blob: 0a8812e310d1458483739464da410b36f23cc7dd [file] [log] [blame]
package org.codehaus.modello.plugin.jpox;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.jdo.JDOHelper;
import javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.apache.log4j.*;
import org.codehaus.modello.verifier.Verifier;
* @version $Id: 675 2006-11-16 10:58:59Z brett $
public class JpoxVerifierDeleteModel
extends Verifier
public void verify()
throws Exception
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty( "javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryClass", "org.jpox.PersistenceManagerFactoryImpl" );
properties.setProperty( "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionDriverName", "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver" );
properties.setProperty( "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL", "jdbc:derby:target/jpox-delete-model/database;create=true" );
properties.setProperty( "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName", "sa" );
properties.setProperty( "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword", "" );
properties.setProperty( "org.jpox.autoCreateSchema", "true" );
properties.setProperty( "org.jpox.validateTables", "false" );
properties.setProperty( "org.jpox.validateColumns", "false" );
properties.setProperty( "org.jpox.validateConstraints", "false" );
PropertyConfigurator.configure( getClass().getResource( "/" ) );
// Logger.getLogger( "JPOX" ).setLevel( Level.DEBUG );
PersistenceManagerFactory pmf = JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory( properties );
RbacJdoModelJPoxStore store = new RbacJdoModelJPoxStore( pmf );
createDatabase( store );
// Check the permissions, etc. are retrieved
JdoRole role = store.getJdoRole( "name", true );
Assert.assertNotNull( role );
Assert.assertEquals( 3, role.getPermissions().size() );
Assert.assertEquals( "pDesc1", ( (JdoPermission) role.getPermissions().get( 0 ) ).getDescription() );
Assert.assertEquals( "pDesc2", ( (JdoPermission) role.getPermissions().get( 1 ) ).getDescription() );
Assert.assertEquals( "pDesc3", ( (JdoPermission) role.getPermissions().get( 2 ) ).getDescription() );
// These aren't detached. Something to monitor when using the class - careful use of fetch groups is required
// Assert.assertEquals( "oDesc1", ( (JdoPermission) role.getPermissions().get( 0 ) ).getOperation().getDescription() );
// Assert.assertEquals( "rId1", ( (JdoPermission) role.getPermissions().get( 0 ) ).getResource().getIdentifier() );
// Check the totals
Assert.assertEquals( 3, store.getJdoRoleCollection( true, null, null ).size() );
Assert.assertEquals( 3, store.getJdoPermissionCollection( true, null, null ).size() );
Assert.assertEquals( 2, store.getJdoOperationCollection( true, null, null ).size() );
Assert.assertEquals( 2, store.getJdoResourceCollection( true, null, null ).size() );
Assert.assertEquals( 3, store.getJdoUserAssignmentCollection( true, null, null ).size() );
RbacJdoModelModelloMetadata metadata = store.getRbacJdoModelModelloMetadata( true );
Assert.assertEquals( "1.0.0", metadata.getModelVersion() );
// Check it is all gone
Assert.assertEquals( 0, store.getJdoRoleCollection( true, null, null ).size() );
Assert.assertEquals( 0, store.getJdoPermissionCollection( true, null, null ).size() );
Assert.assertEquals( 0, store.getJdoOperationCollection( true, null, null ).size() );
Assert.assertEquals( 0, store.getJdoResourceCollection( true, null, null ).size() );
Assert.assertEquals( 0, store.getJdoUserAssignmentCollection( true, null, null ).size() );
metadata = store.getRbacJdoModelModelloMetadata( true );
Assert.assertNull( metadata );
private void createDatabase( RbacJdoModelJPoxStore store )
JdoOperation operation1 = new JdoOperation();
operation1.setName( "oName1" );
operation1.setDescription( "oDesc1" );
operation1 = store.getJdoOperationByJdoId( store.addJdoOperation( operation1 ), true );
JdoOperation operation2 = new JdoOperation();
operation2.setName( "oName2" );
operation2.setDescription( "oDesc2" );
operation2 = store.getJdoOperationByJdoId( store.addJdoOperation( operation2 ), true );
JdoResource resource1 = new JdoResource();
resource1.setIdentifier( "rId1" );
resource1 = store.getJdoResourceByJdoId( store.addJdoResource( resource1 ), true );
JdoResource resource2 = new JdoResource();
resource2.setIdentifier( "rId2" );
resource2 = store.getJdoResourceByJdoId( store.addJdoResource( resource2 ), true );
JdoPermission permission1 = new JdoPermission();
permission1.setName( "pName1" );
permission1.setDescription( "pDesc1" );
permission1.setOperation( operation1 );
permission1.setResource( resource1 );
permission1 = store.getJdoPermissionByJdoId( store.addJdoPermission( permission1 ), true );
JdoPermission permission2 = new JdoPermission();
permission2.setName( "pName2" );
permission2.setDescription( "pDesc2" );
permission2.setOperation( operation1 );
permission2.setResource( resource2 );
permission2 = store.getJdoPermissionByJdoId( store.addJdoPermission( permission2 ), true );
JdoPermission permission3 = new JdoPermission();
permission3.setName( "pName3" );
permission3.setDescription( "pDesc3" );
permission3.setOperation( operation2 );
permission3.setResource( resource1 );
permission3 = store.getJdoPermissionByJdoId( store.addJdoPermission( permission3 ), true );
JdoRole childRole1 = new JdoRole();
childRole1.setName( "role1" );
childRole1.setDescription( "description1" );
childRole1.addPermission( permission1 );
store.addJdoRole( childRole1 );
JdoRole childRole2 = new JdoRole();
childRole2.setName( "role2" );
childRole2.setDescription( "description2" );
childRole2.addPermission( permission1 );
childRole2.addPermission( permission3 );
store.addJdoRole( childRole2 );
JdoRole role = new JdoRole();
role.setName( "name" );
role.setDescription( "description" );
role.addChildRoleName( "role1" );
role.addChildRoleName( "role2" );
role.addPermission( permission1 );
role.addPermission( permission2 );
role.addPermission( permission3 );
store.addJdoRole( role );
JdoUserAssignment userAssignment1 = new JdoUserAssignment();
userAssignment1.setPrincipal( "principal1" );
userAssignment1.setTimestamp( new Date() );
userAssignment1.getRoleNames().add( "role1" );
store.addJdoUserAssignment( userAssignment1 );
JdoUserAssignment userAssignment2 = new JdoUserAssignment();
userAssignment2.setPrincipal( "principal2" );
userAssignment2.setTimestamp( new Date() );
userAssignment2.getRoleNames().add( "name" );
store.addJdoUserAssignment( userAssignment2 );
JdoUserAssignment userAssignment3 = new JdoUserAssignment();
userAssignment3.setPrincipal( "principal3" );
userAssignment3.setTimestamp( new Date() );
userAssignment3.getRoleNames().add( "role1" );
userAssignment3.getRoleNames().add( "role2" );
store.addJdoUserAssignment( userAssignment3 );
RbacJdoModelModelloMetadata metadata = new RbacJdoModelModelloMetadata();
metadata.setModelVersion( "1.0.0" );
store.storeRbacJdoModelModelloMetadata( metadata );