blob: 695fafc23ce2d2ebbaddfa341fc318090e78d770 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file apr_jose.h
* @brief APR-UTIL JSON Object Signing and Encryption Library
#ifndef APR_JOSE_H
#define APR_JOSE_H
* @defgroup APR_Util_JOSE JSON Object Signing and Encryption
* @ingroup APR_Util
* @{
* The JOSE (JSON Object Signing and Encryption) library allows the encoding
* and decoding of JWS (JSON Web Signature), JWE (JSON Web Encryption), JWK
* (JSON Web Key) and JWT (JSON Web Token) objects, encoded using compact
* encoding, JSON encoding, or flattened JSON encoding.
* The following RFCs are supported:
* - - JSON Web Signature (JWS)
* - - JSON Web Encryption (JWE)
* - - JSON Web Key (JWK)
* - - JSON Web Token (JWT)
* Encryption, decryption, signing and verification are implemented as
* callbacks to the caller's specification, and are not included.
* When decrypting or verifying, the caller MUST verify that the 'alg'
* algorithm parameter in the JOSE message matches the algorithm expected
* by the implementation.
* It is recommended that the apr_crypto library be used to implement the
* callbacks, however an alternatively crypto library of the caller's choice
* may be used instead.
#include "apr.h"
#include "apr_pools.h"
#include "apu_errno.h"
#include "apr_strings.h"
#include "apr_buckets.h"
#include "apr_json.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @package Apache JOSE library
* HMAC using SHA-256
#define APR_JOSE_JWA_HS256 "HS256"
* HMAC using SHA-384
#define APR_JOSE_JWA_HS384 "HS384"
* HMAC using SHA-512
#define APR_JOSE_JWA_HS512 "HS512"
* RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256
#define APR_JOSE_JWA_RS256 "RS256"
* RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-384
#define APR_JOSE_JWA_RS384 "RS384"
* RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-512
#define APR_JOSE_JWA_RS512 "RS512"
* ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256
#define APR_JOSE_JWA_ES256 "ES256"
* ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384
#define APR_JOSE_JWA_ES384 "ES384"
* ECDSA using P-512 and SHA-512
#define APR_JOSE_JWA_ES512 "ES512"
* RSASSA-PSS using SHA-256 and MGF1 with SHA-256
#define APR_JOSE_JWA_PS256 "PS256"
* RSASSA-PSS using SHA-384 and MGF1 with SHA-384
#define APR_JOSE_JWA_PS384 "PS384"
* RSASSA-PSS using SHA-512 and MGF1 with SHA-512
#define APR_JOSE_JWA_PS512 "PS512"
* No digital signature or MAC performed
#define APR_JOSE_JWA_NONE "none"
* "kty" (Key Type) Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWK_KEY_TYPE "kty"
* "use" (Public Key Use) Parameter
* "key_ops" (Key Operations) Parameter
* "keys" Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWK_KEYS "keys"
* "alg" (Algorithm) Parameter
* "enc" (Encryption Algorithm) Header Parameter
* "zip" (Compression Algorithm) Header Parameter
* "jku" (JWK Set URL) Header Parameter
* "jwk" (JSON Web Key) Header Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWSE_JWK "jwk"
* "kid" (Key ID) Header Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWKSE_KEYID "kid"
* "x5u" (X.509 URL) Header Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWKSE_X509_URL "x5u"
* "x5c" (X.509 Certificate Chain) Header Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWKSE_X509_CHAIN "x5c"
* "x5t" (X.509 Certificate SHA-1 Thumbprint) Header Parameter
*"x5t#S256" (X.509 Certificate SHA-256 Thumbprint) Header
* Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWKSE_X509_SHA256_THUMBPRINT "x5t#S256"
* "typ" (Type) Header Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWSE_TYPE "typ"
* "cty" (Content Type) Header Parameter
* "crit" (Critical) Header Parameter
* "payload" Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWS_PAYLOAD "payload"
