blob: 6e90a37f00feba2f4125f28511067e0916560e1c [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
// Node Modules
var gulp = require('gulp');
var marked = require('gulp-marked');
var handlebars = require('gulp-compile-handlebars');
var less = require('gulp-less');
var path = require('path');
var request = require('request');
var jsdom = require('jsdom');
var fs = require('fs');
var async = require('async');
var _ = require('lodash');
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var semver = require('semver');
var naturalSort = require('javascript-natural-sort');
var dateFormat = require('dateformat');
// Constants
var TEMP_PARTIAL_LOCATION = './.tmp/partials/';
var BUILD_LOCATION = './content';
// Converts files in src/md into html files in .tmp/partials
gulp.task('md2html', function() {
return gulp.src('./src/md/*.md')
breaks: false,
highlight: function (code, lang) {
// Only highlight if language was specified and is not bash
// (bash highlighting is pretty bad right now in highlightjs)
var ignore = ['bash', 'sh', 'zsh'];
if (lang && ignore.indexOf(lang) === -1) {
return require('highlight.js').highlightAuto(code, [lang]).value;
else {
return code;
.on('error', function(err) {
// HACK: gulp-compile-handlebars does not allow you to provide compile options.
// Once is merged
// and published to npm, this won't be necessary.
var originalCompile = handlebars.Handlebars.compile;
handlebars.Handlebars.compile = function (fileContents, options) {
// The preventIndent option is necessary to prevent format issues
// that occur with <pre> blocks
var newOptions = _.extend({}, options, { preventIndent: true });
return originalCompile(fileContents, newOptions);
// Builds html files from src/pages
gulp.task('html', ['md2html'], function() {
// Get partials from src and temp partials locations.
// Temp partials are rendered md files
var options = {
batch: ['./src/partials', TEMP_PARTIAL_LOCATION],
helpers: {
releaseDate: function(timestamp) {
var d = new Date(timestamp);
return dateFormat(d, "yyyy-mm-dd");
// Render the files in pages
nav: require('./navigation.json'),
releases: require('./releases.json'),
roadmap: require('./roadmap.json')
}, options))
.on('error', function(err) {
// Creates the built css files
gulp.task('less', function () {
return gulp.src('./src/less/main.less')
paths: [
path.join(__dirname, 'src', 'less'),
path.join(__dirname, 'bower_components', 'bootstrap', 'less')
.pipe(gulp.dest(path.join(BUILD_LOCATION, 'css')));
// Copies necessary dependencies to dist
gulp.task('copy:js', function() {
return gulp.src([
.pipe(gulp.dest(path.join(BUILD_LOCATION, 'js')));
// Copies images to dist
gulp.task('copy:images', function() {
return gulp.src(['./src/images/*'])
.pipe(gulp.dest(path.join(BUILD_LOCATION, 'images')));
// Copies fonts to dist
gulp.task('copy:fonts', function() {
return gulp.src([
.pipe(gulp.dest(path.join(BUILD_LOCATION, 'fonts')));
// Default task is to build the site
gulp.task('default', ['less', 'html', 'copy:js', 'copy:images', 'copy:fonts']);
// Fetch all JIRAs assodicated with the projects to create a roadmap file
gulp.task('fetch-roadmap', function(taskCb) {
var projects = [
{ key: 'core', name: 'APEXCORE', apiUrl: '', url: '' },
{ key: 'malhar', name: 'APEXMALHAR', apiUrl: '', url: '' }
// JQL terms are separated with AND/OR and parameters outside JQL are separated with &
// Query to look up all APEXCORE and APEXMALHAR issues with label of roadmap
// Query which returns only specified fields
// Query to get list of all APEXCORE versions
// Browse JIRA, version, roadmap
// For each project, get the jiras, function(project, cb) {
console.log('Loading',, 'JIRAs from', project.apiUrl);
// Request the page that lists the release versions,
// e.g.
var requestUrl = project.apiUrl + 'project/' + + '/versions';
url: requestUrl,
json: true
function(err, httpResponse, versions) {
// Abort on error
if (err) {
console.log('Error when trying to request URL: ', requestUrl);
return cb(err);
var unreleasedVersions = versions.filter(function(n) {
return !n.released;
}).sort(function(a,b) {
var apiRequest = {
jql: 'project = ' + + ' AND labels in (roadmap) AND fixVersion in (EMPTY, unreleasedVersions())',
startAt: 0,
maxResults: 1000,
fields: ['summary','priority','status','fixVersions','description']
url: project.apiUrl + 'search',
json: apiRequest
function(err, httpResponse, jiras) {
// Abort on error
if (err) {
return cb(err);
var pageCount = ( && jiras.maxResults) ? Math.ceil( / jiras.maxResults) : 1;
var pageSize = jiras.maxResults;
console.log(, 'matching jiras:',, 'pageSize:', pageSize, 'pages:', pageCount);
// Iterate over multiple pages if more than one page is available
if (pageCount > 1) {
var apiRequests = [];
for (var i = 1; i < pageCount; i++) {
apiRequests[i-1] = _.extend({},
startAt: i * pageSize,
maxResults: pageSize
// Execute async page loads for jiras spanning multiple pages
async.concat(apiRequests, function(apiPageRequest, pageCb){{
url: project.apiUrl + 'search',
json: apiPageRequest
function(err, httpResponse, pageJiras) {
// Abort on error
if (err) {
return pageCb(err);
pageCb(null, pageJiras.issues);
}, function(err, remainingJiras){
// Abort if error occurred somewhere
if (err) {
return cb(err);
cb(null, _.extend({}, project, {
jiras: jiras.issues.concat(remainingJiras).sort(function(a,b) {return naturalSort(a.key, b.key); }),
versions: unreleasedVersions
} else {
// Return with a new project object with jiras. cb is from call above
cb(null, _.extend({}, project, {
jiras: jiras.issues.sort(function(a,b) {return naturalSort(a.key, b.key); }),
versions: unreleasedVersions
}, function(err, projectResults) { // this is the callback
if (err) {
console.log('Unable to create roadmap file due to errors');
var fileContents = {};
// Use the project key and provide associated arrays of matching jiras and versions
projectResults.forEach(function(project) {
_.set(fileContents, project.key,
url: project.url,
jiras: project.jiras,
versions: project.versions
// Write the file to roadmap.json
fs.writeFile('./roadmap.json', JSON.stringify(fileContents, 0, 2), taskCb);
// Creates releases.json file.
