blob: d14aa3b35a437f47e7c429f4168ff853d6ee5767 [file] [log] [blame]
Purpose of this document is the description of the libraries
included within the /lib folder.
The /lib folder contains all the libraries included in the
classpath of the Ant build system. Part of such libraries
have a compile scope, other a runtime scope and finally a
test scope.
The Runtime Scope libraries are:
- Jetty: it is used to run the any23server.
The Test Scope libraries are:
- JUnit: it is used to compile and run the JUnit test cases.
The Compile Scope libraries:
- The compile scope libraries are all the libraries not
included within the Compile and Runtime scope.
Handle Dependencies with Maven 2
All the libraries used by Ant are declared also as Maven dependencies.
To obtain the complete dependency tree from maven it is possible to run
the following command:
$ mvn dependency:tree
or check the project dependencies page:
The scope of a library is declared in pom.xml, within the
node. If not declared is assumed to be <scope>compile</scope>.