blob: 7f8688f2c893a604e0d9ca5d2c7ca471fa504abb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 DataTorrent, Inc. ALL Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.datatorrent.contrib.kafka;
import com.datatorrent.api.Context.OperatorContext;
import com.datatorrent.api.DefaultPartition;
import com.datatorrent.api.InputOperator;
import com.datatorrent.api.Operator.ActivationListener;
import com.datatorrent.api.Operator.CheckpointListener;
import com.datatorrent.api.Partitioner;
import com.datatorrent.api.Stats;
import com.datatorrent.api.StatsListener;
import com.datatorrent.api.annotation.OperatorAnnotation;
import com.datatorrent.api.annotation.Stateless;
import static com.datatorrent.contrib.kafka.KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStatsUtil.getOffsetsForPartitions;
import static com.datatorrent.contrib.kafka.KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStatsUtil.get_1minMovingAvgParMap;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.validation.Valid;
import javax.validation.constraints.Min;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import kafka.api.FetchRequest;
import kafka.api.FetchRequestBuilder;
import kafka.cluster.Broker;
import kafka.javaapi.FetchResponse;
import kafka.javaapi.PartitionMetadata;
import kafka.javaapi.consumer.SimpleConsumer;
import kafka.message.Message;
import kafka.message.MessageAndOffset;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* This is a base implementation of a Kafka input operator, which consumes data from Kafka message bus. 
* Subclasses should implement the method for emitting tuples to downstream operators.
* It will be dynamically partitioned based on the upstream kafka partition.
* <p>
* <b>Partition Strategy:</b>
* <p><b>1. ONE_TO_ONE partition</b> Each operator partition will consume from only one kafka partition </p>
* <p><b>2. ONE_TO_MANY partition</b> Each operator partition consumer from multiple kafka partition with some hard ingestion rate limit</p>
* <p><b>3. ONE_TO_MANY_HEURISTIC partition</b>(Not implemented yet) Each operator partition consumer from multiple kafka partition and partition number depends on heuristic function(real time bottle neck)</p>
* <p><b>Note:</b> ONE_TO_MANY partition only support simple kafka consumer because
* <p> 1) high-level consumer can only balance the number of brokers it consumes from rather than the actual load from each broker</p>
* <p> 2) high-level consumer can not reset offset once it's committed so the tuples are not replayable </p>
* <p></p>
* <br>
* <br>
* <b>Basic Algorithm:</b>
* <p>1.Pull the metadata(how many partitions) of the topic from brokerList of {@link KafkaConsumer}</p>
* <p>2.cloneConsumer method is used to initialize the new {@link KafkaConsumer} instance for the new partition operator</p>
* <p>3.cloneOperator method is used to initialize the new {@link AbstractKafkaInputOperator} instance for the new partition operator</p>
* <p>4.ONE_TO_MANY partition use first-fit decreasing algorithm( to minimize the partition operator
* <br>
* <br>
* <b>Load balance:</b> refer to {@link SimpleKafkaConsumer} and {@link HighlevelKafkaConsumer} <br>
* <b>Kafka partition failover:</b> refer to {@link SimpleKafkaConsumer} and {@link HighlevelKafkaConsumer}
* <br>
* <br>
* <b>Self adjust to Kafka partition change:</b>
* <p><b>EACH</b> operator partition periodically check the leader broker(s) change which it consumes from and adjust connection without repartition</p>
* <p><b>ONLY APPMASTER</b> operator periodically check overall kafka partition layout and add operator partition due to kafka partition add(no delete supported by kafka for now)</p>
* <br>
* <br>
* </p>
* Properties:<br>
* <b>tuplesBlast</b>: Number of tuples emitted in each burst<br>
* <b>bufferSize</b>: Size of holding buffer<br>
* <br>
* Compile time checks:<br>
* Class derived from this has to implement the abstract method emitTuple() <br>
* <br>
* Run time checks:<br>
* None<br>
* <br>
* Benchmarks:<br>
* TBD<br>
* <br>
* Each operator can consume 1 topic from multiple partitions and clusters<br>
* </p>
* @displayName Abstract Kafka Input
* @category Messaging
* @tags input operator
* @since 0.3.2
@OperatorAnnotation(partitionable = true)
public abstract class AbstractKafkaInputOperator<K extends KafkaConsumer> implements InputOperator, ActivationListener<OperatorContext>, CheckpointListener, Partitioner<AbstractKafkaInputOperator<K>>, StatsListener