* "signatures" Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWS_SIGNATURES "signatures"
* "protected" Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWSE_PROTECTED "protected"
* "header" Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWSE_HEADER "header"
* "signature" Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWS_SIGNATURE "signature"
* "unprotected" Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWE_UNPROTECTED "unprotected"
* "ciphertext" Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWE_CIPHERTEXT "ciphertext"
* "recipients" Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWE_RECIPIENTS "recipients"
* "encrypted_key" Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWE_EKEY "encrypted_key"
* "iv" Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWE_IV "iv"
* "tag" Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWE_TAG "tag"
* "aad" Parameter
#define APR_JOSE_JWE_AAD "aad"
* "iss" (Issuer) Claim
#define APR_JOSE_JWT_ISSUER "iss"
* "sub" (Subject) Claim
#define APR_JOSE_JWT_SUBJECT "sub"
* "aud" (Audience) Claim
* "exp" (Expiration Time) Claim
* "nbf" (Not Before) Claim
* "iat" (Issued At) Claim
#define APR_JOSE_JWT_ISSUED_AT "iat"
* "jti" (JWT ID) Claim
#define APR_JOSE_JWT_ID "jti"
* "typ" (Type) Header Parameter representing a JWT
* Default options.
* Return the full JOSE structure, instead of innermost nested structure.
* When verifying or decrypting, break out of processing.
* If the verification or decryption failed, processing will be aborted
* with the given error.
* If the verification or decryption succeeded, processing will be considered
* successful and will move on to the nested structure.
* Forward declaration of the apr_jose_t structure.
typedef struct apr_jose_t apr_jose_t;
* Enum that represents the type of JOSE object.
typedef enum apr_jose_type_e {
/** No specific type. */
/** JSON Web Key (JWK) */
/** JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) */
/** JSON Web Signature (JWS) - compact encoding */
/** JSON Web Signature (JWS) - JSON encoding */
/** JSON Web Encryption (JWE) - compact encoding */
/** JSON Web Encryption (JWE) - JSON encoding */
/** JSON Web Token (JWT) */
/** Generic binary data */
/** Generic text data */
/** Generic JSON structure */
} apr_jose_type_e;
* Unsigned char data of a given length
typedef struct apr_jose_data_t {
/** Pointer to the data */
const unsigned char *data;
/** Length of the data */
apr_size_t len;
} apr_jose_data_t;
* Signed char data of a given length
typedef struct apr_jose_text_t {
/** Pointer to the text */
const char *text;
/** Length of the text */
apr_size_t len;
} apr_jose_text_t;
* JSON object
typedef struct apr_jose_json_t {
/** Parsed JSON structure. */
apr_json_value_t *json;
} apr_jose_json_t;
* A JSON web key
typedef struct apr_jose_jwk_t {
/** Parsed JWK JSON structure */
apr_json_value_t *key;
} apr_jose_jwk_t;
* A JSON web key set
typedef struct apr_jose_jwks_t {
/** Parsed JWK set JSON structure containing a JSON array */
apr_json_value_t *keys;
} apr_jose_jwks_t;
* A single signature within a a JSON web signature.
typedef struct apr_jose_signature_t {
/** JWS Header */
apr_json_value_t *header;
/** JWS Protected Header */
apr_json_value_t *protected_header;
/** JWS Signature */
apr_jose_data_t sig;
/** Caller specified context */
void *ctx;
/** Result of verification for this signature */
apr_status_t status;
} apr_jose_signature_t;
* A JSON web signature
typedef struct apr_jose_jws_t {
/** JWS Compact / Flattened Signature */
apr_jose_signature_t *signature;
/** JWS General Signatures */
apr_array_header_t *signatures;
/** JWS Payload */
apr_jose_t *payload;
} apr_jose_jws_t;
* An encrypted payload within a a JSON web encryption.
