blob: cfc2056d1f93bbf8bf750e9f123d8a7aab76a6d0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.jep.InterpreterThread;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.jep.JepPythonEngine;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.jep.SpinPolicy;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.partitioner.AbstractPythonExecutionPartitioner;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.partitioner.PythonExecutionPartitionerType;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.partitioner.ThreadStarvationBasedPartitioner;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.requestresponse.PythonRequestResponse;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.python.base.util.NDimensionalArray;
import com.datatorrent.api.AutoMetric;
import com.datatorrent.api.Context;
import com.datatorrent.api.DefaultInputPort;
import com.datatorrent.api.DefaultOutputPort;
import com.datatorrent.api.Operator;
import com.datatorrent.api.Partitioner;
import com.datatorrent.api.annotation.InputPortFieldAnnotation;
import com.datatorrent.common.util.BaseOperator;
* <p>The operator provides a mechanism to execute arbitrary python code by using the {@link JepPythonEngine} as its
* default engine.</p>
* <p>See {@link JepPythonEngine} and {@link InterpreterThread} for more detailed javadocs about the interpreter
* itself and the API patterns possible through this engine</p>
* <p>Note that the JVM option of the library path needs to be set to a value which contains the JEP dynamic library.
* For example, -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jep assuming that the JEP library is
* installed at the above location
* </p>
* <p>If using CPython libraries which involve global variables, please use the
* {@link PythonInterpreterConfig#PYTHON_SHARED_LIBS} as one of the keys to specify this library as a shared library.
* Note that the interpreter configs are passed via {@link ApexPythonEngine#preInitInterpreter(Map)} method.
* Overrriding the {@link BasePythonExecutionOperator#getPreInitConfigurations()} and specifying the configs can
* help in specifying the shared libraries that are loaded by all the interpreter threads accordingly.</p>
* <p>The operator comes with the following limitations
* <ol>
* <li>Cannot be used in THREAD LOCAL MODE where the downstream operator is using a different version of the
* the python interpreter</li>
* <li>In certain use cases the operator cannot be used CONTAINER LOCAL MODE when there are global defs in the
* CPython library that is being used and the downstream operator depends on those globals ( even though downstream
* is using the same python version of the upstream operator</li>
* <li>Only CPython libraries are supported and uses the JNI mechanisms to use the CPython libraries</li>
* <li>Complex data types cannot be automatically translated to the Python interpreter space. Current
* workaround involves copying the basic types and build the complex type using python code and functionality
* provided by the {@link JepPythonEngine} </li>
* <li>Numpy arrays need to be specified as {@link NDimensionalArray} and the engine automatically translates them
* to a Numpy array. See {@link NDimensionalArray#toNDArray()} for more details</li>
* </ol>
* </p>
* <p>
* Shared libraries enable sharing of global modules across interpreter workers in a work pool.
* The following snippet of code illustrated the registering of numpy as a shared module.
* <code>
* Map<PythonInterpreterConfig,Object> preInitConfigs = new HashMap<>();
* Set<String> sharedLibsList = new HashSet<>();
* sharedLibsList.add("numpy");
* preInitConfigs.put(PythonInterpreterConfig.PYTHON_SHARED_LIBS, sharedLibsList);
* </code>
* Passing the above config in overriding {@link BasePythonExecutionOperator#getPreInitConfigurations()} will help
* in using modules like numpy which have global shared variables.
* </p>
* <p>
* If there are errors while running the operator code with exceptions as module 'jep' has no attribute 'java_import_hook'
* This essentially is generated when JEP is not able to load a library that the python code is using. Ensure
* that the PYTHONPATH environment variable is set pointing to the right location. This is especially
* required when there are multiple python versions in the code.
* </p>
* <p>
* Java 9 is not yet supported. Support only exists for Java 8 and Java 7 runtimes.
* </p>
* <p>For very low time SLA requirements, it is encouraged to set the spin policy to be busy wait using the
* following configuration snippet for the JEP engine
* <code>
* Map<PythonInterpreterConfig,Object> preInitConfigs = new HashMap<>();
* preInitConfigs.put(PythonInterpreterConfig.IDLE_INTERPRETER_SPIN_POLICY, ""+;
* </code>
* This mapping can be set by overriding {@link BasePythonExecutionOperator#getPreInitConfigurations()}. For more
* details refer {@link SpinPolicy}.