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractKafkaInputOperator.class);
private int maxTuplesPerWindow = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private transient int emitCount = 0;
protected IdempotentStorageManager idempotentStorageManager;
protected transient long currentWindowId;
protected transient int operatorId;
protected final transient Map<KafkaPartition, MutablePair<Long, Integer>> currentWindowRecoveryState;
protected transient Map<KafkaPartition, Long> offsetStats = new HashMap<KafkaPartition, Long>();
private transient OperatorContext context = null;
private boolean idempotent = true;
// By default the partition policy is 1:1
public PartitionStrategy strategy = PartitionStrategy.ONE_TO_ONE;
// default resource is unlimited in terms of msgs per second
private long msgRateUpperBound = Long.MAX_VALUE;
// default resource is unlimited in terms of bytes per second
private long byteRateUpperBound = Long.MAX_VALUE;
// Store the current operator partition topology
private transient List<PartitionInfo> currentPartitionInfo = Lists.newLinkedList();
// Store the current collected kafka consumer stats
private transient Map<Integer, List<KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStats>> kafkaStatsHolder = new HashMap<Integer, List<KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStats>>();
private OffsetManager offsetManager = null;
// Minimal interval between 2 (re)partition actions
private long repartitionInterval = 30000L;
// Minimal interval between checking collected stats and decide whether it needs to repartition or not.
// And minimal interval between 2 offset updates
private long repartitionCheckInterval = 5000L;
private transient long lastCheckTime = 0L;
private transient long lastRepartitionTime = 0L;
// A list store the newly discovered partitions
private transient List<KafkaPartition> newWaitingPartition = new LinkedList<KafkaPartition>();
private int initialPartitionCount = 1;
protected KafkaConsumer consumer = new SimpleKafkaConsumer();
public AbstractKafkaInputOperator()
idempotentStorageManager = new IdempotentStorageManager.FSIdempotentStorageManager();
currentWindowRecoveryState = new HashMap<KafkaPartition, MutablePair<Long, Integer>>();
* Any concrete class derived from KafkaInputOperator has to implement this method to emit tuples to an output port.
protected abstract void emitTuple(Message message);
public int getMaxTuplesPerWindow()
return maxTuplesPerWindow;
public void setMaxTuplesPerWindow(int maxTuplesPerWindow)
this.maxTuplesPerWindow = maxTuplesPerWindow;
public void setup(OperatorContext context)
if(!(getConsumer() instanceof SimpleKafkaConsumer) || !idempotent) {
idempotentStorageManager = new IdempotentStorageManager.NoopIdempotentStorageManager();
logger.debug("consumer {} topic {} cacheSize {}", consumer, consumer.getTopic(), consumer.getCacheSize());
this.context = context;
operatorId = context.getId();
public void teardown()
public void beginWindow(long windowId)
currentWindowId = windowId;
if (windowId <= idempotentStorageManager.getLargestRecoveryWindow()) {
emitCount = 0;
protected void replay(long windowId)
try {
Map<KafkaPartition, MutablePair<Long, Integer>> recoveredData = (Map<KafkaPartition, MutablePair<Long, Integer>>) idempotentStorageManager.load(operatorId, windowId);
if (recoveredData == null) {
Map<String, List<PartitionMetadata>> pms = KafkaMetadataUtil.getPartitionsForTopic(getConsumer().brokers, getConsumer().topic);
if (pms == null) {
SimpleKafkaConsumer cons = (SimpleKafkaConsumer)getConsumer();
// add all partition request in one Fretch request together
FetchRequestBuilder frb = new FetchRequestBuilder().clientId(cons.getClientId());
for (Map.Entry<KafkaPartition, MutablePair<Long, Integer>> rc: recoveredData.entrySet()) {
KafkaPartition kp = rc.getKey();
List<PartitionMetadata> pmsVal = pms.get(kp.getClusterId());
Iterator<PartitionMetadata> pmIterator = pmsVal.iterator();
PartitionMetadata pm =;
while (pm.partitionId() != kp.getPartitionId()) {
if (!pmIterator.hasNext())
pm =;
if (pm.partitionId() != kp.getPartitionId())
Broker bk = pm.leader();
frb.addFetch(consumer.topic, rc.getKey().getPartitionId(), rc.getValue().left, cons.getBufferSize());
FetchRequest req =;
SimpleConsumer ksc = new SimpleConsumer(, bk.port(), cons.getTimeout(), cons.getBufferSize(), cons.getClientId());
