blob: dccc3bd31acc5dda04ba09400c1467ebc47f7759 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
#include "apreq_env.h"
#include "test_apreq.h"
#include "apreq.h"
#include "apreq_tables.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
static apreq_table_t *t1 = NULL;
#define V(k,v) apreq_make_value(p,k,strlen(k),v,strlen(v))
static void table_make(CuTest *tc)
t1 = apreq_make_table(p, 5);
CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, t1);
static void table_get(CuTest *tc)
const char *val;
apreq_table_set(t1, V(APREQ_URL_ENCTYPE,"foo"));
apreq_table_set(t1, V(APREQ_MFD_ENCTYPE,"bar"));
val = apreq_table_get(t1,APREQ_URL_ENCTYPE);
val = apreq_table_get(t1,APREQ_MFD_ENCTYPE);
static void table_set(CuTest *tc)
const char *val;
apreq_table_set(t1, V("setkey","bar"));
apreq_table_set(t1, V("setkey","2ndtry"));
val = apreq_table_get(t1,"setkey");
static void table_getnotthere(CuTest *tc)
const char *val;
val = apreq_table_get(t1, "keynotthere");
CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, NULL,val);
static void table_add(CuTest *tc)
const char *val;
apreq_table_addv(t1, V("add", "bar"));
apreq_table_addv(t1, V("add", "foo"));
val = apreq_table_get(t1, "add");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "bar", val);
apreq_table_addv(t1, V("f", "top"));
apreq_table_addv(t1, V("fo", "child"));
apreq_table_addv(t1, V("fro", "child-right"));
* f(5) black fo(6) black
* fo(6) red => f(5)red fro(7)red
* fro(7) red
apreq_table_addv(t1, V("flo", "child-left"));
apreq_table_addv(t1, V("flr", "child-left-right"));
apreq_table_addv(t1, V("frr", "child-right-right"));
apreq_table_addv(t1, V("frl", "child-right-left"));
apreq_table_addv(t1, V("flr", "child-left-right"));
apreq_table_addv(t1, V("fll", "child-left-left"));
apreq_table_addv(t1, V("foo", "bar"));
apreq_table_addv(t1, V("b", "bah humbug"));
val = apreq_table_get(t1, "foo");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "bar", val);
val = apreq_table_get(t1, "flr");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "child-left-right", val);
static void table_unset(CuTest *tc) {
const char *val;
apreq_table_unset(t1, "flo");
val = apreq_table_get(t1, "flo");
CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, NULL, val);
val = apreq_table_get(t1, "fro");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "child-right", val);
val = apreq_table_get(t1, "fll");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "child-left-left", val);
val = apreq_table_get(t1, "frl");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "child-right-left", val);
static void table_nelts(CuTest *tc)
const char *val;
apreq_table_t *t = apreq_table_make(p, 1);
apreq_table_set(t, V("abc", "def"));
apreq_table_set(t, V("def", "abc"));
apreq_table_set(t, V("foo", "zzz"));
val = apreq_table_get(t, "foo");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, val, "zzz");
val = apreq_table_get(t, "abc");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, val, "def");
val = apreq_table_get(t, "def");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, val, "abc");
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 3, apreq_table_nelts(t));
static void table_clear(CuTest *tc)
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 0, apreq_table_nelts(t1));
static void table_overlap(CuTest *tc)
const char *val;
apreq_table_t *t2 = apreq_table_make(p, 1);
apr_status_t s;
t1 = apreq_table_make(p, 1);
apreq_table_addv(t1, V("a", "0"));
apreq_table_addv(t1, V("g", "7"));
apreq_table_addv(t2, V("a", "1"));
apreq_table_addv(t2, V("b", "2"));
apreq_table_addv(t2, V("c", "3"));
apreq_table_addv(t2, V("b", "2.0"));
apreq_table_addv(t2, V("d", "4"));
apreq_table_addv(t2, V("e", "5"));
apreq_table_addv(t2, V("b", "2."));
apreq_table_addv(t2, V("f", "6"));
/* APR_OVERLAP_TABLES_SET had funky semantics, so we ignore it here */
s = apreq_table_overlap(t1, t2, APR_OVERLAP_TABLES_MERGE);
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, APR_SUCCESS, s);
t2 = apreq_table_copy(p,t1);
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 7, apreq_table_nelts(t2));
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 3, apreq_table_ghosts(t2));
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 9, apreq_table_exorcise(t2));
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 0, apreq_table_ghosts(t2));
val = apreq_table_get(t2, "a");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "0, 1",val);
val = apreq_table_get(t2, "b");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "2, 2.0, 2.",val);
val = apreq_table_get(t2, "c");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "3",val);
val = apreq_table_get(t2, "d");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "4",val);
val = apreq_table_get(t2, "e");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "5",val);
val = apreq_table_get(t2, "f");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "6",val);
val = apreq_table_get(t2, "g");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "7",val);
#define APREQ_ELT(a,i) (*(apreq_value_t **)((a)->elts + (i) * (a)->elt_size))