* </p>
* @param <T> Represents the incoming tuple.
public class BasePythonExecutionOperator<T> extends BaseOperator implements
Operator.ActivationListener<Context.OperatorContext>, Partitioner<BasePythonExecutionOperator>,
Operator.CheckpointNotificationListener, Operator.IdleTimeHandler
private static final transient Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BasePythonExecutionOperator.class);
/* a rolling counter for all requests in the current window */
protected transient long requestCounterForThisWindow = 0;
protected transient long responseCounterForThisWindow = 0;
* Blocks the operator thread in endWindow until all of the tuples for the window are successfully emitted. Note
* that these might be emitted from the stragglers port as well.
protected boolean blockAtEndOfWindowForStragglers = false;
protected transient long currentWindowId = 0;
private long numberOfRequestsProcessedPerCheckpoint = 0;
/*** Configuration used to decide if a new operator needs to be spawned while dynamic partitioning planning is taking
place. This represents the threshold for percent number of times the requests were starved when no threads were
available to process a request. See {@link ThreadStarvationBasedPartitioner}
private float starvationPercentBeforeSpawningNewInstance = 30;
private transient ApexPythonEngine apexPythonEngine;
/*** number of workers in the worker pool */
private int workerThreadPoolSize = 3;
/** Can be used to set the additional File system paths that the interpreter can use to locate modules. Use
* commas as separator when representing a collection of strings */
private String interpreterEngineIncludePaths;
/** Can be used to add shared modules that an interpreter engine can load if working within JVM memory space. Use
* commas as separator when representing a collection of strings */
private String interpreterEngineSharedLibNames;
/** Used to represent the behaviour of the interpreter thread if no requests are found in its queue. Used to tune
* for extremely sensitive SLAs for computation. See {@link SpinPolicy} for possible string values representation */
private String idleInterpreterSpinPolicy =;
/** Used to represent the behaviour of the disruptor queue that processes request response dispatches. Tune this
* to manage the low latency behaviors. See {@link SpinPolicy} for possible string value representation */
private String requestQueueWaitSpinPolicy =;
private int sleepTimeInMSInCaseOfNoRequests = 5;
/*** Time for which the python engine will sleep to allow for the interpreter will sleep before worker can be used
* for executing work requests.
private long sleepTimeDuringInterpreterBoot = 2000L;
private PythonExecutionPartitionerType partitionerType = PythonExecutionPartitionerType.THREAD_STARVATION_BASED;
private transient AbstractPythonExecutionPartitioner partitioner;
/*** port into which the stragglers will be emitted */
public final transient DefaultOutputPort<PythonRequestResponse> stragglersPort =
new com.datatorrent.api.DefaultOutputPort<>();
/*** Port into which the normal execution path will push the results into */
public final transient DefaultOutputPort<PythonRequestResponse> outputPort =
new com.datatorrent.api.DefaultOutputPort<>();
/*** Port into which all error tuples will be emitted into */
public final transient DefaultOutputPort<T> errorPort = new com.datatorrent.api.DefaultOutputPort<>();
private Object objectForLocking = new Object();
/*** A counter that is used to track how many times a request could not be serviced within a given window. Used
by the {@link ThreadStarvationBasedPartitioner} to spawn a new instance of the operator based on a configuration
private long numStarvedReturnsPerCheckpoint = 0;
private long numNullResponsesPerWindow = 0;
* Represents all python commands that need to be run on a new instance of the operator after dynamic partitioning
private List<PythonRequestResponse> accumulatedCommandHistory = new ArrayList<>();
* Processes the incoming tuple using the python engine that is injected. Also emits stragglers if any.
public final transient DefaultInputPort<T> input = new DefaultInputPort<T>()
public void process(T tuple)
numberOfRequestsProcessedPerCheckpoint += 1;
requestCounterForThisWindow += 1;
try {
PythonRequestResponse result = processPythonCodeForIncomingTuple(tuple,getApexPythonEngine());
if ( result != null) {
responseCounterForThisWindow += 1;
} else {
numNullResponsesPerWindow += 1;
} catch (ApexPythonInterpreterException e) {
responseCounterForThisWindow += 1; // Error tuples need to be accounted for totals
LOG.debug("Error while processing tuple", e);
public void activate(Context.OperatorContext context)
public void deactivate()
* Used to emit the stragglers into the Stragglers port. Invoked either when a new tuple arrives or when Idle time
* is detected on this operator.
