blob: 8e80fab5e343b6e6136e7c5e0116073a9540573f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 DataTorrent, Inc. ALL Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import com.datatorrent.lib.util.PubSubMessageCodec;
import com.datatorrent.lib.util.PubSubWebSocketClient;
import com.datatorrent.api.BaseOperator;
import com.datatorrent.api.Context.OperatorContext;
import com.datatorrent.api.DAG;
import com.datatorrent.api.DefaultInputPort;
import com.datatorrent.api.annotation.InputPortFieldAnnotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
* This operator outputs data in a format that can be displayed in DT UI widgets.
* <p>
* There are 4 input ports each of which is compatible to one widget
* <li>simpleInput is used for simple input widget. It takes any object and push the toString() value to the UI</li>
* <li>timeSeriesInput is used for a widget of bar chart of series number values at certain times. It takes a Long for time and a Number for value </li>
* <li>percentageInput is used for either the percentage gadget or progress bar. It takes int value between 0 and 100 as input</li>
* <li>topNInput is used for N key value table widget. It takes a Map as input</li><br>
* By default it outputs data to WebSocket channel specified by DT gateway.<br>
* If DT gateway is not specified, it will use output data to console.
* </p>
* @displayName DT Widget Output
* @category Output
* @tags dt, output operator
* @since 0.9.3
public class WidgetOutputOperator extends BaseOperator
protected transient WebSocketOutputOperator<Pair<String, Object>> wsoo = new WebSocketOutputOperator<Pair<String,Object>>(){
private transient PubSubMessageCodec<Object> codec = new PubSubMessageCodec<Object>(mapper);
public String convertMapToMessage(Pair<String,Object> t) throws IOException {
return PubSubWebSocketClient.constructPublishMessage(t.getLeft(), t.getRight(), codec);
protected transient ConsoleOutputOperator coo = new ConsoleOutputOperator();
private String timeSeriesTopic = "widget.timeseries";
private String simpleTopic = "widget.simple";
private String percentageTopic = "widget.percentage";
protected String topNTopic = "widget.topn";
private String pieChartTopic = "widget,piechart";
private Number timeSeriesMax = 100;
private Number timeSeriesMin = 0;
protected int nInTopN = 10;
private int nInPie = 5;
private transient String appId = null;
private transient int operId = 0;
* Tuples received on this input port will be sent to a Simple Widget for display.
public final transient SimpleInputPort simpleInput = new SimpleInputPort(this);
* Tuples received on this input port will be sent to a Time Series Widget for display.
public final transient TimeseriesInputPort timeSeriesInput = new TimeseriesInputPort(this);
* Tuples received on this input port will be sent to a Percentage Widget.
public final transient PercentageInputPort percentageInput = new PercentageInputPort(this);
* Tuples received on this input port will be sent to a Top N Widget for display.
public final transient TopNInputPort topNInput = new TopNInputPort(this);
* Tuples received on this input port will be sent to a Pie Chart Widget for display.
public final transient PiechartInputPort pieChartInput = new PiechartInputPort(this);
protected transient boolean isWebSocketConnected = true;
public void setup(OperatorContext context)
String gatewayAddress = context.getValue(DAG.GATEWAY_CONNECT_ADDRESS);
wsoo.setUri(URI.create("ws://" + gatewayAddress + "/pubsub"));
} else {
isWebSocketConnected = false;
appId = context.getValue(DAG.APPLICATION_ID);
operId = context.getId();
public static class TimeSeriesData{
public Long time;
public Number data;
public static class TimeseriesInputPort extends DefaultInputPort<TimeSeriesData[]> {
private final WidgetOutputOperator operator;
public TimeseriesInputPort(WidgetOutputOperator woo)
operator = woo;
public void process(TimeSeriesData[] tuple)
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
HashMap<String, Number>[] timeseriesMapData = new HashMap[tuple.length];
int i = 0;
for (TimeSeriesData data : tuple) {
HashMap<String, Number> timeseriesMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2);
timeseriesMap.put("timestamp", data.time);
