blob: c3da00f14435ff0359234c98f7c1960ad60d2d51 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager;
import org.apache.archiva.components.cache.Cache;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.authentication.AuthenticationException;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.authentication.Token;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.authentication.TokenBasedAuthenticationDataSource;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.authentication.jwt.JwtAuthenticator;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.configuration.UserConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.configuration.UserConfigurationKeys;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.integration.filter.authentication.HttpAuthenticator;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.integration.mail.Mailer;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.keys.AuthenticationKey;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.keys.KeyManager;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.keys.KeyManagerException;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.keys.KeyNotFoundException;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.policy.AccountLockedException;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.policy.MustChangePasswordException;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.policy.PasswordEncoder;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.policy.PasswordRuleViolationException;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.policy.UserSecurityPolicy;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.rbac.RBACManager;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.rbac.RbacManagerException;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.rbac.UserAssignment;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.role.RoleManager;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.role.RoleManagerException;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.system.SecuritySession;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.system.SecuritySystem;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.users.UserManager;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.users.UserManagerException;
import org.apache.archiva.redback.users.UserNotFoundException;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import static*;
@Service( "v2.userService#rest" )
public class DefaultUserService
implements UserService
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( getClass() );
private static final String VALID_USERNAME_CHARS = "[a-zA-Z_0-9\\-.@]*";
private static final String[] INVALID_USER_NAMES = { "me" };
private UserManager userManager;
private SecuritySystem securitySystem;
@Named( value = "userConfiguration#default" )
private UserConfiguration config;
private JwtAuthenticator jwtAuthenticator;
private RoleManager roleManager;
* cache used for user assignments
@Named( value = "cache#userAssignments" )
private Cache<String, ? extends UserAssignment> userAssignmentsCache;
* cache used for user permissions
@Named( value = "cache#userPermissions" )
private Cache<String, ? extends Permission> userPermissionsCache;
* Cache used for users
@Named( value = "cache#users" )
private Cache<String, ? extends User> usersCache;
private Mailer mailer;
@Named( value = "rbacManager#default" )
private RBACManager rbacManager;
private HttpAuthenticator httpAuthenticator;
private PasswordValidator passwordValidator;
private HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest;
private HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse;
private UriInfo uriInfo;
public DefaultUserService( @Named( value = "userManager#default" ) UserManager userManager,
SecuritySystem securitySystem )
this.userManager = userManager;
this.securitySystem = securitySystem;
public User createUser( User user )
throws RedbackServiceException
User result;
if ( Arrays.binarySearch( INVALID_USER_NAMES, user.getUserId( ) ) >=0 )
throw new RedbackServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ERR_USER_ID_INVALID, user.getUserId() ), 405 );
org.apache.archiva.redback.users.User u = userManager.findUser( user.getUserId() );
if ( u != null )
httpServletResponse.setHeader( "Location", uriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder( ).path( u.getUsername( ) ).build( ).toString( ) );
throw new RedbackServiceException(
ErrorMessage.of( ERR_USER_EXISTS, user.getUserId() ), 303 );
catch ( UserNotFoundException e )
//ignore we just want to prevent non human readable error message from backend :-)
