blob: 82201ae92f1b00fdfbad5552864bcac7f796b36a [file] [log] [blame]
require 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Config;
use constant PERL_PATH => $Config{perlpath}; # XXX
use constant WIN32 => ($^O =~ /Win32/);
sub test_prereq {
system (PERL_PATH, "build/", @_) == 0
or die "Please upgrade $_[0] first.\n";
test_prereq perl => PERL_PATH;
if (WIN32) {
push @ARGV, '--with-perl=' . PERL_PATH;
my @args = (PERL_PATH, 'win32/', @ARGV);
print "@args\n";
system(@args) == 0 or die "system @args failed: $?";
else {
my @opts = qw(with-apache2-apxs with-apache2-src
with-apr-config with-apu-config apxs);
my @flags = qw/enable-maintainer-mode enable-perl-glue disable-perl-glue/;
my %opts;
# grab from @ARGV only the options that we expect
GetOptions(\%opts, (map "$_=s", @opts), @flags);
$opts{"with-perl"} = PERL_PATH;
my $opts = "";
$opts .= "--enable-maintainer-mode " if $opts{"enable-maintainer-mode"};
unless (exists $opts{"disable-perl-glue"}) {
$opts .= "--enable-perl-glue ";
test_prereq "mod_perl";
test_prereq "Apache::Test";
test_prereq "ExtUtils::MakeMaker";
test_prereq "ExtUtils::XSBuilder";
test_prereq "Test::More";
delete @opts{@flags};
$opts{"with-apache2-apxs"} = delete $opts{apxs}
if exists $opts{apxs} and not exists $opts{"with-apache2-apxs"};
$opts .= join " ", map {"--$_=$opts{$_}"} keys %opts;
print "./configure $opts\n";
exec "./configure $opts";