blob: 20d46b4814a2e2674e2168ebff2558bc2671ecc0 [file] [log] [blame]
Instructions for the httpd-apreq Release Manager (RM)
Note that although binding votes for the release must come from httpd PMC
members, the RM him- (or her-)self need only be an apreq committer, not a
PMC member (but cannot vote in this case).
1. In /trunk (or in /branches/1.x or wherever the active development happens)
edit ./Changes:
=item 1.35 - <Today's Date>
libapreq-1.35 released.
Also, add a release entry to ./STATUS
1.35 : Released <Today's Date>
2. Tag the tree, s/./_/g in the version number.
% svn copy .
3. Prep the package for CPAN by running:
% sh
% perl Makefile.PL
% make dist
This will generate a libapreq-1.xx.tar.gz candidate in the
current directory.
4. Test the generated file's './configure ...' build and
'perl Makefile.PL ...' build. Make sure all perl tests pass.
5. Sign the package via gpg:
% gpg --detach-sign --armor libapreq-1.35.tar.gz
or pgp:
unix50i1b: % pgps -b --armor libapreq-1.35.tar.gz
other: % pgp -sba libapreq-1.35.tar.gz
Check that your public key is among those listed in the
/www/ file.
Create an md5 digest of the file
% md5sum libapreq-1.35.tar.gz > libapreq-1.35.tar.gz.md5
6. Upload the release candidate to
% scp libapreq-1.35.tar.gz*
Ask another developer to confirm the uploaded signature is ok
Subject: please verify sig of libapreq-1.35.tar.gz
[Name], could you please verify the sig and md5:
via gpg:
% gpg --verify libapreq-1.35.tar.gz.asc
or pgp:
unix50i1b: % pgpv libapreq-1.35.tar.gz.asc
other: % pgp libapreq-1.35.tar.gz.asc
The md5 can be verified by running
% md5sum libapreq-1.35.tar.gz
and comparing the output with the contents of libapreq-1.35.tar.gz.md5
7. Post a candidate announcement to apreq-dev@.
Also, it is strongly recommended that the RM crosspost the
candidate announcement to the modperl@ list, to solicit feedback
from a much larger audience.
8. Give the mailing list participants 48-72 hours to vote on the release.
Tally the results after 72 hours of the call. If there is a
"majority consensus" (three +1 and more +1's than -1's) among the
httpd PMC members, the RM may proceed with the release. Otherwise
the RM must abandon this release and start fresh.
If more -1's than +1's are received, or less than 3 +1's are received,
the release is rejected. Edit the ./STATUS file and modify the line
1.35 : Released <Date>
to read
1.35 : Not released
Follow the instructions in step 12a, c and d (NOT b) to increment the
version and commit your changes. Then start a release with the new version
number by starting again from step 1.
9. If 3 +1 votes are received by members of the httpd PMC and there are more
+1's than -1's after at least a 72 hour window has elapsed (majority
consensus), the release is a go. Copy the package and signature to the website for distribution:
people% mv public_html/libapreq-1.35.tar.gz* \
Upload the package to CPAN. Doublecheck that the md5 checksum
received from PAUSE is correct.
Wait 24 hours to allow ASF and CPAN mirrors to propogate the release.
10. Update the httpd-apreq homepage to list the new release in
the News section. For instructions on updating the httpd website,
see httpd-apreq-2/build/WEBSITE.
11. Post a final announcement to the modperl@ and apreq-dev@ lists:
Subject: [ANNOUNCEMENT] libapreq-1.35 (a.k.a. Apache::Request-1.35) Released
The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache HTTP Server Project are
pleased to announce the release of version 1.35 of the Apache HTTP
Request Library ("libapreq"). This version includes the following fixes
and enhancements:
We consider this release to be the best version of libapreq-1.x
available, and encourage users of all prior versions to upgrade.
libapreq-1.35 can be downloaded from the Apache Software Foundation at
the following address:
libapreq-1.35 is also available at a CPAN mirror near you, and has
entered CPAN as
file: xxx
size: xxx
md5: xxx
12. Prepare for the next cycle
a. increment version in Request/
b. edit ./Changes:
- start a new item with incremented version + '-dev'
=item 1.36-dev
c. update this file versions to make it easy to copy-n-paste things
on the next release:
perl -pi -e 's/\.36/\.37/g' RELEASE
perl -pi -e 's/_35/_36/g' RELEASE
perl -pi -e 's/\.35/\.36/g' RELEASE
now reload this file and bump up the last number of the first
two commands.
d. commit the changed files
% svn ci Changes Request/ STATUS RELEASE