typedef struct apr_jose_encryption_t {
/** JWE Shared Header */
apr_json_value_t *unprotected;
/** JWE Protected Header */
apr_json_value_t *protected;
/** JWE Protected Header (basde64url) */
apr_jose_text_t protected64;
/** JWE Initialization Vector */
apr_jose_data_t iv;
/** JWE AAD */
apr_jose_data_t aad;
/** JWE AAD (base64url)*/
apr_jose_text_t aad64;
/** JWE Ciphertext */
apr_jose_data_t cipher;
/** JWE Authentication Tag */
apr_jose_data_t tag;
} apr_jose_encryption_t;
* A single recipient within a a JSON web encryption.
typedef struct apr_jose_recipient_t {
/** JWE Header */
apr_json_value_t *header;
/** JWE Encrypted Key */
apr_jose_data_t ekey;
/** Caller specified context */
void *ctx;
/** Result of decryption for this recipient */
apr_status_t status;
} apr_jose_recipient_t;
* A JSON web encryption
typedef struct apr_jose_jwe_t {
/** JWE Compact / Flattened Recipient */
apr_jose_recipient_t *recipient;
/** JWE General Recipients */
apr_array_header_t *recipients;
/** JWE Encryption Parameters */
apr_jose_encryption_t *encryption;
/** JWE Payload */
apr_jose_t *payload;
} apr_jose_jwe_t;
* A JSON web token
typedef struct apr_jose_jwt_t {
/** Claims associated with the JWT. */
apr_json_value_t *claims;
} apr_jose_jwt_t;
* One JOSE structure to rule them all.
struct apr_jose_t {
/** pool used for allocation */
apr_pool_t *pool;
/** content type of this structure */
const char *typ;
/** content type of the payload */
const char *cty;
/** result of the operation */
apu_err_t result;
/** type of the value */
apr_jose_type_e type;
/** actual value, depending on the type */
union {
apr_jose_jwk_t *jwk;
apr_jose_jwks_t *jwks;
apr_jose_jws_t *jws;
apr_jose_jwe_t *jwe;
apr_jose_jwt_t *jwt;
apr_jose_data_t *data;
apr_jose_text_t *text;
apr_jose_json_t *json;
} jose;
* Callbacks for encryption, decryption, signing and verifying.
typedef struct apr_jose_cb_t {
* Callback that encrypts the content of the bucket brigade bb based
* on the parameters provided by the jwe->protected_header, and writes
* the resulting encrypted key to recipient->ekey, the initialisation vector
* to encryption->iv, the additional authentication data to encryption->aad, the
* cipher text to encryption->cipher, and the tag to encryption->tag.
* The encrypt function is expected to perform some or all of the
* following steps:
* 1. Determine the Key Management Mode employed by the algorithm used
* to determine the Content Encryption Key value. (This is the
* algorithm recorded in the "alg" (algorithm) Header Parameter of
* the resulting JWE.)
* 2. When Key Wrapping, Key Encryption, or Key Agreement with Key
* Wrapping are employed, generate a random CEK value. See RFC
* 4086 [RFC4086] for considerations on generating random values.
* The CEK MUST have a length equal to that required for the
* content encryption algorithm.
* 3. When Direct Key Agreement or Key Agreement with Key Wrapping are
* employed, use the key agreement algorithm to compute the value
* of the agreed upon key. When Direct Key Agreement is employed,
* let the CEK be the agreed upon key. When Key Agreement with Key
* Wrapping is employed, the agreed upon key will be used to wrap
* the CEK.
* 4. When Key Wrapping, Key Encryption, or Key Agreement with Key
* Wrapping are employed, encrypt the CEK to the recipient and let
* the result be the JWE Encrypted Key.
* 5. When Direct Key Agreement or Direct Encryption are employed, let
* the JWE Encrypted Key be the empty octet sequence.
* 6. When Direct Encryption is employed, let the CEK be the shared
* symmetric key.
