blob: bcfca70fd61dd26808e8db113318214c4fcd07fd [file] [log] [blame]
Last modified at [$Date$] -*-text-*-
/** @page apreq_status STATUS
2.05 in development.
Contributors looking for a mission:
- just do an egrep on "TODO" or "XXX" and see what's there
- Should we switch to EU::MM for determining the full path to perl?
The problem is that some folks move their perl binary post-installation,
but never adjust EU::MM is smart, by accepting a
full path in $^X or by searching the user's $PATH for $^X, before
resorting to However, if we change apreq2, we should also
lobby test-dev to adopt the same solution for Apache::Test. Otherwise
our test suite will likely fail, even though the rest of the perl build
system will presumably still work.
+1: joes
- Document the new apr-dependency in our soname's major version: <--- has apr-0's ABI <--- has apr-1's ABI
- We need to add some basic charset support. Long discussion
starts here:
- There are too many calls to apreq_env_pool()- lots of these
can be eliminated by caching the pool in the parser's context.
- in glue/perl/t/apreq/cgi.t on Win32, printing to the error log
hangs if the strings involved are about 10000 in size.
This doesn't occur in the env/cgi tests - why?
- Why must fprintf(stderr, ...), rather than
apr_file_printf(err, ...), be used on Win32 in
cgi_log() of src/apreq_env.c?
- The current tests don't cover these functions,
so add CuTest tests for them:
- apreq_merge_values()
- CuTest needs va_arg to print comments for a failed unit test.
- Get env/ (Apache::Test) tests to work for --with-apache2-src option.
Also add a test to configure that prevents simultaneous use of
--with-apache2-src and --with-apache2-apxs.
- Bring Perl documentation up to speed: Table.pod, and Error.pod.
These docs either need to be written, or they require Test::Inline
tests to verify their API.
- Write parser/hook API documentation, and add perl glue for the API.
- symbol exports files:
-# aix needs .exp files
- Install the html dox during "make install". Should we do this
for the doxy manpages also?
- Rework glue/perl build system to use apreq2-config instead of
relying on paths like "../../src".
- Taint checks need to be extended to APR objects, like
$upload->bb and $upload->info. We may need be able to
do that with additional typemaps.
- Should we bundle an apr-based "application/xml" parser?
If so, how should we parse the xml data into an apr_table?
- Fix build automake/libtool/autoconf build system so it works
properly on OSX & AIX.
- I [joes] wish folks would contribute some glue code for
one of these:
- php,
- Rivet,
- mod_dtcl,
- mod_python,
- mod_jk,
- tomcat,
- mod_ruby,
- mod_parrot.