blob: 4613399c2eafe8372e5cc14869fe4a886a0e131a [file] [log] [blame]
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef APR_SSL_H
#define APR_SSL_H
#include "apu.h"
#include "apr.h"
#include "apr_errno.h"
#include "apr_pools.h"
#include "apr_network_io.h"
#include "apr_poll.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @file apr_ssl.h
* @brief APR-UTIL SSL socket functions
* @defgroup APR_Util_SSL SSL socket routines
* @ingroup APR_Util
* @{
* Values that determine how a created factory will be used.
typedef enum {
APR_SSL_FACTORY_SERVER, /**< Factory is for server operations */
APR_SSL_FACTORY_CLIENT, /**< Factory is for client operations */
} apr_ssl_factory_type_e;
* Structure for referencing an ssl "factory"
typedef struct apr_ssl_factory apr_ssl_factory_t;
* Structure for referencing an ssl socket. These are created
* by referncing an apr_ssl_factory.
typedef struct apr_ssl_socket apr_ssl_socket_t;
* @fn apr_status_t apr_ssl_factory_create(apr_ssl_factory_t **newFactory,
const char *privateKeyFilename,
const char *certificateFilename,
const char *digestTypeToUse,
apr_ssl_factory_type_e purpose,
apr_pool_t *pool)
* @brief Attempts to create an SSL "factory". The "factory" is then
* used to create sockets.
* @param newFactory The newly created factory
* @param privateKeyFilename Private key filename to use
* @param certificateFilename X509 certificate file
* @param digestTypeToUse A string identifying the type of digest scheme
* to use
* @param purpose Constant that determines how the created factory will be used
* @param pool The pool to use for memory allocations
* @return an APR_ status code
APU_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_ssl_factory_create(apr_ssl_factory_t **,
const char *, const char *,
const char *,
apr_pool_t *);
* @fn const char * apr_ssl_library_name(void)
* @brief Return the name of the library or underlying SSL
* implementation in use.
* @return NULL in case of no SSL support.
APU_DECLARE(const char *) apr_ssl_library_name(void);
* @fn apr_status_t apr_ssl_socket_create(apr_ssl_socket_t **newSock,
int family,
int type,
int protocol,
apr_ssl_factory_t *factory,
apr_pool_t *pool)
* @brief Create an ssl socket.
* @param newSock The new socket that has been set up.
* @param family The address family of the socket (e.g., APR_INET).
* @param type The type of the socket (e.g., SOCK_STREAM).
* @param protocol The protocol of the socket (e.g., APR_PROTO_TCP).
* @param factory The factory that it will be produced from
* @param pool The pool for the apr_socket_t and associated storage.
* @return APR_SUCCESS on succesful creation.
* @see apr_socket_create
APU_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_ssl_socket_create(apr_ssl_socket_t **,
int, int, int,
apr_ssl_factory_t *,
apr_pool_t *);
* @fn apr_status_t apr_ssl_socket_close(apr_ssl_socket_t *sock)
* @brief Close a socket. This terminates the SSL connections as well
* as closing the system socket.
* @param sock The socket to close
APU_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_ssl_socket_close(apr_ssl_socket_t *);
* @fn apr_status_t apr_ssl_socket_connect(apr_ssl_socket_t *sock,
apr_sockaddr_t *sa)
* @brief Try and connect the provided SSL socket with the socket
* described by the provided address.
* @param sock The SSL socket we wish to use for our side of the connection
* @param sa The address we wish to connect to.
APU_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_ssl_socket_connect(apr_ssl_socket_t *,
apr_sockaddr_t *);
* @fn apr_status_t apr_ssl_socket_send(apr_ssl_socket_t *sock,
const char *buf,
apr_size_t *len)
* @brief Try and send data over the SSL connection.
* @param sock The socket to send the data over.
* @param buf The buffer which contains the data to be sent.
* @param len On entry, the number of bytes to send; on exit, the number
* of bytes sent.