* 8. If the JWE JSON Serialization is being used, repeat this process
* (steps 1-7) for each recipient.
* 9. Generate a random JWE Initialization Vector of the correct size
* for the content encryption algorithm (if required for the
* algorithm); otherwise, let the JWE Initialization Vector be the
* empty octet sequence.
* 11. If a "zip" parameter was included, compress the plaintext using
* the specified compression algorithm and let M be the octet
* sequence representing the compressed plaintext; otherwise, let M
* be the octet sequence representing the plaintext.
* 12. Create the JSON object(s) containing the desired set of Header
* Parameters, which together comprise the JOSE Header: one or more
* of the JWE Protected Header, the JWE Shared Unprotected Header,
* and the JWE Per-Recipient Unprotected Header.
* 13. Compute the Encoded Protected Header value BASE64URL(UTF8(JWE
* Protected Header)). If the JWE Protected Header is not present
* (which can only happen when using the JWE JSON Serialization and
* no "protected" member is present), let this value be the empty
* string.
* 14. Let the Additional Authenticated Data encryption parameter be
* ASCII(Encoded Protected Header). However, if a JWE AAD value is
* present (which can only be the case when using the JWE JSON
* Serialization), instead let the Additional Authenticated Data
* encryption parameter be ASCII(Encoded Protected Header || '.' ||
* 15. Encrypt M using the CEK, the JWE Initialization Vector, and the
* Additional Authenticated Data value using the specified content
* encryption algorithm to create the JWE Ciphertext value and the
* JWE Authentication Tag (which is the Authentication Tag output
* from the encryption operation).
* @param bb Brigade containing data to be encrypted.
* @param jose The JOSE structure.
* @param recipient Structure containing details of the recipient of
* this message.
* @param encryption Structure to be filled out by the callback
* containing the encrypted message.
* @param ctx A context.
* @param pool The pool to use.
* @return APR_SUCCESS if encrypted successfully, APR_ENOTIMPL if
* encryption is not supported, or any other suitable error. The
* jose->result structure may be filled out with further details of
* any error.
apr_status_t (*encrypt)(apr_bucket_brigade *bb, apr_jose_t *jose,
apr_jose_recipient_t *recipient, apr_jose_encryption_t *encryption,
void *ctx, apr_pool_t *pool);
* Callback that decrypts the ciphertext based
* on the parameters provided by the recipient and encryption parameters, and writes
* the resulting decrypted value to the bucket brigade. Base64url versions of the
* protected header and the aad are provided as part of the JWE decryption
* mechanism.
* For security reasons, this callback MUST verify that the algorithm
* present in the JWE matches the algorithm expected by the decoder.
* The decrypt function is expected to perform some or all of the
* following steps:
* 6. Determine the Key Management Mode employed by the algorithm
* specified by the "alg" (algorithm) Header Parameter.
* 7. Verify that the JWE uses a key known to the recipient.
* 8. When Direct Key Agreement or Key Agreement with Key Wrapping are
* employed, use the key agreement algorithm to compute the value
* of the agreed upon key. When Direct Key Agreement is employed,
* let the CEK be the agreed upon key. When Key Agreement with Key
* Wrapping is employed, the agreed upon key will be used to
* decrypt the JWE Encrypted Key.
* 9. When Key Wrapping, Key Encryption, or Key Agreement with Key
* Wrapping are employed, decrypt the JWE Encrypted Key to produce
* the CEK. The CEK MUST have a length equal to that required for
* the content encryption algorithm. Note that when there are
* multiple recipients, each recipient will only be able to decrypt
* JWE Encrypted Key values that were encrypted to a key in that
* recipient's possession. It is therefore normal to only be able
* to decrypt one of the per-recipient JWE Encrypted Key values to
* obtain the CEK value. Also, see Section 11.5 for security
* considerations on mitigating timing attacks.