private void emitStragglers()
LOG.debug("Emitting stragglers");
List<PythonRequestResponse> stragglerResponse = new ArrayList<>();
for (PythonRequestResponse aReqResponse : stragglerResponse) {
responseCounterForThisWindow += 1;
* Instantiates the configured python engine. Only in-memory implementation provided for now
* @param context The operator context
* @return The python engine
protected ApexPythonEngine initApexPythonEngineImpl(Context.OperatorContext context)
JepPythonEngine jepPythonEngine = new JepPythonEngine("" + context.getId(),workerThreadPoolSize);
LOG.debug("Initialized Python engine " + jepPythonEngine);
return jepPythonEngine;
* Instantiates the partitioner. Only Thread Starvation based partitioner for now.
private void initPartitioner()
if (partitioner == null) {
synchronized (objectForLocking) {
if (partitioner == null) {
switch (partitionerType) {
partitioner = new ThreadStarvationBasedPartitioner(this);
* Starts the python engine and also sleeps for sometime ( configurable) to ensure that the interpreter is
* completely booted up in memory. The time taken to boot the interpreter depends on the libraries that are loaded etc
* and hence tune the sleeptimeToBoot parameter accordingly.
* @param context The Operator context
public void setup(Context.OperatorContext context)
LOG.debug("Initializing the python interpreter setup");
apexPythonEngine = initApexPythonEngineImpl(context);
Map<PythonInterpreterConfig,Object> preInitConfigurations = getPreInitConfigurations();
LOG.debug("Python interpreter started. Now invoking post interpreter logic");
LOG.debug("Python post interpreter logic complete");
public void teardown()
public void beginWindow(long windowId)
requestCounterForThisWindow = 0;
responseCounterForThisWindow = 0;
numNullResponsesPerWindow = 0;
currentWindowId = windowId;
* if blockAtEndOfWindowForStragglers is configured to be true ( via a setter or config ), then end window loops
* until all the stragglers are emitted. If this configuration element is set to false, then there is no loop
* waiting for the stragglers to be completed emitting. Note that there is a sleep in case the configuration
* blockAtEndOfWindowForStragglers value is set to true between each bulk emit of all stragglers that arrived at that
* point in time.
public void endWindow()
if (responseCounterForThisWindow < requestCounterForThisWindow) {
LOG.debug("Detected stragglers and configured flag/state for blocking at end of window is " +
if (blockAtEndOfWindowForStragglers) {
LOG.debug("Trying to emit all stragglers before the next window can be processed");
while (responseCounterForThisWindow < requestCounterForThisWindow) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOG.debug("Thread interrupted while trying to emit all stragglers");
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public Collection<Partition<BasePythonExecutionOperator>> definePartitions(
Collection<Partition<BasePythonExecutionOperator>> partitions, PartitioningContext context)
return partitioner.definePartitions(partitions,context);
public void partitioned(Map<Integer, Partition<BasePythonExecutionOperator>> partitions)
public void beforeCheckpoint(long windowId)
numStarvedReturnsPerCheckpoint = getApexPythonEngine().getNumStarvedReturns();
public void checkpointed(long windowId)
numberOfRequestsProcessedPerCheckpoint = 0;
public void committed(long windowId)
* Override this to hook any logic that would be needed immediately after setup of the interpreter. Some of the
* actions include setting up an interpreter state which can be used across all tuple invocations
* @param pythonEngine
* @throws ApexPythonInterpreterException
public void processPostSetUpPythonInstructions(ApexPythonEngine pythonEngine) throws ApexPythonInterpreterException
public void handleIdleTime()
public ApexPythonEngine getApexPythonEngine()
return apexPythonEngine;
public void setApexPythonEngine(ApexPythonEngine apexPythonEngine)
this.apexPythonEngine = apexPythonEngine;
* Override this method to perform any meaningful work in python interpreter space.
* @param input The incoming tuple
* @param pythonEngineRef The impementation of the Python interpreter that can be used to execute python commands
* @return The result of execution wrapped as a PythonRequestResponse Object
* @throws ApexPythonInterpreterException if interrupted or no workers avaialble to execute the python code.
public PythonRequestResponse processPythonCodeForIncomingTuple(T input, ApexPythonEngine pythonEngineRef)
throws ApexPythonInterpreterException
return null;
* See constants defined in {@link PythonInterpreterConfig} for a list of keys available. Application properties xml
* file can be used to set the values for the interpreter configuration. Override this method
* to refine the configuration that is being used to start the interpreter instance. Please see test
* application implemented in the test code for example usage.
