Finished pipeline
diff --git a/Jenkinsfile b/Jenkinsfile
index 00a37a1..ed978ec 100644
--- a/Jenkinsfile
+++ b/Jenkinsfile
@@ -18,22 +18,19 @@
- *
  * Jenkins Pipeline configuration.
 node('ubuntu') {
     stage ('Build') {
-        label 'ubuntu'
         git url: ''
                 // Maven installation declared in the Jenkins "Global Tool Configuration"
                 maven: 'Maven 3.5.2', jdk: 'JDK 1.8 (latest)') {
             // Run the maven build
-            sh "mvn clean install -B -U -e -fae -Dmaven.compiler.fork=false -Pci-build"
+            sh "mvn clean install -B -U -e -fae -Dmaven.compiler.fork=false"
         } // withMaven will discover the generated Maven artifacts, JUnit Surefire & FailSafe & FindBugs reports...