* 10. When Direct Key Agreement or Direct Encryption are employed,
* verify that the JWE Encrypted Key value is an empty octet
* sequence.
* 11. When Direct Encryption is employed, let the CEK be the shared
* symmetric key.
* 12. Record whether the CEK could be successfully determined for this
* recipient or not.
* 13. If the JWE JSON Serialization is being used, repeat this process
* (steps 4-12) for each recipient contained in the representation.
* 14. Compute the Encoded Protected Header value BASE64URL(UTF8(JWE
* Protected Header)). If the JWE Protected Header is not present
* (which can only happen when using the JWE JSON Serialization and
* no "protected" member is present), let this value be the empty
* string.
* 15. Let the Additional Authenticated Data encryption parameter be
* ASCII(Encoded Protected Header). However, if a JWE AAD value is
* present (which can only be the case when using the JWE JSON
* Serialization), instead let the Additional Authenticated Data
* encryption parameter be ASCII(Encoded Protected Header || '.' ||
* 16. Decrypt the JWE Ciphertext using the CEK, the JWE Initialization
* Vector, the Additional Authenticated Data value, and the JWE
* Authentication Tag (which is the Authentication Tag input to the
* calculation) using the specified content encryption algorithm,
* returning the decrypted plaintext and validating the JWE
* Authentication Tag in the manner specified for the algorithm,
* rejecting the input without emitting any decrypted output if the
* JWE Authentication Tag is incorrect.
* 17. If a "zip" parameter was included, uncompress the decrypted
* plaintext using the specified compression algorithm.
* @param bb Brigade where decrypted data is to be written.
* @param jose The JOSE structure.
* @param recipient Structure containing details of the recipient of
* this message, to be used to decrypt the message.
* @param encryption Structure containing the encrypted message.
* @param header The JOSE protected header.
* @param p64 The JOSE protected header in original BASE64URL format,
* for use during decryption.
* @param aad64 The JOSE additional authenticated data in original
* BASE64URL format, for use during decryption.
* @param ctx A context.
* @param dflags A pointer to a flag. Set to APR_JOSE_FLAG_NONE for
* decryption to continue to the next recipient in the JWE, or
* APR_JOSE_FLAG_BREAK to stop decrypting further recipients.
* @param pool The pool to use.
* @return APR_SUCCESS if decrypted successfully, APR_ENOTIMPL if
* decryption is not supported, or any other suitable error. The
* jose->result structure may be filled out with further details of
* any error.
apr_status_t (*decrypt)(apr_bucket_brigade *bb, apr_jose_t *jose,
apr_jose_recipient_t *recipient, apr_jose_encryption_t *encryption,
apr_json_value_t *header, apr_jose_text_t *ph64,
apr_jose_text_t *aad64, void *ctx, int *dflags, apr_pool_t *pool);
* Callback that signs the content of the bucket brigade bb based
* on the parameters provided by the signature protected header, and writes
* the resulting binary signature to signature->sig.
* The sign function is expected to perform some or all of the
* following steps:
* 5. Compute the JWS Signature in the manner defined for the
* particular algorithm being used over the JWS Signing Input
* ASCII(BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header)) || '.' ||
* BASE64URL(JWS Payload)). The "alg" (algorithm) Header Parameter
* MUST be present in the JOSE Header, with the algorithm value
* accurately representing the algorithm used to construct the JWS
* Signature.
* @param bb Brigade containing data to be signed.
* @param jose The JOSE structure.
* @param signature Structure to be filled out by the callback
* containing the signature of the message.
* @param ctx A context.
* @param pool The pool to use.
* @return APR_SUCCESS if signed successfully, APR_ENOTIMPL if
* signing is not supported, or any other suitable error. The
* jose->result structure may be filled out with further details of
* any error.
apr_status_t (*sign)(apr_bucket_brigade *bb, apr_jose_t *jose,
apr_jose_signature_t *signature, void *ctx, apr_pool_t *pool);
* Callback that verifies the content of the bucket brigade bb based
* on the parameters provided by the signature protected header and
* signature->sig.
