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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.apex.malhar.lib.state.managed;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import javax.validation.constraints.Min;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import org.joda.time.Duration;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers.FieldSerializer;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers.JavaSerializer;
import com.datatorrent.api.Component;
import com.datatorrent.api.Context.DAGContext;
import com.datatorrent.api.Context.OperatorContext;
import com.datatorrent.api.Operator;
import com.datatorrent.api.annotation.Stateless;
import com.datatorrent.common.util.NameableThreadFactory;
import com.datatorrent.lib.fileaccess.FileAccess;
import com.datatorrent.lib.fileaccess.TFileImpl;
import com.datatorrent.lib.util.comparator.SliceComparator;
import com.datatorrent.netlet.util.Slice;
* An abstract implementation of managed state.<br/>
* The important sub-components here are:
* <ol>
* <li>
* {@link #checkpointManager}: writes incremental checkpoints in window files and transfers data from window
* files to bucket files.
* </li>
* <li>
* {@link #bucketsFileSystem}: manages writing/reading from all the buckets. A bucket on disk is further sub-divided
* into time-buckets. This abstracts out updating time-buckets and meta files and reading from them.
* </li>
* <li>
* {@link #timeBucketAssigner}: assigns time-buckets to keys and manages the time boundaries.
* </li>
* <li>
* {@link #stateTracker}: tracks the size of data in memory and requests buckets to free memory when enough memory
* is not available.
* </li>
* <li>
* {@link #fileAccess}: plug-able file system abstraction.
* </li>
* </ol>
* <p/>
* <b>Differences between different concrete implementations of {@link AbstractManagedStateImpl}</b>
* <table>
* <tr>
* <td></td>
* <td>{@link ManagedStateImpl}</td>
* <td>{@link ManagedTimeStateImpl}</td>
* <td>{@link ManagedTimeUnifiedStateImpl}</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Main buckets</td>
* <td>identified by unique adhoc long ids that the user provides with the key.</td>
* <td>same as ManagedStateImpl.</td>
* <td>user doesn't provide bucket ids and instead just provides time. Time is used to derive the time buckets
* and these are the main buckets.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Data on disk: data in buckets is persisted on disk with each bucket data further divided into
* time-buckets, i.e., {base_path}/{bucketId}/{time-bucket id}</td>
* <td>time-bucket is computed using the system time corresponding to the application window.</td>
* <td>time-bucket is derived from the user provided time.</td>
* <td>time-bucket is derived from the user provided time.
* In this implementation operator id is used to isolate data of different partitions on disk, i.e.,
* {base_path}/{operatorId}/{time-bucket id}</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Bucket partitioning</td>
* <td>bucket belongs to just one partition. Multiple partitions cannot write to the same bucket.</td>
* <td>same as ManagedStateImpl.</td>
* <td>multiple partitions can be working with the same time-bucket since time-bucket is derived from time.
* This works because on disk each partition's data is segregated by the operator id.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>Dynamic partitioning</td>
* <td>can support dynamic partitioning by pre-allocating buckets.</td>
* <td>same as ManagedStateImpl.</td>
* <td>will not be able to support dynamic partitioning efficiently.</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* @since 3.4.0
public abstract class AbstractManagedStateImpl
implements ManagedState, Component<OperatorContext>, Operator.CheckpointNotificationListener, ManagedStateContext,
private long maxMemorySize;
protected int numBuckets;
private FileAccess fileAccess = new TFileImpl.DTFileImpl();
protected TimeBucketAssigner timeBucketAssigner = new TimeBucketAssigner();
protected Bucket[] buckets;
private int numReaders = 1;
protected transient ExecutorService readerService;
protected IncrementalCheckpointManager checkpointManager = new IncrementalCheckpointManager();
protected BucketsFileSystem bucketsFileSystem = new BucketsFileSystem();
protected transient OperatorContext operatorContext;
protected Comparator<Slice> keyComparator = new SliceComparator();
protected final transient AtomicReference<Throwable> throwable = new AtomicReference<>();
private Duration checkStateSizeInterval = Duration.millis(
DAGContext.STREAMING_WINDOW_SIZE_MILLIS.defaultValue * OperatorContext.APPLICATION_WINDOW_COUNT.defaultValue);
private Duration durationPreventingFreeingSpace;
private transient StateTracker stateTracker = new StateTracker();
//accessible to StateTracker
final transient Object commitLock = new Object();
protected final transient ListMultimap<Long, ValueFetchTask> tasksPerBucketId =
Multimaps.synchronizedListMultimap(ArrayListMultimap.<Long, ValueFetchTask>create());
public void setup(OperatorContext context)
operatorContext = context;
//setup all the managed state components
if (buckets == null) {
//create buckets array only once at start when it is not created.
numBuckets = getNumBuckets();
buckets = new Bucket[numBuckets];
for (Bucket bucket : buckets) {
if (bucket != null) {
long activationWindow = context.getValue(OperatorContext.ACTIVATION_WINDOW_ID);
if (activationWindow != Stateless.WINDOW_ID) {
//delete all the wal files with windows > activationWindow.
