blob: a61bce9242d547abea2ea6930584e41a49f7e357 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.apex.malhar.lib.appdata.gpo;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.lib.appdata.schemas.FieldsDescriptor;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.lib.appdata.schemas.SchemaUtils;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.lib.appdata.schemas.Type;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt;
public class GPOUtilsTest
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GPOUtilsTest.class);
public void testSerializationLength()
final Map<String, Type> fieldToType = Maps.newHashMap();
final String tboolean = "tboolean";
final Boolean tbooleanv = true;
final String tchar = "tchar";
final Character tcharv = 'A';
final String tstring = "tstring";
final String tstringv = "hello";
final String tfloat = "tfloat";
final Float tfloatv = 1.0f;
final String tdouble = "tdouble";
final Double tdoublev = 2.0;
final String tbyte = "tbyte";
final Byte tbytev = 50;
final String tshort = "tshort";
final Short tshortv = 1000;
final String tinteger = "tinteger";
final Integer tintegerv = 100000;
final String tlong = "tlong";
final Long tlongv = 10000000000L;
int totalBytes = 1 //boolean
+ 2 //char
+ 4 + tstringv.getBytes().length //string
+ 4 //float
+ 8 //double
+ 1 //byte
+ 2 //short
+ 4 //int
+ 8; //long
fieldToType.put(tboolean, Type.BOOLEAN);
fieldToType.put(tchar, Type.CHAR);
fieldToType.put(tstring, Type.STRING);
fieldToType.put(tfloat, Type.FLOAT);
fieldToType.put(tdouble, Type.DOUBLE);
fieldToType.put(tbyte, Type.BYTE);
fieldToType.put(tshort, Type.SHORT);
fieldToType.put(tinteger, Type.INTEGER);
fieldToType.put(tlong, Type.LONG);
FieldsDescriptor fd = new FieldsDescriptor(fieldToType);
GPOMutable gpo = new GPOMutable(fd);
gpo.setFieldGeneric(tboolean, tbooleanv);
gpo.setFieldGeneric(tchar, tcharv);
gpo.setField(tstring, tstringv);
gpo.setFieldGeneric(tfloat, tfloatv);
gpo.setFieldGeneric(tdouble, tdoublev);
gpo.setFieldGeneric(tbyte, tbytev);
gpo.setFieldGeneric(tshort, tshortv);
gpo.setFieldGeneric(tinteger, tintegerv);
gpo.setFieldGeneric(tlong, tlongv);
int serializeLength = GPOUtils.serializedLength(gpo);
Assert.assertEquals("The serialized byte length is incorrect.", totalBytes, serializeLength);
public void testCornerCaseSerializationLegnth()
final Map<String, Type> fieldToType = Maps.newHashMap();
fieldToType.put("a", Type.OBJECT);
fieldToType.put("b", Type.OBJECT);
GPOMutable gpo = new GPOMutable(new FieldsDescriptor(fieldToType));
int serializeLength = GPOUtils.serializedLength(gpo);
Assert.assertEquals(0, serializeLength);
public void simpleSerializeDeserializeTest()
final Map<String, Type> fieldToType = Maps.newHashMap();
final String tboolean = "tboolean";
final Boolean tbooleanv = true;
final String tchar = "tchar";
final Character tcharv = 'A';
final String tstring = "tstring";
final String tstringv = "hello";
final String tfloat = "tfloat";
final Float tfloatv = 1.0f;
final String tdouble = "tdouble";
final Double tdoublev = 2.0;
final String tbyte = "tbyte";
final Byte tbytev = 50;
final String tshort = "tshort";
final Short tshortv = 1000;
final String tinteger = "tinteger";
final Integer tintegerv = 100000;
final String tlong = "tlong";
final Long tlongv = 10000000000L;
int totalBytes = 1 //boolean
+ 2 //char
+ 4 + tstringv.getBytes().length //string
+ 4 //float
+ 8 //double
+ 1 //byte
+ 2 //short
+ 4 //int
+ 8; //long
logger.debug("Correct total bytes {}.", totalBytes);
fieldToType.put(tboolean, Type.BOOLEAN);
fieldToType.put(tchar, Type.CHAR);
fieldToType.put(tstring, Type.STRING);