* For security reasons, this callback MUST verify that the algorithm
* present in the JWS matches the algorithm expected by the decoder.
* The verify function is expected to perform some or all of the
* following steps:
* 8. Validate the JWS Signature against the JWS Signing Input
* ASCII(BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header)) || '.' ||
* BASE64URL(JWS Payload)) in the manner defined for the algorithm
* being used, which MUST be accurately represented by the value of
* the "alg" (algorithm) Header Parameter, which MUST be present.
* See Section 10.6 for security considerations on algorithm
* validation. Record whether the validation succeeded or not.
* 9. If the JWS JSON Serialization is being used, repeat this process
* (steps 4-8) for each digital signature or MAC value contained in
* the representation.
* 10. If none of the validations in step 9 succeeded, then the JWS MUST
* be considered invalid. Otherwise, in the JWS JSON Serialization
* case, return a result to the application indicating which of the
* validations succeeded and failed. In the JWS Compact
* Serialization case, the result can simply indicate whether or not
* the JWS was successfully validated.
* @param bb Brigade containing data to be verified.
* @param jose The JOSE structure.
* @param signature Structure containing the signature to be verified.
* @param ctx A context.
* @param dflags A pointer to a flag. Set to APR_JOSE_FLAG_NONE for
* verification to continue to the next recipient in the JWE, or
* APR_JOSE_FLAG_BREAK to stop verifying further recipients.
* @param pool The pool to use.
* @return APR_SUCCESS if verified successfully, APR_ENOTIMPL if
* verification is not supported, or any other suitable error. The
* jose->result structure may be filled out with further details of
* any error.
apr_status_t (*verify)(apr_bucket_brigade *bb, apr_jose_t *jose,
apr_jose_signature_t *signature, void *ctx, int *vflags,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Context to be passed to the callback. */
void *ctx;
} apr_jose_cb_t;
* @brief Get the result of the last operation on the jose. If the result
* is NULL, the operation was successful.
* @param jose - context pointer
* @return The apu_err_t is returned.
APR_DECLARE(apu_err_t *) apr_jose_error(apr_jose_t *jose)
* Make a generic JOSE structure.
* @param jose If jose points at NULL, a JOSE structure will be
* created. If the jose pointer is not NULL, the structure will
* be reused.
* @param type the type of structure to create.
* @param pool pool used to allocate the result from.
* @return The apr_jose_t is returned.
APR_DECLARE(apr_jose_t *) apr_jose_make(apr_jose_t *jose, apr_jose_type_e type,
apr_pool_t *pool)
* Make a JSON Web Key for encoding or decoding.
* @param jose If jose points at NULL, a JOSE structure will be
* created. If the jose pointer is not NULL, the structure will
* be reused.
* @param key the json representing the key. May be NULL.
* @param pool pool used to allocate the result from.
* @return The apr_jose_t is returned.
APR_DECLARE(apr_jose_t *) apr_jose_jwk_make(apr_jose_t *jose,
apr_json_value_t *key, apr_pool_t *pool)
* Make a JSON Web Key Set.
* @param jose If jose points at NULL, a JOSE structure will be
* created. If the jose pointer is not NULL, the structure will
* be reused.
* @param keys the array of keys in JSON format. May be NULL.
* @param pool pool used to allocate the result from.
* @return The apr_jose_t is returned.
APR_DECLARE(apr_jose_t *) apr_jose_jwks_make(apr_jose_t *jose,
apr_json_value_t *keys, apr_pool_t *pool)
* Make a signature structure for JWS.
* @param signature the result.
* @param header the unprotected header.
* @param protected the protected header.
* @param ctx user supplied context
* @param pool the pool to use.
* @return The apr_jose_signature_t is returned.
