blob: 23ca51006f360e822ae9ae39d7d8c512fdf685f0 [file] [log] [blame]
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title = "Community Over Code Europe"
description = "Community Over Code Europe is the annual gathering in Europe of the Apache Software Foundation community."
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############################## navigation ###############################
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url = "/about-the-asf"
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weight = 2
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url = "/diversity-and-inclusion"
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URL = "/program"
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URL = "/speakers"
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url = "/venue"
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URL = "/#latest-news"
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# Everything below this are Site Params
description = "Community Over Code Europe is the annual gathering in Europe of the Apache Software Foundation community."
logo = "/images/coc-logo-color.svg"
home = "Home"
privacy_policy = "/privacy"
footer_text = "Community Over Code operates under the terms of [The ASF Code of Conduct]("
# First one is picked as the Twitter card image if not set on page.
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start_date = "2024-06-03T09:00-05:00"
end_date = "2024-06-05T17:00-05:00"
text = "June 3-5, 2024. Bratislava, Slovakia."
text = "Get your ticket"
link = "/tickets"
text = "Become a sponsor!"
link = "/files/community-over-code-prospectus-2024.pdf"
# Navigation button
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name = "Email us"
url = "[EU]"
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name = "Slack"
url = ""
icon = "fab fa-slack"
name = "Watch us on YouTube"
url = ""
icon = "fab fa-youtube"
name = "Code of Conduct"
url = "/coc"
name = "Accessibility"
url = "/accessibility"
name = "Privacy Policy"
url = "/privacy"
name = "Organizers"
url = "/team"
name = "Prospectus"
url = ""
tags = "/blog/tags/:slug/"
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