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Apache Any23 - Introduction
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Introduction to Apache Any23
* Library
<<Anything To Triples (any23)>> is a library, a web service and a command line tool that extracts structured data
in RDF format from a variety of Web documents. Currently it supports the following input formats:
* {{{}RDF/XML}}, {{{}Turtle}}, {{{}Notation 3}}
* {{{}RDFa}} with {{{}RDFa1.1 prefix mechanism}}
* {{{}Microformats1}} and {{{}Microformats2}}: hAdr, hCard, hCalendar, hEntry, hEvent, hGeo, hItem, hListing, hProduct, hProduct, hRecipie, hResume, hReview, License, Species, XFN, etc
* {{{}JSON-LD}}: JSON for Linking Data. a lightweight Linked Data format based on the already successful JSON format and provides a way to help JSON data interoperate at Web-scale.
* {{{}HTML5 Microdata}}: (such as {{{}}})
* {{{}CSV}}: Comma Separated Values with separator autodetection.
* Vocabularies: Extraction support for {{{}Dublin Core Terms}}, {{{}Description of a Career}}, {{{}Description Of A Project}}, {{{}Friend Of A Friend}}, {{{}GEO Names}}, {{{}ICAL}}, {{{}lkif-core}}, {{{}Open Graph Protocol}}, {{{}BBC Programmes Ontology}}, {{{}RDF Review Vocabulary}}, {{{}}}, {{{}VCard}}, {{{}BBC Wildlife Ontology}} and {{{}XHTML}}... and more!
* {{{}YAML}}: human friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages.
* Additionally, as of 2.1 Any23 provides functionality to extract triples using the {{{}Open Information Extraction (Open IE) system}}. The Open IE system runs over sentences and creates extractions that represent relations in text, in the case of Any23, this results in triples.
A detailed description of available extractors is {{{./extractors.html}here}}.
<<Apache Any23>> is written in Java and licensed under the {{{}Apache License v2.0}}.
<<Apache Any23>> can be used in various ways:
* As a library in Java applications that consume structured data from the Web.
* As a command-line tool for extracting and converting between the supported formats.
* As online service API available at {{{}}}.
You can <<download>> the latest release from our {{{./download.html}Apache Mirrors}}.
Previous versions are available from the {{{}Apache Archives site}}.
* Documentation Content
{{{./index.html}Introduction}}: this page.
{{{./install.html}Install}}: how to install <<Apache Any23>> library and service.
{{{./getting-started.html} Getting Started}}: start using <<Apache Any23>> command-line tools.
{{{./supported-formats.html}Supported Formats}}: complete list of <<Semantic Web>> formats supported by <<Apache Any23>>.
{{{./configuration.html}Configuration}}: learn how to change default library and service configuration.
{{{./service.html}REST Service}}: discover how to use the <<Apache Any23 REST Service>>.
{{{./any23-plugins.html}Plugins}}: read how to install and configure the <<Apache Any23>> plugins.
{{{./developers.html}Developers}}: understand the <<Apache Any23>> code internals,
how to write plugins, fixing rules and customize the code.
* Community
Questions, comments? Get in touch on the {{{./mail-lists.html}mailing lists}}!
Bugs, feature requests, patches? Please submit to the {{{}issue tracker}}.
You can access the source through Git, see the {{{./install.html}Installation Guide}} for details.