fieldToType.put(tfloat, Type.FLOAT);
fieldToType.put(tdouble, Type.DOUBLE);
fieldToType.put(tbyte, Type.BYTE);
fieldToType.put(tshort, Type.SHORT);
fieldToType.put(tinteger, Type.INTEGER);
fieldToType.put(tlong, Type.LONG);
FieldsDescriptor fd = new FieldsDescriptor(fieldToType);
GPOMutable gpo = new GPOMutable(fd);
gpo.setFieldGeneric(tboolean, tbooleanv);
gpo.setFieldGeneric(tchar, tcharv);
gpo.setField(tstring, tstringv);
gpo.setFieldGeneric(tfloat, tfloatv);
gpo.setFieldGeneric(tdouble, tdoublev);
gpo.setFieldGeneric(tbyte, tbytev);
gpo.setFieldGeneric(tshort, tshortv);
gpo.setFieldGeneric(tinteger, tintegerv);
gpo.setFieldGeneric(tlong, tlongv);
GPOByteArrayList byteArrayList = new GPOByteArrayList();
byte[] gpoByte = GPOUtils.serialize(gpo, byteArrayList);
logger.debug("GPO num bytes: {}", gpoByte.length);
GPOMutable dgpo = GPOUtils.deserialize(fd, gpoByte, new MutableInt(0));
Assert.assertEquals("Values must equal", tbooleanv, dgpo.getField(tboolean));
Assert.assertEquals("Values must equal", tcharv, dgpo.getField(tchar));
Assert.assertEquals("Values must equal", tstringv, dgpo.getField(tstring));
Assert.assertEquals("Values must equal", tfloatv, dgpo.getField(tfloat));
Assert.assertEquals("Values must equal", tdoublev, dgpo.getField(tdouble));
Assert.assertEquals("Values must equal", tbytev, dgpo.getField(tbyte));
Assert.assertEquals("Values must equal", tshortv, dgpo.getField(tshort));
Assert.assertEquals("Values must equal", tintegerv, dgpo.getField(tinteger));
Assert.assertEquals("Values must equal", tlongv, dgpo.getField(tlong));
public void validDeserializeTest() throws Exception
final Map<String, Type> fieldToType = Maps.newHashMap();
final String tboolean = "tboolean";
final Boolean tbooleanv = true;
final String tchar = "tchar";
final Character tcharv = 'A';
final String tstring = "tstring";
final String tstringv = "hello";
final String tfloat = "tfloat";
final Float tfloatv = 1.0f;
final String tdouble = "tdouble";
final Double tdoublev = 2.0;
final String tbyte = "tbyte";
final Byte tbytev = 50;
final String tshort = "tshort";
final Short tshortv = 1000;
final String tinteger = "tinteger";
final Integer tintegerv = 100000;
final String tlong = "tlong";
final Long tlongv = 10000000000L;
fieldToType.put(tboolean, Type.BOOLEAN);
fieldToType.put(tchar, Type.CHAR);
fieldToType.put(tstring, Type.STRING);
fieldToType.put(tfloat, Type.FLOAT);
fieldToType.put(tdouble, Type.DOUBLE);
fieldToType.put(tbyte, Type.BYTE);
fieldToType.put(tshort, Type.SHORT);
fieldToType.put(tinteger, Type.INTEGER);
fieldToType.put(tlong, Type.LONG);
JSONObject jo = new JSONObject();
jo.put(tboolean, tbooleanv);
jo.put(tchar, tcharv);
jo.put(tstring, tstringv);
jo.put(tfloat, tfloatv);
jo.put(tdouble, tdoublev);
jo.put(tbyte, tbytev);
jo.put(tshort, tshortv);
jo.put(tinteger, tintegerv);
jo.put(tlong, tlongv);
String json = jo.toString(2);
logger.debug("Input json: {}", json);
GPOMutable gpom = GPOUtils.deserialize(new FieldsDescriptor(fieldToType), jo);
Assert.assertEquals("Results must equal", tbooleanv, gpom.getField(tboolean));
Assert.assertEquals("Results must equal", tcharv, gpom.getField(tchar));
Assert.assertEquals("Results must equal", tfloatv, gpom.getField(tfloat));
Assert.assertEquals("Results must equal", tdoublev, gpom.getField(tdouble));
Assert.assertEquals("Results must equal", tbytev, gpom.getField(tbyte));
Assert.assertEquals("Results must equal", tshortv, gpom.getField(tshort));
Assert.assertEquals("Results must equal", tintegerv, gpom.getField(tinteger));
Assert.assertEquals("Results must equal", tlongv, gpom.getField(tlong));
