blob: 4ea9a0320215e60e05b2ebf20c0c77046515722b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.joda.time.Duration;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.lib.function.Function;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.lib.util.KeyValPair;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.lib.window.TriggerOption;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.lib.window.Tuple;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.lib.window.Window;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.lib.window.WindowOption;
import org.apache.apex.malhar.lib.window.accumulation.TopN;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import com.datatorrent.api.Context;
import com.datatorrent.api.DAG;
import com.datatorrent.api.DefaultInputPort;
import com.datatorrent.api.DefaultOutputPort;
import com.datatorrent.api.InputOperator;
import com.datatorrent.api.StreamingApplication;
import com.datatorrent.api.annotation.ApplicationAnnotation;
import com.datatorrent.common.util.BaseOperator;
import static;
* Beam's TopWikipediaSessions Example.
* @since 3.5.0
@ApplicationAnnotation(name = "TopWikipediaSessions")
public class TopWikipediaSessions implements StreamingApplication
* A generator that outputs a stream of combinations of some users and some randomly generated edit time.
public static class SessionGen extends BaseOperator implements InputOperator
private String[] names = new String[]{"user1", "user2", "user3", "user4"};
public transient DefaultOutputPort<KeyValPair<String, Long>> output = new DefaultOutputPort<>();
private static final Duration RAND_RANGE = Duration.standardDays(365);
private Long minTimestamp;
private long sleepTime;
private static int tupleCount = 0;
public static int getTupleCount()
return tupleCount;
private String randomName(String[] names)
int index = new Random().nextInt(names.length);
return names[index];
public void setup(Context.OperatorContext context)
tupleCount = 0;
minTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
sleepTime = context.getValue(Context.OperatorContext.SPIN_MILLIS);
public void emitTuples()
long randMillis = (long)(Math.random() * RAND_RANGE.getMillis());
long randomTimestamp = minTimestamp + randMillis;
output.emit(new KeyValPair<String, Long>(randomName(names), randomTimestamp));
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore it.
public static class Collector extends BaseOperator
private final int resultSize = 5;
private static List<List<TempWrapper>> result = new ArrayList<>();
public static List<List<TempWrapper>> getResult()
return result;
public final transient DefaultInputPort<Tuple.WindowedTuple<List<TempWrapper>>> input = new DefaultInputPort<Tuple.WindowedTuple<List<TempWrapper>>>()
public void process(Tuple.WindowedTuple<List<TempWrapper>> tuple)
if (result.size() == resultSize) {
* Convert the upstream (user, time) combination to a timestamped tuple of user.
static class ExtractUserAndTimestamp implements Function.MapFunction<KeyValPair<String, Long>, Tuple.TimestampedTuple<String>>
public Tuple.TimestampedTuple<String> f(KeyValPair<String, Long> input)
long timestamp = input.getValue();
String userName = input.getKey();
// Sets the implicit timestamp field to be used in windowing.
return new Tuple.TimestampedTuple<>(timestamp, userName);
* Computes the number of edits in each user session. A session is defined as
* a string of edits where each is separated from the next by less than an hour.
static class ComputeSessions
extends CompositeStreamTransform<ApexStream<Tuple.TimestampedTuple<String>>, WindowedStream<Tuple.WindowedTuple<KeyValPair<String, Long>>>>
public WindowedStream<Tuple.WindowedTuple<KeyValPair<String, Long>>> compose(ApexStream<Tuple.TimestampedTuple<String>> inputStream)
return inputStream
// Chuck the stream into session windows.
.window(new WindowOption.SessionWindows(Duration.standardHours(1)), new TriggerOption().accumulatingFiredPanes().withEarlyFiringsAtEvery(1))
// Count the number of edits for a user within one session.
.countByKey(new Function.ToKeyValue<Tuple.TimestampedTuple<String>, String, Long>()
public Tuple.TimestampedTuple<KeyValPair<String, Long>> f(Tuple.TimestampedTuple<String> input)
return new Tuple.TimestampedTuple<KeyValPair<String, Long>>(input.getTimestamp(), new KeyValPair<String, Long>(input.getValue(), 1L));
}, name("ComputeSessions"));
* A comparator class used for comparing two TempWrapper objects.
public static class Comp implements Comparator<TempWrapper>
public int compare(TempWrapper o1, TempWrapper o2)
return, o2.getValue().getValue());
* A function to extract timestamp from a TempWrapper object.