timeseriesMapData[i++] = timeseriesMap;
HashMap<String, Object> schemaObj = new HashMap<String, Object>();
schemaObj.put("type", "timeseries");
schemaObj.put("minValue", operator.timeSeriesMin);
schemaObj.put("maxValue", operator.timeSeriesMax);
operator.wsoo.input.process(new MutablePair<String, Object>(operator.getFullTopic( operator.timeSeriesTopic, schemaObj), timeseriesMapData));
} else {
public TimeseriesInputPort setMax(Number max){
operator.timeSeriesMax = max;
return this;
public TimeseriesInputPort setMin(Number min){
operator.timeSeriesMin = min;
return this;
public TimeseriesInputPort setTopic(String topic){
operator.timeSeriesTopic = topic;
return this;
public static class TopNInputPort extends DefaultInputPort<HashMap<String, Number>>{
private final WidgetOutputOperator operator;
public TopNInputPort(WidgetOutputOperator oper)
operator = oper;
public void process(HashMap<String, Number> topNMap)
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
HashMap<String, Object>[] result = new HashMap[topNMap.size()];
int j = 0;
for (Entry<String, Number> e : topNMap.entrySet()) {
result[j] = new HashMap<String, Object>();
result[j].put("name", e.getKey());
result[j++].put("value", e.getValue());
HashMap<String, Object> schemaObj = new HashMap<String, Object>();
schemaObj.put("type", "topN");
schemaObj.put("n", operator.nInTopN);
operator.wsoo.input.process(new MutablePair<String, Object>(operator.getFullTopic(operator.topNTopic, schemaObj), result));
} else {
public TopNInputPort setN(int n){
operator.nInTopN = n;
return this;
public TopNInputPort setTopic(String topic)
operator.topNTopic = topic;
return this;
public static class SimpleInputPort extends DefaultInputPort<Object>{
private final WidgetOutputOperator operator;
public SimpleInputPort(WidgetOutputOperator oper)
operator = oper;
public void process(Object tuple)
if (operator.isWebSocketConnected) {
HashMap<String, Object> schemaObj = new HashMap<String, Object>();
schemaObj.put("type", "simple");
operator.wsoo.input.process(new MutablePair<String, Object>(operator.getFullTopic(operator.simpleTopic, schemaObj), tuple.toString()));
} else {
public SimpleInputPort setTopic(String topic) {
operator.simpleTopic = topic;
return this;
public static class PercentageInputPort extends DefaultInputPort<Integer>
private final WidgetOutputOperator operator;
public PercentageInputPort(WidgetOutputOperator oper)
operator = oper;
public void process(Integer tuple)
HashMap<String, Object> schemaObj = new HashMap<String, Object>();
schemaObj.put("type", "percentage");
operator.wsoo.input.process(new MutablePair<String, Object>(operator.getFullTopic(operator.percentageTopic, schemaObj), tuple));
} else {
public PercentageInputPort setTopic(String topic)
operator.percentageTopic = topic;
return this;
public static class PiechartInputPort extends DefaultInputPort<HashMap<String, Number>>{
private final WidgetOutputOperator operator;
public PiechartInputPort(WidgetOutputOperator oper)
operator = oper;
public void process(HashMap<String, Number> pieNumbers)
HashMap<String, Object>[] result = (HashMap<String, Object>[])Array.newInstance(HashMap.class, pieNumbers.size());
int j = 0;
for (Entry<String, Number> e : pieNumbers.entrySet()) {
result[j] = new HashMap<String, Object>();
result[j].put("label", e.getKey());
result[j++].put("value", e.getValue());
HashMap<String, Object> schemaObj = new HashMap<String, Object>();
schemaObj.put("type", "piechart");
schemaObj.put("n", operator.nInPie);
operator.wsoo.input.process(new MutablePair<String, Object>(operator.getFullTopic(operator.pieChartTopic, schemaObj), result));
} else {
public PiechartInputPort setN(int n){
operator.nInPie = n;
return this;
public PiechartInputPort setTopic(String topic)
operator.pieChartTopic = topic;
return this;
protected String getFullTopic(String topic, Map<String, Object> schema){
HashMap<String, Object> topicObj = new HashMap<String, Object>();
topicObj.put("appId", appId);
topicObj.put("opId", operId);
topicObj.put("topicName", topic);
topicObj.put("schema", schema);
try {
return "AppData" + wsoo.mapper.writeValueAsString(topicObj);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void teardown()
} else {