public void testDeserializeToMap() throws Exception
Map<String, Type> fieldToType = Maps.newHashMap();
fieldToType.put("name", Type.STRING);
fieldToType.put("longvals", Type.LONG);
fieldToType.put("stringvals", Type.STRING);
FieldsDescriptor fd = new FieldsDescriptor(fieldToType);
String json = SchemaUtils.jarResourceFileToString("deserializeToMapTest.json");
Map<String, Set<Object>> resultMap = GPOUtils.deserializeToMap(fd, new JSONObject(json));
Set<Object> names = resultMap.get("name");
Set<Object> longvals = resultMap.get("longvals");
Set<Object> stringvals = resultMap.get("stringvals");
Assert.assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet("tim"), names);
Assert.assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet(1L, 2L, 3L), longvals);
Assert.assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet("a", "b", "c"), stringvals);
public void objectSerdeTest()
Map<String, Type> fieldToTypeKey = Maps.newHashMap();
fieldToTypeKey.put("publisher", Type.STRING);
fieldToTypeKey.put("advertiser", Type.STRING);
FieldsDescriptor fdkey = new FieldsDescriptor(fieldToTypeKey);
Map<String, Type> fieldToTypeAgg = Maps.newHashMap();
fieldToTypeAgg.put("clicks", Type.LONG);
fieldToTypeAgg.put("impressions", Type.LONG);
FieldsDescriptor fdagg = new FieldsDescriptor(fieldToTypeAgg);
Map<String, Type> fieldToType = Maps.newHashMap();
fieldToType.put("fdkeys", Type.OBJECT);
fieldToType.put("fdvalues", Type.OBJECT);
fieldToType.put("keys", Type.OBJECT);
fieldToType.put("values", Type.OBJECT);
Map<String, Serde> fieldToSerde = Maps.newHashMap();
fieldToSerde.put("fdkeys", SerdeFieldsDescriptor.INSTANCE);
fieldToSerde.put("fdvalues", SerdeFieldsDescriptor.INSTANCE);
fieldToSerde.put("keys", SerdeListGPOMutable.INSTANCE);
fieldToSerde.put("values", SerdeListGPOMutable.INSTANCE);
FieldsDescriptor metaDataFD = new FieldsDescriptor(fieldToType, fieldToSerde, new PayloadFix());
GPOMutable gpo = new GPOMutable(metaDataFD);
GPOMutable key1 = new GPOMutable(fdkey);
key1.setField("publisher", "google");
key1.setField("advertiser", "safeway");
GPOMutable key2 = new GPOMutable(fdkey);
key2.setField("publisher", "twitter");
key2.setField("advertiser", "blockbuster");
GPOMutable agg1 = new GPOMutable(fdagg);
agg1.setField("clicks", 10L);
agg1.setField("impressions", 11L);
GPOMutable agg2 = new GPOMutable(fdagg);
agg2.setField("clicks", 5L);
agg2.setField("impressions", 4L);
List<GPOMutable> keys = Lists.newArrayList(key1, key2);
List<GPOMutable> aggs = Lists.newArrayList(agg1, agg2);
gpo.getFieldsObject()[0] = fdkey;
gpo.getFieldsObject()[1] = fdagg;
gpo.getFieldsObject()[2] = keys;
gpo.getFieldsObject()[3] = aggs;
GPOByteArrayList bal = new GPOByteArrayList();
byte[] serialized = GPOUtils.serialize(gpo, bal);
GPOMutable newGPO = GPOUtils.deserialize(metaDataFD, serialized, new MutableInt(0));
Assert.assertEquals(gpo, newGPO);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(gpo.getFieldsObject(), newGPO.getFieldsObject());
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GPOUtilsTest.class);
public static class PayloadFix implements SerdeObjectPayloadFix
public void fix(Object[] objects)
FieldsDescriptor keyfd = (FieldsDescriptor)objects[0];
FieldsDescriptor valuefd = (FieldsDescriptor)objects[1];
List<GPOMutable> keyMutables = (List<GPOMutable>)objects[2];
List<GPOMutable> aggregateMutables = (List<GPOMutable>)objects[3];
fix(keyfd, keyMutables);
fix(valuefd, aggregateMutables);
private void fix(FieldsDescriptor fd, List<GPOMutable> mutables)
for (int index = 0; index < mutables.size(); index++) {