FetchResponse fetchResponse = ksc.fetch(req);
Integer count = 0;
for (MessageAndOffset msg : fetchResponse.messageSet(consumer.topic, kp.getPartitionId())) {
offsetStats.put(kp, msg.offset());
count = count + 1;
if (count.equals(rc.getValue().right))
if(windowId == idempotentStorageManager.getLargestRecoveryWindow()) {
// Set the offset positions to the consumer
Map<KafkaPartition, Long> currentOffsets = new HashMap<KafkaPartition, Long>(cons.getCurrentOffsets());
// Increment the offsets
for (Map.Entry<KafkaPartition, Long> e: offsetStats.entrySet()) {
currentOffsets.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue() + 1);
catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("replay", e);
public void endWindow()
if (currentWindowId > idempotentStorageManager.getLargestRecoveryWindow()) {
try {
if((getConsumer() instanceof SimpleKafkaConsumer)) {
SimpleKafkaConsumer cons = (SimpleKafkaConsumer) getConsumer();
}, operatorId, currentWindowId);
catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("saving recovery", e);
public void checkpointed(long windowId)
// commit the consumer offset
public void committed(long windowId)
try {
idempotentStorageManager.deleteUpTo(operatorId, windowId);
catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("deleting state", e);
public void activate(OperatorContext ctx)
if (context.getValue(OperatorContext.ACTIVATION_WINDOW_ID) != Stateless.WINDOW_ID && context.getValue(OperatorContext.ACTIVATION_WINDOW_ID) < idempotentStorageManager.getLargestRecoveryWindow()) {
// If it is a replay state, don't start the consumer
// Don't start thread here!
// # of kafka_consumer_threads depends on the type of kafka client and the message
// metadata(topic/partition/replica) layout
public void deactivate()
public void emitTuples()
if (currentWindowId <= idempotentStorageManager.getLargestRecoveryWindow()) {
int count = consumer.messageSize();
if (maxTuplesPerWindow > 0) {
count = Math.min(count, maxTuplesPerWindow - emitCount);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
KafkaConsumer.KafkaMessage message = consumer.pollMessage();
// Ignore the duplicate messages
if(offsetStats.containsKey(message.kafkaPart) && message.offSet <= offsetStats.get(message.kafkaPart))
offsetStats.put(message.kafkaPart, message.offSet);
MutablePair<Long, Integer> offsetAndCount = currentWindowRecoveryState.get(message.kafkaPart);
if(offsetAndCount == null) {
currentWindowRecoveryState.put(message.kafkaPart, new MutablePair<Long, Integer>(message.offSet, 1));
} else {
emitCount += count;
public void setConsumer(K consumer)
this.consumer = consumer;
public KafkaConsumer getConsumer()
return consumer;
// add topic as operator property
public void setTopic(String topic)
* Set the ZooKeeper quorum of the Kafka cluster(s) you want to consume data from.
* The operator will discover the brokers that it needs to consume messages from.
public void setZookeeper(String zookeeperString)
SetMultimap<String, String> theClusters = HashMultimap.create();
for (String zk : zookeeperString.split(";")) {
String[] parts = zk.split("::");
String clusterId = parts.length == 1 ? KafkaPartition.DEFAULT_CLUSTERID : parts[0];
String[] hostNames = parts.length == 1 ? parts[0].split(",") : parts[1].split(",");
String portId = "";
for (int idx = hostNames.length - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) {
String[] zkParts = hostNames[idx].split(":");
if (zkParts.length == 2) {
portId = zkParts[1];
if (!portId.isEmpty() && portId != "") {
theClusters.put(clusterId, zkParts[0] + ":" + portId);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong zookeeper string: " + zookeeperString + "\n"
+ " Expected format should be cluster1::zookeeper1,zookeeper2:port1;cluster2::zookeeper3:port2 or zookeeper1:port1,zookeeper:port2");
public void partitioned(Map<Integer, Partitioner.Partition<AbstractKafkaInputOperator<K>>> partitions)
// update the last repartition time
lastRepartitionTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
public Collection<Partitioner.Partition<AbstractKafkaInputOperator<K>>> definePartitions(Collection<Partitioner.Partition<AbstractKafkaInputOperator<K>>> partitions, Partitioner.PartitioningContext context)
// Initialize brokers from zookeepers
// check if it's the initial partition
boolean isInitialParitition = partitions.iterator().next().getStats() == null;
// get partition metadata for topics.