// 1. Requests page that lists release versions ([/malhar])
// 2. Queries Github for release tags to find the date they were published to github
// 3. Writes to releases.json with release information.
gulp.task('fetch-releases', function(taskCb) {
// The base location for release listings
var distUrl = '';
// The release "targets", in this case meaning apex-core and apex-malhar
var targets = [
// NOTE: Once apex leaves incubation, this object should be changed to exclude "incubator"
{ key: 'core.src', path: 'release/incubator/apex', repo: 'incubator-apex-core' },
{ key: 'malhar.src', path: 'release/incubator/apex/malhar', repo: 'incubator-apex-malhar' }
// For each target, get the releases, function(target, cb) {
// Request the page that lists the release versions,
// e.g.
request(distUrl + target.path, function(err, response) {
// Abort for error
if (err) {
return cb(err);
// Parse out the link names which are the
// available versions
function (err, window) {
// Query the DOM for all links in the list
var releaseLinks = window.document.querySelectorAll('ul li a');
// Convert this NodeList to an array
releaseLinks =
// Filter out non-version-looking links
.filter(function(el) {
var text = el.innerHTML.trim();
return ['..', 'KEYS', 'malhar', 'malhar/'].indexOf(text) === -1;
// Create array of releases from this filtered NodeList
var releases = {
// Trim the href attribute of leading "v" and trailing slash
var releaseVersion = el.innerHTML.trim().replace(/^v/, '').replace(/\/$/, '');
var docsVersion = semver.major(releaseVersion) + '.' + semver.minor(releaseVersion);
return {
version: releaseVersion,
docs: docsVersion,
// Add repo for use in async.each call below
repo: target.repo
// Get the date for each release via the github API
async.each(releases, function(release, eachCb) {
// Get the tags for the repo
var gitCommand = 'git ls-remote --tags "git://' + release.repo + '.git"';
exec(gitCommand, function(err, stdout, stderr) {
// Abort if tags not found or something bad happened with the git ls-remote command
if (err || stderr) {
return eachCb(err || stderr);
// Lines from ls-remote command look like [COMMIT_HASH]\trefs/tags/[TAG_NAME]
var lines = stdout.split('\n');
var tagHash;
// Find hash for this release's tag
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (lines[i] && lines[i].trim().length > 0) {
// console.log("Processing line[", i, "] : ", lines[i]);
var parts = lines[i].split('\t');
if (parts[1] && parts[1].replace(/^refs\/tags\/v?/, '') === release.version) {
tagHash = parts[0];
// Ensure we found one
if (!tagHash) {
return eachCb('Could not find tag from ls-remote command');
// Get info about the tag via its hash (found with the ls-remote command)
url: '' + release.repo + '/git/tags/' + tagHash, // Github API address
json: true,
headers: { 'User-Agent': 'apache' }
}, function(err, response) {
// Abort if the commit could not be found
if (err) {
return eachCb(err);
// Set the date from the this information = Date.parse(;
// We're all done
}, function(err) { // callback for async.each(releases, ...)
// Abort if error occurred somewhere
if (err) {
return cb(err);
// Sort the releases by the date
releases.sort(function(a, b) {
return -;
// Return with a new target object with releases.
// Note that this is the cb from the call above
cb(null, _.extend({}, target, { releases: releases }) );
} // end jsdom.env callback
); // end jsdom.env
}); // end request to the listing of this target
}, function(err, targetsWithVersions) { // this is the callback
// This will be written to releases.json
var fileContents = {};
// Use the "key" to set core.src and malhar.src, etc.
targetsWithVersions.forEach(function(trg) {
_.set(fileContents, trg.key, trg.releases);
// Write the file to releases.json
fs.writeFile('./releases.json', JSON.stringify(fileContents, 0, 2), taskCb);
// Watch for changes
gulp.task('watch', function() {'./src/less/*.less', ['less']);['./src/pages/*.html', './src/partials/*.handlebars', './src/md/*.md'], ['html']);