log.debug( "user {} not exists", user.getUserId() );
catch ( UserManagerException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ERR_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage() ) );
// data validation
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( user.getUserId() ) )
throw new RedbackServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ERR_USER_ID_EMPTY ), 405 );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( user.getFullName() ) )
throw new RedbackServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ERR_USER_FULL_NAME_EMPTY ), 405 );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( user.getEmail() ) )
throw new RedbackServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ERR_USER_EMAIL_EMPTY ), 405 );
org.apache.archiva.redback.users.User u =
userManager.createUser( user.getUserId(), user.getFullName(), user.getEmail() );
u.setPassword( user.getPassword() );
u.setLocked( user.isLocked() );
u.setPasswordChangeRequired( user.isPasswordChangeRequired() );
u.setPermanent( user.isPermanent() );
u.setValidated( user.isValidated() );
u = userManager.addUser( u );
if ( !user.isPasswordChangeRequired() )
u.setPasswordChangeRequired( false );
u = userManager.updateUser( u );
log.debug( "user {} created", u.getUsername() );
catch ( UserNotFoundException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( e.getMessage() );
roleManager.assignRole( RedbackRoleConstants.REGISTERED_USER_ROLE_ID, u.getUsername() );
result = getRestUser( u );
httpServletResponse.setStatus( 201 );
httpServletResponse.setHeader( "Location", uriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder().path( user.getUserId() ).build( ).toString() );
catch ( RoleManagerException rpe )
log.error( "RoleProfile Error: {}", rpe.getMessage(), rpe );
throw new RedbackServiceException( ErrorMessage.of(ERR_USER_ASSIGN_ROLE ) );
catch ( UserManagerException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( ErrorMessage.of(ERR_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage() ) );
return result;
public void deleteUser( String userId )
throws RedbackServiceException
if ( rbacManager.userAssignmentExists( userId ) )
UserAssignment assignment = rbacManager.getUserAssignment( userId );
rbacManager.removeUserAssignment( assignment );
catch ( RbacManagerException e )
log.error( e.getMessage(), e );
throw new RedbackServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ERR_RBACMANAGER_FAIL, e.getMessage( ) ) );
userManager.deleteUser( userId );
catch ( UserNotFoundException e )
log.error( e.getMessage(), e );
throw new RedbackServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND ), 404 );
catch ( UserManagerException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ERR_USERMANAGER_FAIL, e.getMessage( ) ) );
removeFromCache( userId );
httpServletResponse.setStatus( 200 );
public User getUser( String userId )
throws RedbackServiceException
org.apache.archiva.redback.users.User user = userManager.findUser( userId );
return getRestUser( user );
catch ( UserNotFoundException e )
return null;
catch ( UserManagerException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( e.getMessage() ) );
public PagedResult<User> getUsers(Integer offset,
Integer limit)
throws RedbackServiceException
List<? extends org.apache.archiva.redback.users.User> users = userManager.getUsers();
if (offset>=users.size()) {
return new PagedResult<>( users.size( ), offset, limit, Collections.emptyList( ) );
int endIndex = PagingHelper.getLastIndex( offset, limit, users.size( ) );
List<? extends org.apache.archiva.redback.users.User> resultList = users.subList( offset, endIndex );
List<User> simpleUsers = new ArrayList<>( resultList.size() );
for ( org.apache.archiva.redback.users.User user : resultList )
simpleUsers.add( getRestUser( user ) );
return new PagedResult<>( users.size( ), offset, limit, simpleUsers );
catch ( UserManagerException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( e.getMessage() ) );
public ActionStatus updateMe( String userId, User user )
throws RedbackServiceException
// check username == one in the session
RedbackRequestInformation redbackRequestInformation = RedbackAuthenticationThreadLocal.get();
if ( redbackRequestInformation == null || redbackRequestInformation.getUser() == null )
log.warn( "RedbackRequestInformation from ThreadLocal is null" );
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( "you must be logged to update your profile" ),
Response.Status.FORBIDDEN.getStatusCode() );
if ( user == null )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( "user parameter is mandatory" ),
Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST.getStatusCode() );
if ( !StringUtils.equals( redbackRequestInformation.getUser().getUsername(), user.getUserId() ) )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( "you can update only your profile" ),
Response.Status.FORBIDDEN.getStatusCode() );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( user.getPreviousPassword() ) )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( "previous password is empty" ),
Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST.getStatusCode() );
User realUser = getUser( user.getUserId() );
String previousEncodedPassword =
securitySystem.getUserManager().findUser( user.getUserId(), false ).getEncodedPassword();
// check oldPassword with the current one
PasswordEncoder encoder = securitySystem.getPolicy().getPasswordEncoder();
if ( !encoder.isPasswordValid( previousEncodedPassword, user.getPreviousPassword() ) )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( "password.provided.does.not.match.existing" ),
Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST.getStatusCode() );
catch ( UserNotFoundException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( "user not found" ),
Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST.getStatusCode() );
catch ( UserManagerException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( e.getMessage() ) );
// only 3 fields to update
realUser.setFullName( user.getFullName() );
realUser.setEmail( user.getEmail() );
// ui can limit to not update password
if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( user.getPassword() ) )
passwordValidator.validatePassword( user.getPassword(), user.getUserId() );
realUser.setPassword( user.getPassword() );
updateUser( realUser.getUserId(), realUser );
return ActionStatus.SUCCESS;
public User updateUser( String userId, User user )
throws RedbackServiceException
org.apache.archiva.redback.users.User rawUser = userManager.findUser( userId, false );
if (user.getFullName()!=null)
rawUser.setFullName( user.getFullName() );
if (user.getEmail()!=null)
rawUser.setEmail( user.getEmail() );
rawUser.setValidated( user.isValidated() );
rawUser.setLocked( user.isLocked() );
if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( user.getPassword( ) ) )
rawUser.setPassword( user.getPassword() );
rawUser.setPasswordChangeRequired( user.isPasswordChangeRequired() );
rawUser.setPermanent( user.isPermanent() );
org.apache.archiva.redback.users.User updatedUser = userManager.updateUser( rawUser );
return getRestUser( updatedUser );
catch ( UserNotFoundException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND ), 404 );
} catch ( PasswordRuleViolationException e ) {
List<ErrorMessage> messages = e.getViolations( ).getViolations( ).stream( ).map( m -> ErrorMessage.of( m.getKey( ), m.getArgs( ) ) ).collect( Collectors.toList() );
throw new RedbackServiceException( messages, 422 );
catch ( UserManagerException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( e.getMessage() ) );
public ActionStatus removeFromCache( String userId )
throws RedbackServiceException
if ( userAssignmentsCache != null )
userAssignmentsCache.remove( userId );
if ( userPermissionsCache != null )
userPermissionsCache.remove( userId );
if ( usersCache != null )
usersCache.remove( userId );
CacheManager cacheManager = CacheManager.getInstance();
String[] caches = cacheManager.getCacheNames();
for ( String cacheName : caches )
if ( StringUtils.startsWith( cacheName, "org.apache.archiva.redback.rbac.jdo" ) )
cacheManager.getCache( cacheName ).removeAll();
return ActionStatus.SUCCESS;
public User getGuestUser()
throws RedbackServiceException
org.apache.archiva.redback.users.User user = userManager.getGuestUser();
return getRestUser( user );
catch ( Exception e )
return null;
public User createGuestUser()
throws RedbackServiceException
User u = getGuestUser();
if ( u != null )
return u;
// temporary disable policy during guest creation as no password !
securitySystem.getPolicy().setEnabled( false );
org.apache.archiva.redback.users.User user = userManager.createGuestUser();
user.setPasswordChangeRequired( false );
user = userManager.updateUser( user, false );
roleManager.assignRole( config.getString( UserConfigurationKeys.DEFAULT_GUEST ), user.getUsername() );
return getRestUser( user );
catch ( RoleManagerException | UserNotFoundException e )
log.error( e.getMessage(), e );
throw new RedbackServiceException( e.getMessage() );
catch ( UserManagerException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( e.getMessage() ) );
if ( !securitySystem.getPolicy().isEnabled() )
securitySystem.getPolicy().setEnabled( true );
