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  8. values.yaml

Apache APISIX ingress controller

APISIX Ingress controller for Kubernetes using Apache APISIX as a high performance reverse proxy and load balancer.

If you have installed multiple ingress controller, add the apisix annotation to your Ingress resources.

This chart bootstraps an apisix-ingress-controller deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


Apisix ingress controller requires Kubernetes version 1.16+.

Get Repo Info

helm repo add apisix
helm repo update

Install Chart

Important: only helm3 is supported

helm install [RELEASE_NAME] apisix/apisix-ingress-controller --namespace ingress-apisix --create-namespace

The command deploys apisix-ingress-controller on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration.

See configuration below.

See helm install for command documentation.

Uninstall Chart

helm uninstall [RELEASE_NAME] --namespace ingress-apisix

This removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

See helm uninstall for command documentation.

Upgrading Chart

helm upgrade [RELEASE_NAME] [CHART] --install

See helm upgrade for command documentation.


See Customizing the Chart Before Installing. To see all configurable options with detailed comments, visit the chart's values.yaml, or run these configuration commands:

helm show values apisix/apisix-ingress-controller

Pod priority

priorityClassName field referenced a name of a created PriorityClass object. Check here for more details.

Security context

A security context provides us with a way to define privilege and access control for a Pod or even at the container level.

Check here to see the SecurityContext resource with more detail.

Check also here to see a full explanation and some examples to configure the security context.

Right below you have an example of the security context configuration. In this case, we define that all the processes in the container will run with user ID 1000.


    runAsUser: 1000
    runAsGroup: 3000

The same for the group definition, where we define the primary group of 3000 for all processes.

It's quite important to know, if the runAsGroup is omited, the primary group will be root(0), which in some cases goes against some security policies.

To define this configuration at the pod level, you need to set:

    --set podSecurityContext.runAsUser=«VALUE»
    --set podSecurityContext.runAsGroup=«VALUE»

The same for container level, you need to set:

    --set securityContext.runAsUser=«VALUE»
    --set SecurityContext.runAsGroup=«VALUE»


config.apisixobject{"adminAPIVersion":"v2","adminKey":"edd1c9f034335f136f87ad84b625c8f1","clusterName":"default","serviceName":"apisix-admin","serviceNamespace":"ingress-apisix","servicePort":9180}APISIX related configurations.
config.apisix.adminAPIVersionstring"v2"the APISIX admin API version. can be “v2” or “v3”, default is “v2”.
config.apisix.serviceNamestring"apisix-admin"Enabling this value, overrides serviceName and serviceNamespace. serviceFullname: “apisix-admin.apisix.svc.local”
config.apisixResourceSyncIntervalstring"1h"Default interval for synchronizing Kubernetes resources to APISIX
config.certFilestring"/etc/webhook/certs/cert.pem"the TLS certificate file path.
config.enableProfilingbooltrueenable profiling via web interfaces host:port/debug/pprof, default is true.
config.httpListenstring":8080"the HTTP Server listen address, default is “:8080”
config.httpsListenstring":8443"the HTTPS Server listen address, default is “:8443”
config.ingressPublishServicestring""the controller will use the Endpoint of this Service to update the status information of the Ingress resource. The format is “namespace/svc-name” to solve the situation that the data plane and the controller are not deployed in the same namespace.
config.keyFilestring"/etc/webhook/certs/key.pem"the TLS key file path.
config.kubernetesobject{"apiVersion":"","apisixRouteVersion":"","electionId":"ingress-apisix-leader","enableGatewayAPI":false,"ingressClass":"apisix","ingressVersion":"networking/v1","kubeconfig":"","namespaceSelector":[""],"pluginMetadataCM":"","resyncInterval":"6h","watchEndpointSlices":false}Kubernetes related configurations.
config.kubernetes.apiVersionstring""the resource API version, support “” and “”. default is “”
config.kubernetes.apisixRouteVersionstring""the supported apisixroute api group version, can be “” “” or “”
config.kubernetes.electionIdstring"ingress-apisix-leader"the election id for the controller leader campaign, only the leader will watch and delivery resource changes, other instances (as candidates) stand by.
config.kubernetes.enableGatewayAPIboolfalsewhether to enable support for Gateway API. Note: This feature is currently under development and may not work as expected. It is not recommended to use it in a production environment. Before we announce support for it to reach Beta level or GA.
config.kubernetes.ingressClassstring"apisix"The class of an Ingress object is set using the field IngressClassName in Kubernetes clusters version v1.18.0 or higher or the annotation “” (deprecated).
config.kubernetes.ingressVersionstring"networking/v1"the supported ingress api group version, can be “networking/v1beta1”, “networking/v1” (for Kubernetes version v1.19.0 or higher), and “extensions/v1beta1”, default is “networking/v1”.
config.kubernetes.kubeconfigstring""the Kubernetes configuration file path, default is "", so the in-cluster configuration will be used.
config.kubernetes.namespaceSelectorlist[""]namespace_selector represent basis for selecting managed namespaces. the field is support since version 1.4.0 For example, “apisix.ingress=watching”, so ingress will watching the namespaces which labels “apisix.ingress=watching”
config.kubernetes.pluginMetadataCMstring""Pluginmetadata in APISIX can be controlled through ConfigMap. default is ""
config.kubernetes.resyncIntervalstring"6h"how long should apisix-ingress-controller re-synchronizes with Kubernetes, default is 6h,
config.kubernetes.watchEndpointSlicesboolfalsewhether to watch EndpointSlices rather than Endpoints.
config.logLevelstring"info"the error log level, default is info, optional values are: debug, info, warn, error, panic, fatal
config.logOutputstring"stderr"the output file path of error log, default is stderr, when the file path is “stderr” or “stdout”, logs are marshalled plainly, which is more readable for human; otherwise logs are marshalled in JSON format, which can be parsed by programs easily.
labelsOverrideobject{}Override default labels assigned to Apache APISIX ingress controller resource
nameOverridestring""Default values for apisix-ingress-controller. This is a YAML-formatted file. Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
rbac.createbooltrueSpecifies whether RBAC resources should be created
serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountTokenbooltrueWhether automounting API credentials for a service account
serviceAccount.createbooltrueSpecifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created
serviceAccount.namestring""The name of the ServiceAccount to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
serviceMonitorobject{"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"interval":"15s","labels":{},"namespace":"monitoring"}namespace: “ingress-apisix”
serviceMonitor.annotationsobject{}@param serviceMonitor.annotations ServiceMonitor annotations
serviceMonitor.labelsobject{}@param serviceMonitor.labels ServiceMonitor extra labels