blob: 48b37b14bd8d52dcfc12ba7d246799bc9ce7fb1c [file] [log] [blame]
package com.datatorrent.demos.dimensions.generic;
import com.datatorrent.lib.statistics.DimensionsComputation;
import com.datatorrent.api.Context;
import com.datatorrent.api.Context.OperatorContext;
* Performs dimensional computations given an event schema.
* <p>
* This class takes a schema description and uses that to generate aggregators internally during setup. If schema does
* not specify dimensions, then it generates aggregators for all combinations of keys.
* Schema can be specified as a JSON string with following keys.
* fields: Map of all the field names and their types. Supported types: java.lang.(Integer, Long, Float, Double, String)
* dimension: Array of dimensions with fields separated by colon, and time prefixed with time=. Supported time units: MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS
* aggregates: Fields to aggregate for specified dimensions. Aggregates types can include: sum, avg, min, max
* timestamp: Name of the timestamp field. Data type should be Long with value in milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 GMT.
* Example JSON schema for Ads demo:
* {
* "fields": {"publisherId":"java.lang.Integer", "advertiserId":"java.lang.Integer", "adUnit":"java.lang.Integer", "clicks":"java.lang.Long", "price":"java.lang.Long", "cost":"java.lang.Double", "revenue":"java.lang.Double", "timestamp":"java.lang.Long"},
* "dimensions": ["time=MINUTES", "time=MINUTES:adUnit", "time=MINUTES:advertiserId", "time=MINUTES:publisherId", "time=MINUTES:advertiserId:adUnit", "time=MINUTES:publisherId:adUnit", "time=MINUTES:publisherId:advertiserId", "time=MINUTES:publisherId:advertiserId:adUnit"],
* "aggregates": { "clicks": "sum", "price": "sum", "cost": "sum", "revenue": "sum"},
* "timestamp": "timestamp"
* }
* @displayName Generic Dimension Computation
* @category Math
* @tags dimension, aggregation
public class GenericDimensionComputation extends DimensionsComputation<GenericEvent, GenericAggregate>
public void setSchema(EventSchema schema)
DimensionsGenerator gen = new DimensionsGenerator(schema);
public void setup(OperatorContext context)
// hack begin!
// this hack should be removed when we have application level properties - talk to Sasha/Chetan.
try {
catch (NullPointerException npe) {
/* means that it's not properly initialized; so initialize it for app builder demo */
setSchema(new SchemaConverter().getEventSchema());
// hack end!
super.setup(context); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.