static void table_elts(CuTest *tc)
const char *val;
const apreq_value_t *v;
const apr_array_header_t *a;
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 7, apreq_table_nelts(t1));
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 3, apreq_table_ghosts(t1));
a = apreq_table_elts(t1);
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 7, apreq_table_nelts(t1));
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 0, apreq_table_ghosts(t1));
v = APREQ_ELT(a,0);
CuAssertStrEquals(tc,"0, 1", v->data);
v = APREQ_ELT(a,1);
CuAssertStrEquals(tc,"7", v->data);
v = APREQ_ELT(a,2);
CuAssertStrEquals(tc,"2, 2.0, 2.", v->data);
v = APREQ_ELT(a,3);
CuAssertStrEquals(tc,"3", v->data);
v = APREQ_ELT(a,a->nelts-1);
CuAssertStrEquals(tc,"6", v->data);
v = APREQ_ELT(a,a->nelts-2);
CuAssertStrEquals(tc,"5", v->data);
v = APREQ_ELT(a,a->nelts-3);
CuAssertStrEquals(tc,"4", v->data);
static void table_overlay(CuTest *tc)
const char *val;
apreq_table_t *t2 = apreq_table_make(p, 1);
apr_status_t s;
t1 = apreq_table_make(p, 1);
apreq_table_addv(t1, V("a", "0"));
apreq_table_addv(t1, V("g", "7"));
apreq_table_addv(t2, V("a", "1"));
apreq_table_addv(t2, V("b", "2"));
apreq_table_addv(t2, V("c", "3"));
apreq_table_addv(t2, V("b", "2.0"));
apreq_table_addv(t2, V("d", "4"));
apreq_table_addv(t2, V("e", "5"));
apreq_table_addv(t2, V("b", "2."));
apreq_table_addv(t2, V("f", "6"));
t1 = apreq_table_overlay(p, t1, t2);
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 10, apreq_table_nelts(t1));
val = apreq_table_get(t1, "a");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "0",val);
val = apreq_table_get(t1, "b");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "2",val);
val = apreq_table_get(t1, "c");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "3",val);
val = apreq_table_get(t1, "d");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "4",val);
val = apreq_table_get(t1, "e");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "5",val);
val = apreq_table_get(t1, "f");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "6",val);
val = apreq_table_get(t1, "g");
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "7",val);
static void table_keys(CuTest *tc)
const char *k;
apr_array_header_t *a = apr_array_make(p,1, sizeof k);
apr_status_t s = apreq_table_keys(t1,a);
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, APR_SUCCESS, s);
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 7, a->nelts);
k = ((const char **)a->elts)[0];
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "a", k);
k = ((const char **)a->elts)[1];
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "g", k);
k = ((const char **)a->elts)[2];
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "b", k);
k = ((const char **)a->elts)[3];
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "c", k);
k = ((const char **)a->elts)[4];
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "d", k);
k = ((const char **)a->elts)[5];
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "e", k);
k = ((const char **)a->elts)[6];
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "f", k);
static int push_value(void *d, const char *key, const char *val)
apr_array_header_t *a = d;
*(const char **)apr_array_push(a) = val;
return 1;
static void table_values(CuTest *tc)
const char *v;
apr_array_header_t *a = apr_array_make(p,1,sizeof v);
apreq_table_do(push_value, a, t1, "a", NULL);
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 2, a->nelts);
v = ((const char **)a->elts)[0];
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "0", v);
v = ((const char **)a->elts)[1];
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "1", v);
a->nelts = 0;
apreq_table_do(push_value, a, t1, "b", NULL);
CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 3, a->nelts);
v = ((const char **)a->elts)[0];
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "2", v);
v = ((const char **)a->elts)[1];
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "2.0", v);
v = ((const char **)a->elts)[2];
CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "2.", v);
CuSuite *testtable(void)
CuSuite *suite = CuSuiteNew("Table");
SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, table_make);
SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, table_get);
SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, table_set);
SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, table_getnotthere);
SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, table_add);
SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, table_unset);
SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, table_nelts);
SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, table_clear);
SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, table_overlap);
SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, table_elts);
SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, table_overlay);
SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, table_keys);
SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, table_values);
return suite;