// TODO: Need to revisit and change back to using TimestampedTuple.
public static class TimestampExtractor implements<TempWrapper, Long>
public Long apply(@Nullable TempWrapper input)
return input.getTimestamp();
* A temporary wrapper to wrap a KeyValPair and a timestamp together to represent a timestamped tuple, the reason
* for this is that we cannot resolve a type conflict when calling accumulate(). After the issue resolved, we can
* remove this class.
public static class TempWrapper
private KeyValPair<String, Long> value;
private Long timestamp;
public TempWrapper()
public TempWrapper(KeyValPair<String, Long> value, Long timestamp)
this.value = value;
this.timestamp = timestamp;
public String toString()
return this.value + " - " + this.timestamp;
public Long getTimestamp()
return timestamp;
public void setTimestamp(Long timestamp)
this.timestamp = timestamp;
public KeyValPair<String, Long> getValue()
return value;
public void setValue(KeyValPair<String, Long> value)
this.value = value;
* Computes the longest session ending in each month, in this case we use 30 days to represent every month.
private static class TopPerMonth
extends CompositeStreamTransform<ApexStream<Tuple.WindowedTuple<KeyValPair<String, Long>>>, WindowedStream<Tuple.WindowedTuple<List<TempWrapper>>>>
public WindowedStream<Tuple.WindowedTuple<List<TempWrapper>>> compose(ApexStream<Tuple.WindowedTuple<KeyValPair<String, Long>>> inputStream)
TopN<TempWrapper> topN = new TopN<>();
topN.setComparator(new Comp());
return inputStream
// Map the input WindowedTuple to a TempWrapper object.
.map(new Function.MapFunction<Tuple.WindowedTuple<KeyValPair<String, Long>>, TempWrapper>()
public TempWrapper f(Tuple.WindowedTuple<KeyValPair<String, Long>> input)
Window window = input.getWindows().iterator().next();
return new TempWrapper(input.getValue(), window.getBeginTimestamp());
}, name("TempWrapper"))
// Apply window and trigger option again, this time chuck the stream into fixed time windows.
.window(new WindowOption.TimeWindows(Duration.standardDays(30)), new TriggerOption().accumulatingFiredPanes().withEarlyFiringsAtEvery(Duration.standardSeconds(5)))
// Compute the top 10 user-sessions with most number of edits.
.accumulate(topN, name("TopN")).with("timestampExtractor", new TimestampExtractor());
* A map function that combine the user and his/her edit session together to a string and use that string as a key
* with number of edits in that session as value to create a new key value pair to send to downstream.
static class SessionsToStringsDoFn implements Function.MapFunction<Tuple.WindowedTuple<KeyValPair<String, Long>>, Tuple.WindowedTuple<KeyValPair<String, Long>>>
public Tuple.WindowedTuple<KeyValPair<String, Long>> f(Tuple.WindowedTuple<KeyValPair<String, Long>> input)
Window window = input.getWindows().iterator().next();
return new Tuple.WindowedTuple<KeyValPair<String, Long>>(window, new KeyValPair<String, Long>(
input.getValue().getKey() + " : " + window.getBeginTimestamp() + " : " + window.getDurationMillis(),
* A flatmap function that turns the result into readable format.
static class FormatOutputDoFn implements Function.FlatMapFunction<Tuple.WindowedTuple<List<TempWrapper>>, String>
public Iterable<String> f(Tuple.WindowedTuple<List<TempWrapper>> input)
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (TempWrapper item : input.getValue()) {
String session = item.getValue().getKey();
long count = item.getValue().getValue();
Window window = input.getWindows().iterator().next();
result.add(session + " + " + count + " : " + window.getBeginTimestamp());
return result;
* A composite transform that compute the top wikipedia sessions.
public static class ComputeTopSessions extends CompositeStreamTransform<ApexStream<KeyValPair<String, Long>>, WindowedStream<Tuple.WindowedTuple<List<TempWrapper>>>>
public WindowedStream<Tuple.WindowedTuple<List<TempWrapper>>> compose(ApexStream<KeyValPair<String, Long>> inputStream)
return inputStream
.map(new ExtractUserAndTimestamp(), name("ExtractUserAndTimestamp"))
.addCompositeStreams(new ComputeSessions())
.map(new SessionsToStringsDoFn(), name("SessionsToStringsDoFn"))
.addCompositeStreams(new TopPerMonth());
public void populateDAG(DAG dag, Configuration conf)
SessionGen sg = new SessionGen();
Collector collector = new Collector();
StreamFactory.fromInput(sg, sg.output, name("sessionGen"))
.addCompositeStreams(new ComputeTopSessions())
.endWith(collector, collector.input, name("collector")).populateDag(dag);