// Whatever operator is using high-level or simple kafka consumer, the operator always create a temporary simple kafka consumer to get the metadata of the topic
// The initial value of brokerList of the KafkaConsumer is used to retrieve the topic metadata
Map<String, List<PartitionMetadata>> kafkaPartitions = KafkaMetadataUtil.getPartitionsForTopic(getConsumer().brokers, getConsumer().getTopic());
// Operator partitions
List<Partitioner.Partition<AbstractKafkaInputOperator<K>>> newPartitions = null;
// initialize the offset
Map<KafkaPartition, Long> initOffset = null;
if(isInitialParitition && offsetManager !=null){
initOffset = offsetManager.loadInitialOffsets();"Initial offsets: {} ", "{ " + Joiner.on(", ").useForNull("").withKeyValueSeparator(": ").join(initOffset) + " }");
Collection<IdempotentStorageManager> newManagers = Sets.newHashSet();
Set<Integer> deletedOperators = Sets.newHashSet();
switch (strategy) {
// For the 1 to 1 mapping The framework will create number of operator partitions based on kafka topic partitions
// Each operator partition will consume from only one kafka partition
case ONE_TO_ONE:
if (isInitialParitition) {
lastRepartitionTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"[ONE_TO_ONE]: Initializing partition(s)");
// initialize the number of operator partitions according to number of kafka partitions
newPartitions = new LinkedList<Partitioner.Partition<AbstractKafkaInputOperator<K>>>();
for (Map.Entry<String, List<PartitionMetadata>> kp : kafkaPartitions.entrySet()) {
String clusterId = kp.getKey();
for (PartitionMetadata pm : kp.getValue()) {"[ONE_TO_ONE]: Create operator partition for cluster {}, topic {}, kafka partition {} ", clusterId, getConsumer().topic, pm.partitionId());
newPartitions.add(createPartition(Sets.newHashSet(new KafkaPartition(clusterId, consumer.topic, pm.partitionId())), initOffset, newManagers));
else if (newWaitingPartition.size() != 0) {
// add partition for new kafka partition
for (KafkaPartition newPartition : newWaitingPartition) {"[ONE_TO_ONE]: Add operator partition for cluster {}, topic {}, partition {}", newPartition.getClusterId(), getConsumer().topic, newPartition.getPartitionId());
partitions.add(createPartition(Sets.newHashSet(newPartition), null, newManagers));
idempotentStorageManager.partitioned(newManagers, deletedOperators);
return partitions;
// For the 1 to N mapping The initial partition number is defined by stream application
// Afterwards, the framework will dynamically adjust the partition and allocate consumers to as less operator partitions as it can
// and guarantee the total intake rate for each operator partition is below some threshold
if (getConsumer() instanceof HighlevelKafkaConsumer) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("[ONE_TO_MANY]: The high-level consumer is not supported for ONE_TO_MANY partition strategy.");
if (isInitialParitition) {
lastRepartitionTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"[ONE_TO_MANY]: Initializing partition(s)");
int size = initialPartitionCount;
//Set<KafkaPartition>[] kps = new Set[size];
Set<KafkaPartition>[] kps = (Set<KafkaPartition>[]) Array.newInstance((new HashSet<KafkaPartition>()).getClass(), size);
newPartitions = new ArrayList<Partitioner.Partition<AbstractKafkaInputOperator<K>>>(size);
int i = 0;
for (Map.Entry<String, List<PartitionMetadata>> en : kafkaPartitions.entrySet()) {
String clusterId = en.getKey();
for (PartitionMetadata pm : en.getValue()) {
if (kps[i % size] == null) {
kps[i % size] = new HashSet<KafkaPartition>();
kps[i % size].add(new KafkaPartition(clusterId, consumer.topic, pm.partitionId()));
for (i = 0; i < kps.length; i++) {"[ONE_TO_MANY]: Create operator partition for kafka partition(s): {} ", StringUtils.join(kps[i], ", "));
newPartitions.add(createPartition(kps[i], initOffset, newManagers));
else if (newWaitingPartition.size() != 0) {"[ONE_TO_MANY]: Add operator partition for kafka partition(s): {} ", StringUtils.join(newWaitingPartition, ", "));
partitions.add(createPartition(Sets.newHashSet(newWaitingPartition), null, newManagers));
idempotentStorageManager.partitioned(newManagers, deletedOperators);
return partitions;