//All the wal files with windows <= activationWindow are loaded and kept separately as recovered data.
try {
for (long recoveredWindow : checkpointManager.getWindowIds(operatorContext.getId())) {
if (recoveredWindow <= activationWindow) {
Map<Long, Map<Slice, Bucket.BucketedValue>> recoveredData = (Map<Long, Map<Slice, Bucket.BucketedValue>>)
checkpointManager.load(operatorContext.getId(), recoveredWindow);
if (recoveredData != null && !recoveredData.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry<Long, Map<Slice, Bucket.BucketedValue>> entry : recoveredData.entrySet()) {
int bucketIdx = prepareBucket(entry.getKey());
buckets[bucketIdx].recoveredData(recoveredWindow, entry.getValue());
}, operatorContext.getId(), recoveredWindow,
true /*skipWritingToWindowFile*/);
} else {
checkpointManager.delete(operatorContext.getId(), recoveredWindow);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("recovering", e);
readerService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numReaders, new NameableThreadFactory("managedStateReaders"));
* Gets the number of buckets which is required during setup to create the array of buckets.<br/>
* {@link ManagedTimeStateImpl} provides num of buckets which is injected using a property.<br/>
* {@link ManagedTimeUnifiedStateImpl} provides num of buckets which are calculated based on time settings.
* @return number of buckets.
public abstract int getNumBuckets();
public void beginWindow(long windowId)
if (throwable.get() != null) {
* Prepares the bucket and returns its index.
* @param bucketId bucket key
* @return bucket index
protected int prepareBucket(long bucketId)
int bucketIdx = getBucketIdx(bucketId);
Bucket bucket = buckets[bucketIdx];
if (bucket == null) {
//bucket is not in memory
bucket = newBucket(bucketId);
buckets[bucketIdx] = bucket;
} else if (bucket.getBucketId() != bucketId) {
handleBucketConflict(bucketIdx, bucketId);
return bucketIdx;
protected void putInBucket(long bucketId, long timeBucket, @NotNull Slice key, @NotNull Slice value)
Preconditions.checkNotNull(key, "key");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(value, "value");
if (timeBucket != -1) {
//time bucket is invalid data is not stored
int bucketIdx = prepareBucket(bucketId);
buckets[bucketIdx].put(key, timeBucket, value);
protected Slice getValueFromBucketSync(long bucketId, long timeBucket, @NotNull Slice key)
Preconditions.checkNotNull(key, "key");
int bucketIdx = prepareBucket(bucketId);
Bucket bucket = buckets[bucketIdx];
synchronized (bucket) {
return bucket.get(key, timeBucket, Bucket.ReadSource.ALL);
protected Future<Slice> getValueFromBucketAsync(long bucketId, long timeBucket, @NotNull Slice key)
Preconditions.checkNotNull(key, "key");
int bucketIdx = prepareBucket(bucketId);
Bucket bucket = buckets[bucketIdx];
synchronized (bucket) {
Slice cachedVal = bucket.get(key, timeBucket, Bucket.ReadSource.MEMORY);
if (cachedVal != null) {
return Futures.immediateFuture(cachedVal);
ValueFetchTask valueFetchTask = new ValueFetchTask(bucket, key, timeBucket, this);
tasksPerBucketId.put(bucket.getBucketId(), valueFetchTask);
return readerService.submit(valueFetchTask);
protected void handleBucketConflict(int bucketIdx, long newBucketId)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bucket conflict " + buckets[bucketIdx].getBucketId() + " " + newBucketId);
protected int getBucketIdx(long bucketId)
return (int)(bucketId % numBuckets);
Bucket getBucket(long bucketId)
return buckets[getBucketIdx(bucketId)];
protected Bucket newBucket(long bucketId)
return new Bucket.DefaultBucket(bucketId);
public void endWindow()
public void beforeCheckpoint(long windowId)
Map<Long, Map<Slice, Bucket.BucketedValue>> flashData = Maps.newHashMap();
for (Bucket bucket : buckets) {
if (bucket != null) {
synchronized (bucket) {
Map<Slice, Bucket.BucketedValue> flashDataForBucket = bucket.checkpoint(windowId);
if (!flashDataForBucket.isEmpty()) {
flashData.put(bucket.getBucketId(), flashDataForBucket);
if (!flashData.isEmpty()) {
try {, operatorContext.getId(), windowId, false);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void checkpointed(long windowId)
public void committed(long windowId)
synchronized (commitLock) {
try {
for (Bucket bucket : buckets) {
if (bucket != null) {
synchronized (bucket) {
checkpointManager.committed(operatorContext.getId(), windowId);
} catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("committing " + windowId, e);
public void teardown()
for (Bucket bucket : buckets) {
if (bucket != null) {
synchronized (bucket) {
public void purgeTimeBucketsLessThanEqualTo(long timeBucket)
public OperatorContext getOperatorContext()
return operatorContext;
public void setMaxMemorySize(long bytes)
maxMemorySize = bytes;
* @return the optimal size of the cache that triggers eviction of committed data from memory.