APR_DECLARE(apr_jose_signature_t *) apr_jose_signature_make(
apr_jose_signature_t *signature, apr_json_value_t *header,
apr_json_value_t *protected, void *ctx, apr_pool_t *pool)
* Make a recipient structure for JWE.
* @param recipient the result.
* @param unprotected the unprotected header.
* @param ctx user supplied context
* @param pool the pool to use.
* @return The apr_jose_recipient_t is returned.
APR_DECLARE(apr_jose_recipient_t *) apr_jose_recipient_make(apr_jose_recipient_t *recipient,
apr_json_value_t *unprotected, void *ctx, apr_pool_t *pool)
* Make an encryption structure for JWE.
* @param encryption the result.
* @param unprotected the unprotected shared header.
* @param protected the protected header.
* @param pool the pool to use.
* @return The apr_jose_encryption_t is returned.
APR_DECLARE(apr_jose_encryption_t *) apr_jose_encryption_make(apr_jose_encryption_t *encryption,
apr_json_value_t *unprotected, apr_json_value_t *protected,
apr_pool_t *pool)
* Make a compact encoded JWE.
* @param jose If jose points at NULL, a JOSE structure will be
* created. If the jose pointer is not NULL, the structure will
* be reused.
* @param recipient the recipient for compact / flattened JWE.
* @param recipients the recipients array for general JWE.
* @param encryption the encryption structure.
* @param payload the JOSE payload to encrypt.
* @param pool pool used to allocate the result from.
* @return The apr_jose_t is returned.
APR_DECLARE(apr_jose_t *) apr_jose_jwe_make(apr_jose_t *jose,
apr_jose_recipient_t *recipient, apr_array_header_t *recipients,
apr_jose_encryption_t *encryption, apr_jose_t *payload,
apr_pool_t *pool)
* Make a JSON encoded JWE.
* @param jose If jose points at NULL, a JOSE structure will be
* created. If the jose pointer is not NULL, the structure will
* be reused.
* @param recipient the recipient for compact / flattened JWE.
* @param recipients the recipients array for general JWE.
* @param encryption the encryption structure.
* @param payload the JOSE payload to encrypt.
* @param pool pool used to allocate the result from.
* @return The apr_jose_t is returned.
APR_DECLARE(apr_jose_t *) apr_jose_jwe_json_make(apr_jose_t *jose,
apr_jose_recipient_t *recipient,
apr_array_header_t *recipients, apr_jose_encryption_t *encryption,
apr_jose_t *payload, apr_pool_t *pool)
* Make a compact encoded JWS.
* @param jose If jose points at NULL, a JOSE structure will be
* created. If the jose pointer is not NULL, the structure will
* be reused.
* @param signature the header / protected header / signature used with compact or flattened syntax. May be NULL.
* @param signatures array of header / protected header / signature used with general JSON syntax.
* @param payload the payload to be wrapped by this JWS.
* @param pool pool used to allocate the result from.
* @return The apr_jose_t is returned.
APR_DECLARE(apr_jose_t *) apr_jose_jws_make(apr_jose_t *jose,
apr_jose_signature_t *signature, apr_array_header_t *signatures,
apr_jose_t *payload, apr_pool_t *pool)
* Make a JSON encoded JWS.
* @param jose If jose points at NULL, a JOSE structure will be
* created. If the jose pointer is not NULL, the structure will
* be reused.
* @param signature the header / protected header / signature used with compact or flattened syntax. May be NULL.
* @param signatures array of header / protected header / signature used with general JSON syntax.
* @param payload the payload to be wrapped by this JWS.
* @param pool pool used to allocate the result from.
* @return The apr_jose_t is returned.
APR_DECLARE(apr_jose_t *) apr_jose_jws_json_make(apr_jose_t *jose,
apr_jose_signature_t *signature, apr_array_header_t *signatures,
apr_jose_t *payload, apr_pool_t *pool)
* Make a JWT claims payload.
