blob: 68e9bc0dc7393cc3bbc242ad33806539ced4cd98 [file] [log] [blame]
# Runs tests in the browser, on demand. Refreshing the
# runner.html page in this case will retest the code
# To view browser tests, go to http://localhost:3334/test/runner.html
./node_modules/.bin/beefy test/suite.js:test.bundle.js 3334 -- -t ktbr --debug
# Runs tests directly in the terminal using the mocha-phantomjs
# module. This is used for continuous integration.
./node_modules/.bin/browserify test/suite.js -t ktbr > test/suite.bundle.js
./node_modules/.bin/mocha-phantomjs test/runner-cli.html
rm test/suite.bundle.js
# The build step. This creates a dist folder whose contents should be placed
# in the static file directory of the DataTorrent Gateway. This directory
# should be specified by the stram.gateway.staticResourceDirectory property
# in stram-site.xml.
mkdir dist_tmp
cp dist_tmp/index.html
cp package.json dist_tmp/package.json
cp favicon.ico dist_tmp/favicon.ico
mkdir dist_tmp/css
mkdir dist_tmp/js
mkdir dist_tmp/img
./node_modules/.bin/lessc -x --strict-imports css/index.built.less dist_tmp/css/index.css
./node_modules/.bin/browserify -t ./node_modules/ktbr js/start.js > dist_tmp/js/bundle.js
./node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs \
js/vendor/jquery/dist/jquery.js \
dist_tmp/js/bundle.js \
-o dist_tmp/js/bundle.js
cp img/* dist_tmp/img/
rm -rf dist
mv dist_tmp dist
node setBuildVersions.js
# Same as above command, only it does not minify anything and keeps the console
# logger enabled. Good for debugging issues that occur when the project is
# deployed but not during development.
mkdir dist_tmp
cp dist_tmp/index.html
cp package.json dist_tmp/package.json
cp favicon.ico dist_tmp/favicon.ico
mkdir dist_tmp/css
mkdir dist_tmp/js
mkdir dist_tmp/img
./node_modules/.bin/lessc -x --strict-imports css/index.built.less dist_tmp/css/index.css
./node_modules/.bin/browserify -t ./node_modules/ktbr js/start.js > dist_tmp/js/bundle.js
cat js/vendor/jquery/dist/jquery.js dist_tmp/js/bundle.js > dist_tmp/js/bundle.tmp.js
mv dist_tmp/js/bundle.tmp.js dist_tmp/js/bundle.js
cp img/* dist_tmp/img/
rm -rf dist
mv dist_tmp dist
node setBuildVersions.js
# Spins up a beefy server that will browserify the UI javascript on-demand.
# Used only during development.
# NOTE: the "ktbr" transformation can slow this
# process down significantly (e.g., 7 seconds per refresh). For faster
# development, you may use the bundle_no_ktbr command below.
# NOTE: the --debug flag creates source maps for easier debugging.
./node_modules/.bin/beefy js/start.js:bundle.js 9222 -- -t ktbr --debug
# Same as above, only static vendor libraries are excluded from the bundling process.
# Incidentally, this does not reduce the bundle time from the above command. These static
# files are expected to be found in js/static, which is created using the staticfiles
# make target below.
./node_modules/.bin/beefy js/start.js:bundle.js 9222 -- -t ktbr -x ./node_modules/backbone -x ./node_modules/underscore -x ./node_modules/jsbn -x ./node_modules/big-rational -x ./node_modules/bassview
# Another bundle variation. This one does not use the ktbr transformation, and also excludes
# the static files as in the previous make target.
./node_modules/.bin/beefy js/start.js:bundle.js 9222 -- -x ./node_modules/backbone -x ./node_modules/underscore -x ./node_modules/jsbn -x ./node_modules/big-rational -x ./node_modules/bassview --ig
# Same as above but does not exclude static libraries.
./node_modules/.bin/beefy js/start.js:bundle.js 9222 -- --ig --debug
# This bundle will trigger the page to refresh when a change to any files have been made.
# It can be convenient, but can also start hogging the CPU.
./node_modules/.bin/beefy js/start.js:bundle.js 9222 --live 9223 -- -t ktbr --debug
# Generates js/static.js by concatenating jquery, underscore, backbone, jsbn, and big-rational, among others.
cat js/vendor/jquery/dist/jquery.js > js/static.js
./node_modules/.bin/browserify -r ./node_modules/underscore >> js/static.js
./node_modules/.bin/browserify -r ./node_modules/backbone -x ./node_modules/underscore >> js/static.js
./node_modules/.bin/browserify -r ./node_modules/jsbn >> js/static.js
./node_modules/.bin/browserify -r ./node_modules/big-rational >> js/static.js
./node_modules/.bin/browserify -r ./node_modules/bassview -x ./node_modules/underscore -x ./node_modules/backbone >> js/static.js
.PHONY: test