public long getMaxMemorySize()
return maxMemorySize;
* Sets the {@link FileAccess} implementation.
* @param fileAccess specific implementation of FileAccess.
public void setFileAccess(@NotNull FileAccess fileAccess)
this.fileAccess = Preconditions.checkNotNull(fileAccess);
public FileAccess getFileAccess()
return fileAccess;
* Sets the time bucket assigner. This can be used for plugging any custom time bucket assigner.
* @param timeBucketAssigner a {@link TimeBucketAssigner}
public void setTimeBucketAssigner(@NotNull TimeBucketAssigner timeBucketAssigner)
this.timeBucketAssigner = Preconditions.checkNotNull(timeBucketAssigner);
public TimeBucketAssigner getTimeBucketAssigner()
return timeBucketAssigner;
public Comparator<Slice> getKeyComparator()
return keyComparator;
* Sets the key comparator. The keys on the disk in time bucket files are sorted. This sets the comparator for the
* key.
* @param keyComparator key comparator
public void setKeyComparator(@NotNull Comparator<Slice> keyComparator)
this.keyComparator = Preconditions.checkNotNull(keyComparator);
public BucketsFileSystem getBucketsFileSystem()
return bucketsFileSystem;
* @return number of worker threads in the reader service.
public int getNumReaders()
return numReaders;
* Sets the number of worker threads in the reader service which is responsible for asynchronously fetching
* values of the keys. This should not exceed number of buckets.
* @param numReaders number of worker threads in the reader service.
public void setNumReaders(int numReaders)
this.numReaders = numReaders;
* @return regular interval at which the size of state is checked.
public Duration getCheckStateSizeInterval()
return checkStateSizeInterval;
* Sets the interval at which the size of state is regularly checked.
* @param checkStateSizeInterval regular interval at which the size of state is checked.
public void setCheckStateSizeInterval(@NotNull Duration checkStateSizeInterval)
this.checkStateSizeInterval = Preconditions.checkNotNull(checkStateSizeInterval);
* @return duration which prevents a bucket being evicted.
public Duration getDurationPreventingFreeingSpace()
return durationPreventingFreeingSpace;
* Sets the duration which prevents buckets to free space. For example if this is set to an hour, then only
* buckets which were not accessed in last one hour will be triggered to free spaces.
* @param durationPreventingFreeingSpace time duration
public void setDurationPreventingFreeingSpace(Duration durationPreventingFreeingSpace)
this.durationPreventingFreeingSpace = durationPreventingFreeingSpace;
static class ValueFetchTask implements Callable<Slice>
private final Bucket bucket;
private final long timeBucketId;
private final Slice key;
private final AbstractManagedStateImpl managedState;
ValueFetchTask(@NotNull Bucket bucket, @NotNull Slice key, long timeBucketId, AbstractManagedStateImpl managedState)
this.bucket = Preconditions.checkNotNull(bucket);
this.timeBucketId = timeBucketId;
this.key = Preconditions.checkNotNull(key);
this.managedState = Preconditions.checkNotNull(managedState);
public Slice call() throws Exception
try {
synchronized (bucket) {
//a particular bucket should only be handled by one thread at any point of time. Handling of bucket here
//involves creating readers for the time buckets and de-serializing key/value from a reader.
Slice value = bucket.get(key, timeBucketId, Bucket.ReadSource.ALL);
managedState.tasksPerBucketId.remove(bucket.getBucketId(), this);
return value;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw Throwables.propagate(t);
void setStateTracker(@NotNull StateTracker stateTracker)
this.stateTracker = Preconditions.checkNotNull(stateTracker, "state tracker");
void setBucketsFileSystem(@NotNull BucketsFileSystem bucketsFileSystem)
this.bucketsFileSystem = Preconditions.checkNotNull(bucketsFileSystem, "buckets file system");
private static final transient Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractManagedStateImpl.class);