { APPLICATION_JSON } )
@RedbackAuthorization( permissions = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION )
@Operation( summary = "Assigns a role to a given user",
security = {
@SecurityRequirement( name = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION )
responses = {
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "200",
description = "If the role was assigned"
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "404", description = "Role does not exist",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class )) ),
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "403", description = "The authenticated user has not the permission for role assignment.",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class )) )
RoleInfo assignRole( @PathParam( "roleId" ) String roleId, @PathParam( "userId" ) String userId )
throws RedbackServiceException;
* Deletes the assignment of a role to a user.
* @param roleId the role id
* @param userId the user id
* @throws RedbackServiceException
@Path( "{roleId}/user/{userId}" )
@Produces( { APPLICATION_JSON } )
@RedbackAuthorization( permissions = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION )
@Operation( summary = "Removes a role assignment for the given role and user",
security = {
@SecurityRequirement( name = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION )
responses = {
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "200",
description = "If the role assignment was removed"
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "404", description = "Role instance does not exist",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class )) ),
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "403", description = "The authenticated user has not the permission for role assignment.",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class )) )
RoleInfo deleteRoleAssignment( @PathParam( "roleId" ) String roleId, @PathParam( "userId" ) String userId )
throws RedbackServiceException;
* This returns the list of assigned users to a given role. The flag "recurse" is a query parameter.
* If the query parameter exists and is not set to 'false', or '0', it will recurse all parent roles and return a list of users
* assigned to the current role and the parent roles up to the root.
* If the query parameter does not exist or is set to 'false' or '0', it will return only the users assigned directly
* to the given role.
* @param roleId the role identifier, for which the assigned users are returned
* @param recurse if the parameter does not exist or is set to 'false' or '0', only directly assigned users are returned.
* If the parameter value is set to 'parentsOnly', the users assigned to all parent roles up to the root excluding the
* given role are returned.
* Otherwise all users assigned to the given role and all parent roles up to the root are returned.
* @param searchTerm the substring query term to search for in the user ids and names
* @param offset the offset index in the user list for paging
* @param limit the maximum number of users returned
* @param orderBy the order attributes for ordering
* @param order the order direction 'asc' (ascending), or 'desc' (descending)
* @return the list of user objects
* @throws RedbackServiceException
@RedbackAuthorization(permissions = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION)
@Operation( summary = "Returns the users assigned to the given role",
parameters = {
@Parameter(name = "q", description = "Search term"),
@Parameter(name = "offset", description = "The offset of the first element returned"),
@Parameter(name = "limit", description = "Maximum number of items to return in the response"),
@Parameter(name = "orderBy", description = "List of attribute used for sorting (user_id, fullName, email, created"),
@Parameter(name = "order", description = "The sort order. Either ascending (asc) or descending (desc)"),
@Parameter(name = "recurse", description = "If not present, or set to 'false' or '0', only users assigned directly to this role are returned."+
" If present and set to 'parentsOnly', the list of users assigned to all parents of the given role up to the root."+
" If present and set to any other value than 'parentsOnly', 'false' or '0', the users assigned to this role or any parent role in the hierarchy"+
" up to the root are returned.")
security = {
@SecurityRequirement( name = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION )
responses = {
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "200",
description = "If the users could be retrieved"
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "404", description = "Role instance does not exist",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class )) ),
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "403", description = "The authenticated user has not the permission for role assignment.",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class )) )
PagedResult<UserInfo> getRoleUsers(@PathParam( "roleId" ) String roleId,
@QueryParam("recurse") String recurse,
@QueryParam("q") @DefaultValue( "" ) String searchTerm,
@QueryParam( "offset" ) @DefaultValue( "0" ) Integer offset,
@QueryParam( "limit" ) @DefaultValue( value = DEFAULT_PAGE_LIMIT ) Integer limit,
@QueryParam( "orderBy") @DefaultValue( "id" ) List<String> orderBy,
@QueryParam("order") @DefaultValue( "asc" ) String order
) throws RedbackServiceException;
* Updates a role. Attributes that are empty or null will be ignored.
* @since 3.0
@Path( "{roleId}" )
@Produces( { APPLICATION_JSON } )
@RedbackAuthorization( permissions = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION )
@Operation( summary = "Creates or updates the given role",
security = {
@SecurityRequirement( name = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION )
responses = {
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "200",
description = "If the update was successful"
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "404", description = "Role does not exist",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class )) ),
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "422", description = "Role id does not match the id of the request path",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class )) ),
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "403", description = "The authenticated user has not the permission for role assignment.",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class )) )
RoleInfo updateRole( @PathParam("roleId") String roleId, Role role )
throws RedbackServiceException;
@Path( "templates" )
@Produces( { APPLICATION_JSON } )
@RedbackAuthorization( permissions = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION )
@Operation( summary = "Returns all role templates",
security = {
@SecurityRequirement( name = RedbackRoleConstants.USER_MANAGEMENT_RBAC_ADMIN_OPERATION )
responses = {
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "200",
description = "If the list could be retrieved"
@ApiResponse( responseCode = "403", description = "The authenticated user has not the permission for role assignment.",
content = @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = RedbackRestError.class )) )
List<RoleTemplate> getTemplates( ) throws RedbackServiceException;