else {"[ONE_TO_MANY]: Repartition the operator(s) under " + msgRateUpperBound + " msgs/s and " + byteRateUpperBound + " bytes/s hard limit");
// size of the list depends on the load and capacity of each operator
newPartitions = new LinkedList<Partitioner.Partition<AbstractKafkaInputOperator<K>>>();
// Use first-fit decreasing algorithm to minimize the container number and somewhat balance the partition
// try to balance the load and minimize the number of containers with each container's load under the threshold
// the partition based on the latest 1 minute moving average
Map<KafkaPartition, long[]> kPIntakeRate = new HashMap<KafkaPartition, long[]>();
// get the offset for all partitions of each consumer
Map<KafkaPartition, Long> offsetTrack = new HashMap<KafkaPartition, Long>();
for (Partitioner.Partition<AbstractKafkaInputOperator<K>> partition : partitions) {
List<Stats.OperatorStats> opss = partition.getStats().getLastWindowedStats();
if (opss == null || opss.size() == 0) {
// Get the latest stats
Stats.OperatorStats stat = partition.getStats().getLastWindowedStats().get(partition.getStats().getLastWindowedStats().size() - 1);
if (stat.counters instanceof KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStats) {
KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStats kms = (KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStats) stat.counters;
List<PartitionInfo> partitionInfos = firstFitDecreasingAlgo(kPIntakeRate);
// Add the existing partition Ids to the deleted operators
for(Partitioner.Partition<AbstractKafkaInputOperator<K>> op : partitions)
for (PartitionInfo r : partitionInfos) {"[ONE_TO_MANY]: Create operator partition for kafka partition(s): " + StringUtils.join(r.kpids, ", ") + ", topic: " + this.getConsumer().topic);
newPartitions.add(createPartition(r.kpids, offsetTrack, newManagers));
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("[ONE_TO_MANY_HEURISTIC]: Not implemented yet");
idempotentStorageManager.partitioned(newManagers, deletedOperators);
return newPartitions;
// Create a new partition with the partition Ids and initial offset positions
protected Partitioner.Partition<AbstractKafkaInputOperator<K>> createPartition(Set<KafkaPartition> pIds, Map<KafkaPartition, Long> initOffsets, Collection<IdempotentStorageManager> newManagers)
Kryo kryo = new Kryo();
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Output output = new Output(bos);
kryo.writeObject(output, this);
Input lInput = new Input(bos.toByteArray());
Partitioner.Partition<AbstractKafkaInputOperator<K>> p = new DefaultPartition<AbstractKafkaInputOperator<K>>(kryo.readObject(lInput, this.getClass()));
p.getPartitionedInstance().getConsumer().resetPartitionsAndOffset(pIds, initOffsets);
PartitionInfo pif = new PartitionInfo();
pif.kpids = pIds;
return p;
private List<PartitionInfo> firstFitDecreasingAlgo(final Map<KafkaPartition, long[]> kPIntakeRate)
// (Decreasing) Sort the map by msgs/s and bytes/s in descending order
List<Map.Entry<KafkaPartition, long[]>> sortedMapEntry = new LinkedList<Map.Entry<KafkaPartition, long[]>>(kPIntakeRate.entrySet());
Collections.sort(sortedMapEntry, new Comparator<Map.Entry<KafkaPartition, long[]>>()
public int compare(Map.Entry<KafkaPartition, long[]> firstEntry, Map.Entry<KafkaPartition, long[]> secondEntry)
long[] firstPair = firstEntry.getValue();
long[] secondPair = secondEntry.getValue();
if (msgRateUpperBound == Long.MAX_VALUE || firstPair[0] == secondPair[0]) {
return (int) (secondPair[1] - firstPair[1]);
} else {
return (int) (secondPair[0] - firstPair[0]);
// (First-fit) Look for first fit operator to assign the consumer
// Go over all the kafka partitions and look for the right operator to assign to
// Each record has a set of kafka partition ids and the resource left for that operator after assigned the consumers for those partitions
List<PartitionInfo> pif = new LinkedList<PartitionInfo>();
for (Map.Entry<KafkaPartition, long[]> entry : sortedMapEntry) {
long[] resourceRequired = entry.getValue();
for (PartitionInfo r : pif) {
if (r.msgRateLeft > resourceRequired[0] && r.byteRateLeft > resourceRequired[1]) {
// found first fit operator partition that has enough resource for this consumer
// add consumer to the operator partition
// update the resource left in this partition
