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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package com.datatorrent.api;
import com.datatorrent.api.Context.OperatorContext;
import com.datatorrent.api.Context.PortContext;
import com.datatorrent.api.DAG.GenericOperator;
* <p>
* Operator interface.</p>
* @since 0.3.2
public interface Operator extends Component<OperatorContext>, GenericOperator
* One can set attribute on an Operator to indicate the mode in which it processes Tuples.
* In AT_LEAST_ONCE mode it's guaranteed that the tuples will be processed at least once. In this mode even though
* some tuples are processed again, the processing itself is idempotent and the output does not reflect double
* processed data. This is the default mode.
* <br />
* In AT_MOST_ONCE mode in case of failure, the operator will start with the tuples which are being sent at the time
* the failed operator is recovered. Unlike AT_LEAST_ONCE operator, it will not try to recover the tuples which
* may have arrived while operator was down. Typically you would want to mark operators AT_MOST_ONCE if it does not
* materially impact your computation if a few tuples are omitted from the computation and the expected throughput is
* most likely to consume all the resources available for the operator or the DAG.
* <br />
* In EXACTLY_ONCE mode, it will be guaranteed that once a streaming window is processed
* completely, none of the tuples in that window will be processed again.
enum ProcessingMode
private final String mode;
private ProcessingMode(String mode)
this.mode = mode;
public boolean equalsName(String othermode)
return othermode == null ? false : mode.equals(othermode);
public String toString()
return mode;
* This method gets called at the beginning of each window.
* @param windowId identifier for the window that is unique for this run of the application.
void beginWindow(long windowId);
* This method gets called at the end of each window.
void endWindow();
* If the Operator can be partitioned, then Unifier is used to merge
* the tuples from the output ports from all the partitioned instances.
* Unifier are the operators which do not have any input ports defined
* and exactly one output port defined which emits the tuple of the
* type identical as the type emitted by the output port which is being
* unified.
* @param <T> Type of the tuple emitted by the output port which is being unified
interface Unifier<T> extends Operator
void process(T tuple);
* DelayOperator is an operator of which the outgoing streaming window id is incremented by *one* by the
* engine, thus allowing loops in the "DAG". The output ports of a DelayOperator, if connected, *must*
* immediately connect to an upstream operator in the data flow path. Note that at least one output port of
* DelayOperator should be connected in order for the DelayOperator to serve its purpose.
* This is meant for iterative algorithms in the topology. A larger window increment can be simulated by an
* implementation of this interface.
interface DelayOperator extends Operator
* This method gets called at the first window of the execution.
* The implementation is expected to emit tuples for initialization and/or
* recovery.
void firstWindow();
* A operator provides ports as a means to consume and produce data tuples.
* Concrete ports implement derived interfaces.
interface Port extends Component<PortContext>
* Input ports process data delivered through a stream. The execution engine
* will call the port's associated sink to pass the tuples. Ports are declared
* as annotated fields in the operator. The interface should be implemented by a
* non parameterized class to make the type parameter are available at runtime
* for validation.
* @param <T>
interface InputPort<T> extends Port
* Provide the sink that will process incoming data. Sink would typically be
* the port itself but can also be implemented by the enclosing operator or
* separate class.
* @return Sink object to which objects of type T can be dropped for processing.
Sink<T> getSink();
* Informs the port that it is active, i.e. connected to an incoming stream.
* @param connected
void setConnected(boolean connected);
* Provide the codec which can be used to serialize or deserialize the data
* that can be received on the port. If there is no specific implementation
* then it can return null, in which case the engine may use a generic codec.
* @return codec if special implementation, null otherwise.
StreamCodec<T> getStreamCodec();
* Output ports deliver data produced by the operator to a stream, abstracted by
* Sink and injected by the execution engine at deployment time. Ports are
* declared as annotated fields in the operator. The interface should be
* implemented with a bounded type parameter for introspection and validation.
* @param <T>
interface OutputPort<T> extends Port
* Set the sink for the output port.