* To create a useful JWT, this payload needs to be wrapped in a JWS
* or JWE (or both), as required by the caller.
* @param jose If jose points at NULL, a JOSE structure will be
* created. If the jose pointer is not NULL, the structure will
* be reused.
* @param claims the claims to sign.
* @param pool pool used to allocate the result from.
* @return The apr_jose_t is returned.
APR_DECLARE(apr_jose_t *) apr_jose_jwt_make(apr_jose_t *jose,
apr_json_value_t *claims, apr_pool_t *pool)
* Make a data buffer for encoding from the given data and length.
* @param jose If jose points at NULL, a JOSE structure will be
* created. If the jose pointer is not NULL, the structure will
* be reused.
* @param typ the content type of this data.
* @param in the plaintext to sign.
* @param inlen length of the plaintext.
* @param pool pool used to allocate the result from.
* @return The apr_jose_t is returned.
APR_DECLARE(apr_jose_t *) apr_jose_data_make(apr_jose_t *jose, const char *typ,
const unsigned char *in, apr_size_t inlen, apr_pool_t *pool)
* Make a UTF-8 text buffer for encoding from the given string
* and length.
* @param jose If jose points at NULL, a JOSE structure will be
* created. If the jose pointer is not NULL, the structure will
* be reused.
* @param cty the content type.
* @param in the UTF-8 encoded text string.
* @param inlen length of the UTF-8 encoded text string.
* @param pool pool used to allocate the result from.
* @return The apr_jose_t is returned.
APR_DECLARE(apr_jose_t *) apr_jose_text_make(apr_jose_t *jose, const char *cty,
const char *in, apr_size_t inlen, apr_pool_t *pool)
* Make a json structure for encoding.
* @param jose If jose points at NULL, a JOSE structure will be
* created. If the jose pointer is not NULL, the structure will
* be reused.
* @param cty the content type.
* @param json the json object to add.
* @param pool pool used to allocate the result from.
* @return The apr_jose_t is returned.
APR_DECLARE(apr_jose_t *) apr_jose_json_make(apr_jose_t *jose, const char *cty,
apr_json_value_t *json, apr_pool_t *pool)
* Sign or encrypt the apr_jose_t, and write it to the brigade.
* @param brigade brigade the result will be appended to.
* @param flush The flush function to use if the brigade is full
* @param ctx The structure to pass to the flush function
* @param jose the JOSE to encode.
* @param cb callbacks for sign and encrypt.
* @param pool pool to be used.
* @return APR_SUCCESS is returned if encoding was successful, otherwise
* an APR status code, along with an apu_err_t with an explanation
* allocated from jose->pool.
APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_jose_encode(apr_bucket_brigade *brigade,
apr_brigade_flush flush, void *ctx, apr_jose_t *jose,
apr_jose_cb_t *cb, apr_pool_t *pool)
__attribute__((nonnull(1, 4, 6)));
* Decode, decrypt and verify the utf8-encoded JOSE string into apr_jose_t.
* The JOSE structure may be nested to the given limit.
* @param jose If jose points at NULL, a JOSE structure will be
* created. If the jose pointer is not NULL, the structure will
* be reused.
* @param typ content type of this object.
* @param brigade the JOSE structure to decode.
* @param cb callbacks for verify and decrypt.
* @param level depth limit of JOSE and JSON nesting.
* @param flags APR_JOSE_FLAG_NONE to return payload only. APR_JOSE_FLAG_DECODE_ALL
* to return the full JWS/JWE structure.
* @param pool pool used to allocate the result from.
APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_jose_decode(apr_jose_t **jose, const char *typ,
apr_bucket_brigade *brigade, apr_jose_cb_t *cb, int level, int flags,
apr_pool_t *pool)
__attribute__((nonnull(1, 3, 7)));
#ifdef __cplusplus
/** @} */
#endif /* APR_JOSE_H */