public PingResult ping()
throws RedbackServiceException
return new PingResult( true );
private User getRestUser( org.apache.archiva.redback.users.User user )
if ( user == null )
return null;
return new User( user );
public User createAdminUser( User adminUser )
throws RedbackServiceException
User result;
if ( getAdminStatus().isExists() )
log.warn( "Admin user exists already" );
httpServletResponse.setHeader( "Location", uriInfo.getAbsolutePath().toString() );
throw new RedbackServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( Constants.ERR_USER_ADMIN_EXISTS ), 303 );
log.debug("Creating admin admin user '{}'", adminUser.getUserId());
if (!RedbackRoleConstants.ADMINISTRATOR_ACCOUNT_NAME.equals(adminUser.getUserId())) {
log.error("Wrong admin user name {}", adminUser.getUserId());
throw new RedbackServiceException(ErrorMessage.of(Constants.ERR_USER_ADMIN_BAD_NAME ), 405);
org.apache.archiva.redback.users.User user =
userManager.createUser( RedbackRoleConstants.ADMINISTRATOR_ACCOUNT_NAME, adminUser.getFullName(),
adminUser.getEmail() );
user.setPassword( adminUser.getPassword() );
user.setLocked( false );
user.setPasswordChangeRequired( false );
user.setPermanent( true );
user.setValidated( true );
userManager.addUser( user );
result = getRestUser( user );
roleManager.assignRole( "system-administrator", user.getUsername() );
catch ( RoleManagerException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ERR_ROLEMANAGER_FAIL, e.getMessage( ) ) );
catch ( UserManagerException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ERR_USERMANAGER_FAIL, e.getMessage() ) );
httpServletResponse.setStatus( 201 );
httpServletResponse.setHeader( "Location", uriInfo.getAbsolutePath().toString() );
return result;
public AvailabilityStatus getAdminStatus()
throws RedbackServiceException
org.apache.archiva.redback.users.User user = userManager.findUser( config.getString( UserConfigurationKeys.DEFAULT_ADMIN ) );
if (user.getAccountCreationDate()!=null)
return new AvailabilityStatus( true, user.getAccountCreationDate( ).toInstant( ) );
} else {
return new AvailabilityStatus( true );
catch ( UserNotFoundException e )
// ignore
catch ( UserManagerException e )
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if ( cause != null && cause instanceof UserNotFoundException )
return new AvailabilityStatus( false );
throw new RedbackServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ERR_USERMANAGER_FAIL, e.getMessage() ) );
return new AvailabilityStatus( false );
public ActionStatus resetPassword( String userId, ResetPasswordRequest resetPasswordRequest )
throws RedbackServiceException
String username = resetPasswordRequest.getUsername();
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( username ) )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( "" ) );
UserManager userManager = securitySystem.getUserManager();
KeyManager keyManager = securitySystem.getKeyManager();
UserSecurityPolicy policy = securitySystem.getPolicy();
org.apache.archiva.redback.users.User user = userManager.findUser( username );
AuthenticationKey authkey = keyManager.createKey( username, "Password Reset Request",
policy.getUserValidationSettings().getEmailValidationTimeout() );
String applicationUrl = resetPasswordRequest.getApplicationUrl();
if ( StringUtils.isBlank( applicationUrl ) )
applicationUrl = getBaseUrl();
mailer.sendPasswordResetEmail( Arrays.asList( user.getEmail() ), authkey, applicationUrl ); "password reset request for username {}", username );
catch ( UserNotFoundException e )
{ "Password Reset on non-existant user [{}].", username );
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( "password.reset.failure" ) );
catch ( KeyManagerException e )
{ "Unable to issue password reset.", e );
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( "" ) );
catch ( UserManagerException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( e.getMessage() ) );
return ActionStatus.SUCCESS;
public RegistrationKey registerUser( String userId, UserRegistrationRequest userRegistrationRequest )
throws RedbackServiceException
User user = userRegistrationRequest.getUser();
if ( user == null )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( "invalid.user.credentials", null ) );
UserSecurityPolicy securityPolicy = securitySystem.getPolicy();
boolean emailValidationRequired = securityPolicy.getUserValidationSettings().isEmailValidationRequired();
if ( emailValidationRequired )
validateCredentialsLoose( user );
validateCredentialsStrict( user );
org.apache.archiva.redback.users.User u = null;
// NOTE: Do not perform Password Rules Validation Here.