* @return
public Map<PythonInterpreterConfig,Object> getPreInitConfigurations()
Map<PythonInterpreterConfig,Object> configsForInterpreter = new HashMap<>();
String includePaths = getInterpreterEngineIncludePaths();
if (includePaths != null) {
List<String> interpreterIncludePaths = new ArrayList<>();
configsForInterpreter.put(PythonInterpreterConfig.PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATHS, interpreterIncludePaths);
String sharedLibs = getInterpreterEngineSharedLibNames();
if (sharedLibs != null) {
List<String> sharedLibNames = new ArrayList<>();
configsForInterpreter.put(PythonInterpreterConfig.PYTHON_SHARED_LIBS, sharedLibNames);
configsForInterpreter.put(PythonInterpreterConfig.IDLE_INTERPRETER_SPIN_POLICY, getIdleInterpreterSpinPolicy());
configsForInterpreter.put(PythonInterpreterConfig.REQUEST_QUEUE_WAIT_SPIN_POLICY, getRequestQueueWaitSpinPolicy());
return configsForInterpreter;
public long getSleepTimeDuringInterpreterBoot()
return sleepTimeDuringInterpreterBoot;
public void setSleepTimeDuringInterpreterBoot(long sleepTimeDuringInterpreterBoot)
this.sleepTimeDuringInterpreterBoot = sleepTimeDuringInterpreterBoot;
public int getWorkerThreadPoolSize()
return workerThreadPoolSize;
public void setWorkerThreadPoolSize(int workerThreadPoolSize)
this.workerThreadPoolSize = workerThreadPoolSize;
public PythonExecutionPartitionerType getPartitionerType()
return partitionerType;
public void setPartitionerType(PythonExecutionPartitionerType partitionerType)
this.partitionerType = partitionerType;
public long getNumberOfRequestsProcessedPerCheckpoint()
return numberOfRequestsProcessedPerCheckpoint;
public void setNumberOfRequestsProcessedPerCheckpoint(long numberOfRequestsProcessedPerCheckpoint)
this.numberOfRequestsProcessedPerCheckpoint = numberOfRequestsProcessedPerCheckpoint;
public AbstractPythonExecutionPartitioner getPartitioner()
return partitioner;
public void initPartitioner(AbstractPythonExecutionPartitioner partitioner)
this.partitioner = partitioner;
public float getStarvationPercentBeforeSpawningNewInstance()
return starvationPercentBeforeSpawningNewInstance;
public void setStarvationPercentBeforeSpawningNewInstance(float starvationPercentBeforeSpawningNewInstance)
this.starvationPercentBeforeSpawningNewInstance = starvationPercentBeforeSpawningNewInstance;
public long getNumStarvedReturns()
return numStarvedReturnsPerCheckpoint;
public void setNumStarvedReturns(long numStarvedReturns)
this.numStarvedReturnsPerCheckpoint = numStarvedReturns;
public List<PythonRequestResponse> getAccumulatedCommandHistory()
return accumulatedCommandHistory;
public void setAccumulatedCommandHistory(List<PythonRequestResponse> accumulatedCommandHistory)
this.accumulatedCommandHistory = accumulatedCommandHistory;
public boolean isBlockAtEndOfWindowForStragglers()
return blockAtEndOfWindowForStragglers;
public void setBlockAtEndOfWindowForStragglers(boolean blockAtEndOfWindowForStragglers)
this.blockAtEndOfWindowForStragglers = blockAtEndOfWindowForStragglers;
public String getInterpreterEngineIncludePaths()
return interpreterEngineIncludePaths;
public void setInterpreterEngineIncludePaths(String interpreterEngineIncludePaths)
this.interpreterEngineIncludePaths = interpreterEngineIncludePaths;
public String getInterpreterEngineSharedLibNames()
return interpreterEngineSharedLibNames;
public void setInterpreterEngineSharedLibNames(String interpreterEngineSharedLibNames)
this.interpreterEngineSharedLibNames = interpreterEngineSharedLibNames;
public String getIdleInterpreterSpinPolicy()
return idleInterpreterSpinPolicy;
public void setIdleInterpreterSpinPolicy(String idleInterpreterSpinPolicy)
this.idleInterpreterSpinPolicy = idleInterpreterSpinPolicy;
public String getRequestQueueWaitSpinPolicy()
return requestQueueWaitSpinPolicy;
public void setRequestQueueWaitSpinPolicy(String requestQueueWaitSpinPolicy)
this.requestQueueWaitSpinPolicy = requestQueueWaitSpinPolicy;
public int getSleepTimeInMSInCaseOfNoRequests()
return sleepTimeInMSInCaseOfNoRequests;
public void setSleepTimeInMSInCaseOfNoRequests(int sleepTimeInMSInCaseOfNoRequests)
this.sleepTimeInMSInCaseOfNoRequests = sleepTimeInMSInCaseOfNoRequests;