blob: 62a4826df814f5592cb843adc3891c119d342f65 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache HTTP Server Request Library
What is it?
httpd-apreq is subproject of the Apache HTTP Server Project
whose committers develop and maintain the libapreq C library
and its language bindings for Perl (contributions for additional
language bindings are most welcome).
libapreq is a safe, standards-compliant, high-performance library
used for parsing HTTP cookies, query-strings and POST data. The
original version (libapreq-1.X) was designed by Lincoln Stein and Doug
MacEachern. The perl APIs Apache::Request and Apache::Cookie are the
lightweight mod_perl analogs of the CGI and CGI::Cookie perl modules.
Version 2 of libapreq is an improved codebase designed around APR
and Apache-2's input filter API. The C codebase is separated into
two independent components:
1) libapreq2, a shared library which is based on
libapr and libaprutil.
2) A collection of modules:
- mod_apreq2, a filter module for the Apache 2.X webserver,
- a CGI module included in libapreq2 itself,
- a custom module for general applications.
Version 2 also includes the perl APIs for libapreq2- Apache2::Request,
Apache2::Upload and Apache2::Cookie. The corresponding XS modules
are generated by ExtUtils::XSBuilder, which is based on the new build
system created specifically for mod_perl2.
The Latest Version
Details of the latest version can be found on the libapreq
project page at
The documentation is in the docs/ directory. It is
based on Doxygen, and can be regenerated by typing
% make docs
in the main directory.
For full details please consult the INSTALL file. Briefly,
to install just the C API (libapreq2 + environment modules)
on a Unix-like system:
% ./configure --with-apache2-apxs=/path/to/apache2/bin/apxs
% make
% make test
% make install
To build and install the perl API as well, either add
the "--enable-perl-glue" configure option, or let Makefile.PL
enable it for you:
% perl Makefile.PL --with-apache2-apxs=/path/to/apache2/bin/apxs
% make
% make test
% make install
Please see the file called LICENSE.
o Project homepage:
o Mailing Lists:
user lists:
C/C++ API -
Perl API -
Java API - XXX
Python API - XXX
developer list (bugs, patches, code contributions, etc.):
We wish to acknowledge the following copyrighted works that
make up portions of the Apache software:
libapreq2 relies heavily on the use of the GNU auto-tools
to provide a build environment. The tests are based on
the Apache::Test, Test::Harness and Test::Inline.
Doxygen generates the documentation for libapreq2. The perl glue
and pods are generated by ExtUtils::XSBuilder.