if ( userManager.userExists( user.getUserId() ) )
throw new RedbackServiceException(
new ErrorMessage( "user.already.exists", new String[]{ user.getUserId() } ) );
u = userManager.createUser( user.getUserId(), user.getFullName(), user.getEmail() );
u.setPassword( user.getPassword() );
u.setValidated( false );
u.setLocked( false );
roleManager.assignRole( RedbackRoleConstants.REGISTERED_USER_ROLE_ID, u.getUsername() );
catch ( RoleManagerException rpe )
log.error( "RoleProfile Error: {}", rpe.getMessage(), rpe );
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( "assign.role.failure", null ) );
catch ( UserManagerException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( e.getMessage() ) );
if ( emailValidationRequired )
u.setLocked( true );
AuthenticationKey authkey =
securitySystem.getKeyManager().createKey( u.getUsername(), "New User Email Validation",
securityPolicy.getUserValidationSettings().getEmailValidationTimeout() );
String baseUrl = userRegistrationRequest.getApplicationUrl();
if ( StringUtils.isBlank( baseUrl ) )
baseUrl = getBaseUrl();
log.debug( "register user {} with email {} and app url {}", u.getUsername(), u.getEmail(), baseUrl );
mailer.sendAccountValidationEmail( Arrays.asList( u.getEmail() ), authkey, baseUrl );
securityPolicy.setEnabled( false );
userManager.addUser( u );
return new RegistrationKey( authkey.getKey(), true );
catch ( KeyManagerException e )
log.error( "Unable to register a new user.", e );
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( "cannot.register.user", null ) );
catch ( UserManagerException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( e.getMessage() ) );
securityPolicy.setEnabled( true );
userManager.addUser( u );
return new RegistrationKey( "-1", false );
catch ( UserManagerException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( e.getMessage() ) );
// FIXME log this event
AuditEvent event = new AuditEvent( getText( "log.account.create" ) );
event.setAffectedUser( username );
public Collection<Permission> getCurrentUserPermissions( )
throws RedbackServiceException
RedbackRequestInformation redbackRequestInformation = RedbackAuthenticationThreadLocal.get();
String userName = UserManager.GUEST_USERNAME;
if ( redbackRequestInformation != null && redbackRequestInformation.getUser() != null )
userName = redbackRequestInformation.getUser().getUsername();
log.warn( "RedbackRequestInformation from ThreadLocal is null" );
return getUserPermissions( userName );
public Collection<Operation> getCurrentUserOperations( )
throws RedbackServiceException
RedbackRequestInformation redbackRequestInformation = RedbackAuthenticationThreadLocal.get();
String userName = UserManager.GUEST_USERNAME;
if ( redbackRequestInformation != null && redbackRequestInformation.getUser() != null )
userName = redbackRequestInformation.getUser().getUsername();
log.warn( "RedbackRequestInformation from ThreadLocal is null" );
return getUserOperations( userName );
public VerificationStatus validateUserRegistration( String userId, String key ) throws RedbackServiceException
String principal = null;
AuthenticationKey authkey = securitySystem.getKeyManager().findKey( key );
org.apache.archiva.redback.users.User user =
securitySystem.getUserManager().findUser( authkey.getForPrincipal() );
user.setValidated( true );
user.setLocked( false );
user.setPasswordChangeRequired( true );
user.setEncodedPassword( "" );
principal = user.getUsername();
TokenBasedAuthenticationDataSource authsource = new TokenBasedAuthenticationDataSource();
authsource.setPrincipal( principal );
authsource.setToken( authkey.getKey() );
authsource.setEnforcePasswordChange( false );
securitySystem.getUserManager().updateUser( user );
VerificationStatus status = new VerificationStatus(false );
SecuritySession authStatus = securitySystem.authenticate( authsource );
if (authStatus.isAuthenticated()) {
Token accessToken = jwtAuthenticator.generateToken( principal );
status.setAccessToken( accessToken.getData() );
status.setSuccess( true );
} "account validated for user {}", user.getUsername() );
return status;
catch ( MustChangePasswordException | AccountLockedException | AuthenticationException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( e.getMessage(), Response.Status.FORBIDDEN.getStatusCode() );
catch ( KeyNotFoundException e )
{ "Invalid key requested: {}", key );
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( "cannot.find.key" ) );
catch ( KeyManagerException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( "" ) );
catch ( UserNotFoundException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( "cannot.find.user", new String[]{ principal } ) );
catch ( UserManagerException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( e.getMessage() ) );
public Collection<Operation> getUserOperations( String userName )
throws RedbackServiceException
Collection<Permission> permissions = getUserPermissions( userName );
List<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<>( permissions.size( ) );
for ( Permission permission : permissions )
if ( permission.getOperation() != null )
Operation operation = new Operation();
operation.setName( permission.getOperation().getName() );
operations.add( operation );
return operations;
public Collection<Permission> getUserPermissions( String userName )
throws RedbackServiceException
Set<? extends org.apache.archiva.redback.rbac.Permission> permissions =
rbacManager.getAssignedPermissions( userName );
// FIXME return guest permissions !!