r.msgRateLeft -= r.msgRateLeft == Long.MAX_VALUE ? 0 : resourceRequired[0];
r.byteRateLeft -= r.byteRateLeft == Long.MAX_VALUE ? 0 : resourceRequired[1];
continue outer;
// didn't find the existing "operator" to assign this consumer
PartitionInfo nr = new PartitionInfo();
nr.kpids = Sets.newHashSet(entry.getKey());
nr.msgRateLeft = msgRateUpperBound == Long.MAX_VALUE ? msgRateUpperBound : msgRateUpperBound - resourceRequired[0];
nr.byteRateLeft = byteRateUpperBound == Long.MAX_VALUE ? byteRateUpperBound : byteRateUpperBound - resourceRequired[1];
return pif;
public StatsListener.Response processStats(StatsListener.BatchedOperatorStats stats)
StatsListener.Response resp = new StatsListener.Response();
List<KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStats> kstats = extractKafkaStats(stats);
resp.repartitionRequired = isPartitionRequired(stats.getOperatorId(), kstats);
return resp;
private void updateOffsets(List<KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStats> kstats)
//In every partition check interval, call offsetmanager to update the offsets
if (offsetManager != null) {
private List<KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStats> extractKafkaStats(StatsListener.BatchedOperatorStats stats)
//preprocess the stats
List<KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStats> kmsList = new LinkedList<KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStats>();
for (Stats.OperatorStats os : stats.getLastWindowedStats()) {
if (os != null && os.counters instanceof KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStats) {
kmsList.add((KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStats) os.counters);
return kmsList;
* Check whether the operator needs repartition based on reported stats
* @return true if repartition is required
* false if repartition is not required
private boolean isPartitionRequired(int opid, List<KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStats> kstats)
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (t - lastCheckTime < repartitionCheckInterval) {
// return false if it's within repartitionCheckInterval since last time it check the stats
return false;
logger.debug("Use OffsetManager to update offsets");
if(repartitionInterval < 0){
// if repartition is disabled
return false;
if(t - lastRepartitionTime < repartitionInterval) {
// return false if it's still within repartitionInterval since last (re)partition
return false;
kafkaStatsHolder.put(opid, kstats);
if (kafkaStatsHolder.size() != currentPartitionInfo.size() || currentPartitionInfo.size() == 0) {
// skip checking if the operator hasn't collected all the stats from all the current partitions
return false;
try {
// monitor if new kafka partition added
Set<KafkaPartition> existingIds = new HashSet<KafkaPartition>();
for (PartitionInfo pio : currentPartitionInfo) {
Map<String, List<PartitionMetadata>> partitionsMeta = KafkaMetadataUtil.getPartitionsForTopic(consumer.brokers, consumer.getTopic());
if(partitionsMeta == null){
//broker(s) has temporary issue to get metadata
return false;
for (Map.Entry<String, List<PartitionMetadata>> en : partitionsMeta.entrySet()) {
if(en.getValue() == null){
//broker(s) has temporary issue to get metadata
for (PartitionMetadata pm : en.getValue()) {
KafkaPartition pa = new KafkaPartition(en.getKey(), consumer.topic, pm.partitionId());
if (newWaitingPartition.size() != 0) {
// found new kafka partition
lastRepartitionTime = t;
return true;
if (strategy == PartitionStrategy.ONE_TO_ONE) {
return false;
// This is expensive part and only every repartitionCheckInterval it will check existing the overall partitions
// and see if there is more optimal solution
// The decision is made by 2 constraint
// Hard constraint which is upper bound overall msgs/s or bytes/s
// Soft constraint which is more optimal solution
boolean b = breakHardConstraint(kstats) || breakSoftConstraint();
if (b) {
return b;
} finally {
// update last check time
lastCheckTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
* Check to see if there is other more optimal(less partition) partition assignment based on current statistics
* @return True if all windowed stats indicate different partition size we need to adjust the partition.