* @remark
* <PRE>
* This function attempts to cope with teh various encentricities of
* the SSL implementations in a seamless manner.
* This functions acts like a blocking write by default. To change
* this behavior, use apr_socket_timeout_set() or the APR_SO_NONBLOCK
* socket option.
* It is possible for both bytes to be sent and an error to be returned.
* APR_EINTR is never returned.
* </PRE>
APU_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_ssl_socket_send(apr_ssl_socket_t *,
const char *,
apr_size_t *);
* @fn apr_status_t apr_ssl_socket_recv(apr_ssl_socket_t *sock,
char *buf,
apr_size_t *len);
* @brief Read data from the SSL connection.
* @param sock The socket to read the data from.
* @param buf The buffer to store the data in.
* @param len On entry, the number of bytes to receive; on exit, the number
* of bytes received.
* @remark
* <PRE>
* This functions acts like a blocking read by default. To change
* this behavior, use apr_socket_timeout_set() or the APR_SO_NONBLOCK
* socket option.
* The number of bytes actually received is stored in argument 3.
* It is possible for both bytes to be received and an APR_EOF or
* other error to be returned.
* APR_EINTR is never returned.
* </PRE>
APU_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_ssl_socket_recv(apr_ssl_socket_t *,
char *, apr_size_t *);
* @see apr_socket_bind
APU_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_ssl_socket_bind(apr_ssl_socket_t *,
apr_sockaddr_t *);
* @see apr_socket_listen
APU_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_ssl_socket_listen(apr_ssl_socket_t *,
* @fn apr_status_t apr_ssl_socket_accept(apr_ssl_socket_t **newSock,
apr_ssl_socket_t *sock,
apr_pool_t *pool)
* @brief Accept a new connection request on an SSL socket. This creates
* and returns a new SSL enabled socket. The enw socket will
* "belong" to the same factory that created the original socket.
* @param newSock A copy of the socket that is connected to the socket that
* made the connection request. This is the socket which should
* be used for all future communication.
* @param sock The socket we are listening on.
* @param pool The pool for the new socket.
APU_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_ssl_socket_accept(apr_ssl_socket_t **,
apr_ssl_socket_t *,
apr_pool_t *);
* @fn apr_status_t apr_ssl_socket_raw_error(apr_ssl_socket_t *sock)
* @brief Return the error code from the underlying SSL implementation.
* @note This is provided for completeness. Return values are specific
* to the underlying implentation, so this should nt be used if
* platform independance is desired.
* @param sock The socket to report the error for.
APU_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_ssl_socket_raw_error(apr_ssl_socket_t *);
* @fn apr_status_t apr_pollset_add_ssl_socket(apr_pollset_t *pollset,
apr_ssl_socket_t *sock)
* @brief Add an ssl socket to a pollset.
* @param pollset The pollset to add the socket to.
* @param sock The ssl socket to add.
* @note This function adds the socket with APR_POLLIN and APR_POLLOUT
* set.
APU_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_pollset_add_ssl_socket(apr_pollset_t *,
apr_ssl_socket_t *);
* @fn apr_status_t apr_pollset_remove_ssl_socket(apr_ssl_socket_t *sock)
* @brief Remove the ssl socket from it's pollset.
* @param sock The ssl socket to remove.
APU_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_pollset_remove_ssl_socket(apr_ssl_socket_t *);
* @fn apr_status_t apr_ssl_socket_set_poll_events(apr_ssl_socket_t *sock,
apr_int16_t events)
* @brief Set the required events for a socket.
* @note These will be used when apr_pollset_poll is next called for the
* pollset the socket is currently attached to.
* @param sock The socket to set events for
* @param events The new events
* @return APR_SUCCESS if change made. Returns EINVAL if socket is not
* attached to a pollset.
APU_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_ssl_socket_set_poll_events(apr_ssl_socket_t *,
/** @} */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !APR_SSL_H */