List<Permission> userPermissions = new ArrayList<>( permissions.size( ) );
for ( org.apache.archiva.redback.rbac.Permission p : permissions )
Permission permission = new Permission();
permission.setName( p.getName() );
if ( p.getOperation() != null )
Operation operation = new Operation();
operation.setName( p.getOperation().getName() );
permission.setOperation( operation );
if ( p.getResource() != null )
Resource resource = new Resource();
resource.setIdentifier( p.getResource().getIdentifier() );
resource.setPattern( p.getResource().isPattern() );
permission.setResource( resource );
userPermissions.add( permission );
return userPermissions;
catch ( RbacManagerException e )
log.error( e.getMessage(), e );
throw new RedbackServiceException( e.getMessage() );
public void validateCredentialsLoose( User user )
throws RedbackServiceException
RedbackServiceException redbackServiceException =
new RedbackServiceException( "issues during validating user" );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( user.getUserId() ) )
redbackServiceException.addErrorMessage( new ErrorMessage( "username.required", null ) );
if ( !user.getUserId().matches( VALID_USERNAME_CHARS ) )
redbackServiceException.addErrorMessage( new ErrorMessage( "username.invalid.characters", null ) );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( user.getFullName() ) )
redbackServiceException.addErrorMessage( new ErrorMessage( "fullName.required", null ) );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( user.getEmail() ) )
redbackServiceException.addErrorMessage( new ErrorMessage( "email.required", null ) );
if ( !StringUtils.equals( user.getPassword(), user.getConfirmPassword() ) )
redbackServiceException.addErrorMessage( new ErrorMessage( "passwords.does.not.match", null ) );
if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( user.getEmail() ) )
new InternetAddress( user.getEmail(), true );
catch ( AddressException e )
redbackServiceException.addErrorMessage( new ErrorMessage( "email.invalid", null ) );
if ( !redbackServiceException.getErrorMessages().isEmpty() )
throw redbackServiceException;
public void validateCredentialsStrict( User user )
throws RedbackServiceException
validateCredentialsLoose( user );
org.apache.archiva.redback.users.User tmpuser =
userManager.createUser( user.getUserId(), user.getFullName(), user.getEmail() );
user.setPassword( user.getPassword() );
securitySystem.getPolicy().validatePassword( tmpuser );
if ( ( StringUtils.isEmpty( user.getPassword() ) ) )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( "password.required", null ) );
catch ( UserManagerException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( e.getMessage() ) );
private String getBaseUrl()
if ( httpServletRequest != null )
if ( httpServletRequest != null )
return httpServletRequest.getScheme() + "://" + httpServletRequest.getServerName() + (
httpServletRequest.getServerPort() == 80
? ""
: ":" + httpServletRequest.getServerPort() ) + httpServletRequest.getContextPath();
return null;
public void unlockUser( String userId )
throws RedbackServiceException
org.apache.archiva.redback.users.User rawUser = userManager.findUser( userId, false );
if ( rawUser != null )
rawUser.setLocked( false );
userManager.updateUser( rawUser, false );
} else {
throw new RedbackServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND, userId ), 404 );
catch ( UserNotFoundException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND ), 404 );
catch ( UserManagerException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( e.getMessage() ) );
httpServletResponse.setStatus( 200 );
public void lockUser( String userId )
throws RedbackServiceException
org.apache.archiva.redback.users.User rawUser = userManager.findUser( userId, false );
if ( rawUser != null )
rawUser.setLocked( true );
userManager.updateUser( rawUser, false );
} else {
throw new RedbackServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND, userId ), 404 );
catch ( UserNotFoundException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( ErrorMessage.of( ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND ), 404 );
catch ( UserManagerException e )
throw new RedbackServiceException( new ErrorMessage( e.getMessage() ) );
httpServletResponse.setStatus( 200 );
public PasswordStatus getPasswordStatus( String userId )
throws RedbackServiceException
User user = getUser( userId );
if ( user == null )
user.setPasswordChangeRequired( true );
updateUser( user.getUserId(), user );
return new PasswordStatus( true );
return new PasswordStatus( false );