private boolean breakSoftConstraint()
if (kafkaStatsHolder.size() != currentPartitionInfo.size()) {
return false;
int length = kafkaStatsHolder.get(kafkaStatsHolder.keySet().iterator().next()).size();
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
Map<KafkaPartition, long[]> kPIntakeRate = new HashMap<KafkaPartition, long[]>();
for (Integer pid : kafkaStatsHolder.keySet()) {
if(kafkaStatsHolder.get(pid).size() <= j)
if (kPIntakeRate.size() == 0) {
return false;
List<PartitionInfo> partitionInfo = firstFitDecreasingAlgo(kPIntakeRate);
if (partitionInfo.size() == 0 || partitionInfo.size() == currentPartitionInfo.size()) {
return false;
// if all windowed stats indicate different partition size we need to adjust the partition
return true;
* Check if all the statistics within the windows break the upper bound hard limit in msgs/s or bytes/s
* @return True if all the statistics within the windows break the upper bound hard limit in msgs/s or bytes/s.
private boolean breakHardConstraint(List<KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStats> kmss)
// Only care about the KafkaMeterStats
// if there is no kafka meter stats at all, don't repartition
if (kmss == null || kmss.size() == 0) {
return false;
// if all the stats within the window have msgs/s above the upper bound threshold (hard limit)
boolean needRP = Iterators.all(kmss.iterator(), new Predicate<KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStats>()
public boolean apply(KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStats kms)
// If there are more than 1 kafka partition and the total msg/s reach the limit
return kms.partitionStats.size() > 1 && kms.totalMsgPerSec > msgRateUpperBound;
// or all the stats within the window have bytes/s above the upper bound threshold (hard limit)
needRP = needRP || Iterators.all(kmss.iterator(), new Predicate<KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStats>()
public boolean apply(KafkaConsumer.KafkaMeterStats kms)
//If there are more than 1 kafka partition and the total bytes/s reach the limit
return kms.partitionStats.size() > 1 && kms.totalBytesPerSec > byteRateUpperBound;
return needRP;
public static enum PartitionStrategy
* Each operator partition connect to only one kafka partition
* Each operator consumes from several kafka partitions with overall input rate under some certain hard limit in msgs/s or bytes/s
* For now it <b>only</b> support <b>simple kafka consumer</b>
* 1 to N partition based on the heuristic function
* <b>NOT</b> implemented yet
* TODO implement this later
static class PartitionInfo
Set<KafkaPartition> kpids;
long msgRateLeft;
long byteRateLeft;
public IdempotentStorageManager getIdempotentStorageManager()
return idempotentStorageManager;
public void setIdempotentStorageManager(IdempotentStorageManager idempotentStorageManager)
this.idempotentStorageManager = idempotentStorageManager;
public void setInitialPartitionCount(int partitionCount)
this.initialPartitionCount = partitionCount;
public int getInitialPartitionCount()
return initialPartitionCount;
public long getMsgRateUpperBound()
return msgRateUpperBound;
public void setMsgRateUpperBound(long msgRateUpperBound)
this.msgRateUpperBound = msgRateUpperBound;
public long getByteRateUpperBound()
return byteRateUpperBound;
public void setByteRateUpperBound(long byteRateUpperBound)
this.byteRateUpperBound = byteRateUpperBound;
public void setInitialOffset(String initialOffset)
this.consumer.initialOffset = initialOffset;
public void setOffsetManager(OffsetManager offsetManager)
this.offsetManager = offsetManager;
public void setRepartitionCheckInterval(long repartitionCheckInterval)
this.repartitionCheckInterval = repartitionCheckInterval;
public long getRepartitionCheckInterval()
return repartitionCheckInterval;
public void setRepartitionInterval(long repartitionInterval)
this.repartitionInterval = repartitionInterval;
public long getRepartitionInterval()
return repartitionInterval;
public void setStrategy(String policy)
this.strategy = PartitionStrategy.valueOf(policy.toUpperCase());
public boolean isIdempotent()
return idempotent;
public void setIdempotent(boolean idempotent)
this.idempotent = idempotent;