* Called by execution engine sink at deployment time.
* @param s
void setSink(Sink<Object> s);
* Merge tuples emitted by multiple upstream instances of the enclosing
* operator (partitioned or load balanced).
* @return unifier object which can merge partitioned streams together into a single stream.
Unifier<T> getUnifier();
* The operator should throw the following exception if it wants to gracefully conclude its operation.
* This exception is not treated as an error by the engine. It's considered a request by the operator
* to deactivate itself. Upon receiving this, the engine would let the operator finish its in progress
* window and then call deactivate method on it if present.
class ShutdownException extends RuntimeException
private static final long serialVersionUID = 201401081529L;
* Interface operator must implement if they want the the engine to inform them as
* they are activated or before they are deactivated.
* An operator may be subjected to activate/deactivate cycle multiple times during
* its lifetime which is bounded by setup/teardown method pair. So it's advised that
* all the operations which need to be done right before the first window is delivered
* to the operator be done during activate and opposite be done in the deactivate.
* An example of where one would consider implementing ActivationListener is an
* input operator which wants to consume a high throughput stream. Since there is
* typically at least a few hundreds of milliseconds between the time the setup method
* is called and the first window, you would want to place the code to activate the
* stream inside activate instead of setup.
* @param <CONTEXT> Context for the current run during which the operator is getting de/activated.
* @since 0.3.2
interface ActivationListener<CONTEXT extends Context>
* Do the operations just before the operator starts processing tasks within the windows.
* e.g. establish a network connection.
* @param context - the context in which the operator is executing.
void activate(CONTEXT context);
* Do the opposite of the operations the operator did during activate.
* e.g. close the network connection.
void deactivate();
* Operators must implement this interface if they are interested in being notified as
* soon as the operator state is checkpointed or committed.
* @deprecated Use {@link CheckpointNotificationListener} instead
* @since 0.3.2
interface CheckpointListener
* Inform the operator that it's checkpointed.
* @param windowId Id of the window after which the operator was checkpointed.
void checkpointed(long windowId);
* Inform the operator that a particular windowId is processed successfully by all the operators in the DAG.
* @param windowId Id of the window which is processed by each operator.
void committed(long windowId);
* Interface operator must implement if it's interested in being notified when it's idling.
* When the operator is idling, i.e. for GenericOperator no input is being processed or for InputOperator
* no output is being produced, it's explicitly notified of such a state. The operators which implement
* this interface should make use of this idle time to do any auxiliary processing they may want to do
* when operator is idling. If the operator has no need to do such auxiliary processing, they should not
* implement this interface. In which case, the engine will put the operator in scaled back processing mode
* to better utilize CPU. It resumes its normal processing as soon as it detects tuples being received
* or generated. If this interface is implemented, care should be taken to ensure that it will not result
* in busy loop because the engine keeps calling handleIdleTime until it does not have tuples which it
* can give to the operator.
* @since 0.3.2
interface IdleTimeHandler
* Callback for operators to implement if they are interested in using the idle cycles to do auxiliary processing.
* If this method detects that it does not have any work to do, it should block the call for a short duration
* to prevent busy loop. handleIdleTime is called over and over until operator has tuples to process.
void handleIdleTime();
* Operators that need to be notified about checkpoint events should implement this interface.
* The notification callbacks in this interface are called outside window boundaries so the operators should not
* attempt to send any tuples in these callbacks.
interface CheckpointNotificationListener extends CheckpointListener
* Notify the operator before a checkpoint is performed.
* Operators may need to perform certain tasks before a checkpoint such as calling flush on a stream to write out
* pending data. Having this notification helps operators perform such operations optimally by doing them once
* before checkpoint as opposed to doing them at the end of every window.
* The method will be called before the checkpoint is performed. It will be called after
* {@link Operator#endWindow()} call of the window preceding the checkpoint and before the checkpoint is
* actually performed.
* @param windowId The window id of the window preceding the checkpoint
void beforeCheckpoint(long windowId);