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Apache Any23 - Supported Formats
The Apache Software Foundation
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~~ contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
~~ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
~~ The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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~~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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~~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
~~ limitations under the License.
Supported Formats in Apache Any23
<<Apache Any23>> supports all the main standard formats introduced by the <<Semantic Web>> community.
* <<Input Formats>>
The following list shows the accepted input formats and for each one the support level.
* <<(X)HTML>> with <<RDFa 1.0>>, <<RDFa 1.1>>, <<Microdata>> and <<Microformats>>. <<Apache Any23>> fully supports the
{{{}(X)HTML5}} input format and in particular
provides a set of extractors for processing embedded {{{}RDFa 1.0}},
{{{}RDFa 1.1}}, {{{}Microformats}}
and {{{}Microdata}}.
* <<Turtle>> <<Apache Any23>> fully supports the {{{}Turtle}} specification.
* <<N-Triples>> <<Apache Any23>> fully supports the {{{}N-Triples}} specification.
* <<N-Quads>> <<Apache Any23>> Version 1.1 supports the 2012 {{{}N-Quads}} specification (last accessed: 2016-06-17). <<Apache Any23>> Version 1.2 will support the current {{{}N-Quads}} specification.
* <<RDF/XML>> <<Apache Any23>> fully supports the {{{}RDF/XML}} specification.
* <<CSV>> <<Apache Any23>> allows you to represent header-provided {{{}CSV}} files with RDF using a specific {{{./dev-csv-extractor.html}algorithm}}.
* <<YAML>> <<Apache Any23>> support {{{}YAML}} a human friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages.
* <<Output Formats>>
The supported output formats are enlisted below.
* <<Turtle>> <<Apache Any23>> is able to produce output in {{{}Turtle}}.
* <<N-Triples>> <<Apache Any23>> is able to produce output in {{{}N-Triples}}.
* <<N-Quads>> <<Apache Any23>> is able to produce output in the 2012 {{{}N-Quads}} format (last accessed: 2016-06-17). <<Apache Any23>> Version 1.2 will support the current {{{}N-Quads}} specification.
* <<RDF/XML>> <<Apache Any23>> is able to produce output in {{{}RDF/XML}}.
* <<JSON-LD>> <<Apache Any23>> is able to produce output in {{{}JSON-LD}}.
* <<JSON Statements>> <<Apache Any23>> is able to produce output in {{{}JSON}} . See the specific {{{json-statements}format}}.
* <<XML Report>> <<Apache Any23>> is able to produce a detailed report of the latest document extraction if required. See further details {{{./service.html#report-format}here}}.
* JSON Statements Format
Apache Any23 is able to produce JSON output following the format described below.
Given the following example statements (expressed in N-Quads format):
_:bn1 <http://pred/1> <http://value/1> <http://graph/1> .
<http://sub/2> <http://pred/2> "language literal"@en <http://graph/2> .
<http://sub/3> <http://pred/3> "123"^^<http://datatype> <http://graph/3> .
these will be represented as:
"quads" : [
"type" : "bnode",
"value" : "bn1"
"type" : "uri",
"value" : "http://value/1"
"type" : "uri",
"value" : "http://sub/2"
"type" : "literal",
"value" : "language literal",
"lang" : "en",
"datatype" : null
"type" : "uri",
"value" : "http://sub/3"
"type" : "literal",
"value" : "123",
"lang" : null,
"datatype" : "http://datatype"
The <<JSON object>> structure is described by the following <<BNF>> rules,
where quotes are omitted to improve readability:
<json-response> ::= { "quads" : <statements> }
<statements> ::= [ <statement>+ ]
<statement> ::= [ <subject> , <predicate> , <object> , <graph> ]
<subject> ::= { "type" : <subject-type> , "value" : <value> }
<predicate> ::= <uri>
<object> ::= { "type" : <object-type> , "value" : <value> , "lang" : <lang> , "datatype" : <datatype> }
<graph> ::= <uri> | null
<subject-type> ::= "uri" | "bnode"
<object-type> ::= "uri" | "bnode"| "literal"
<value> ::= String
<lang> ::= String | null
<datatype> ::= <uri> | null
<uri> ::= String