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Apache Any23 - Configuration
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* Configure the Core Module
The core module contains the main library code and the command-line implementation.
The main library configuration parameters are managed by the
{{{./apidocs/org/apache/any23/configuration/DefaultConfiguration.html} Configuration}}
class. The default values are declared within the {{{}}}
file. The following sections explain how to override the default configuration.
** Override Default Configuration from Command-line
The default configuration can be overriden via command-line by passing to the <<java>> command system properties
with the same name of the ones declared in configuration.
For example to override the <<HTTP Max Client Connections>> parameter it is sufficient to add the following
option to the <<java>> command-line invocation:
any23 and any23server scripts accept the variable <<ANY23_OPTS>> to specify custom options.
It is possible to customize the <<HTTP Max Client Connections>> for the <<any23>> script simply using:
cli/target/appassembler/bin/$ ANY23_OPTS="-Dany23.http.client.max.connections=10" any23 http://path/to/resource
** Override Default Configuration Programmatically
The {{{./apidocs/org/apache/any23/configuration/Configuration.html} Configuration}}
properties can be accessed in read-only mode just retrieving the configuration <<singleton>> instance.\
Such instance is <immutable>:
final Configuration immutableConf = DefaultConfiguration.singleton();
final String propertyValue = immutableConf.getProperty("propertyName", "default value");
To obtain a <modifiable> {{{./apidocs/org/apache/any23/configuration/Configuration.html} Configuration}}
instead it is possible to use the <<copy()>> method.\
One of the <<Apache Any23>> constructors accepts a <<Configuration>> object that allows to customize the behavior
of the <<Apache Any23>> instance for its entire life-cycle.
final ModifiableConfiguration modifiableConf = DefaultConfiguration.copy();
final String oldPropertyValue = modifiableConf.setProperty("propertyName", "new property value");
final Apache Any23 any23 = new Apache Any23(modifiableConf, "extractor1", ...);
* Use of ExtractionParameters
It is possible to customize the behavior of a single data extraction by providing an
{{{./apidocs/org/apache/any23/extractor/ExtractionParameters.html} ExtractionParameters}}
instance to one the <Apache Any23#extract()> methods accepting it. <<ExtractionParameters>> allows to customize any <property> and <flag>
other then the <<specific extraction options>>.\
If no custom parameters are specified the default configuration values are used.
final Any23 any23 = ...
final TripleHandler tripleHandler = ...
final ExtractionParameters extractionParameters = ExtractionParameters.getDefault();
extractionParameters.setFlag("any23.microdata.strict", true);
any23.extract(extractionParameters, "http://path/to/doc", tripleHandler);
* Apache Any23 Core Module Default Configuration
| Property Name | Default Property Value |Description |
| any23.core.version | <current any23 core version> |String declaring the Apache Any23 Core module version. |
|any23.http.user.agent.default |Apache Any23-CLI |User Agent Name used for HTTP requests. |
|any23.http.client.timeout |10000 (10 secs) |Timeout in milliseconds for a HTTP request. |
|any23.http.client.max.connections |5 |Max number of concurrent HTTP connections allowed by the internal Apache Any23 HTTP client.|
|any23.rdfa.extractor.xslt |rdfa.xslt |XSLT Stylesheet to be used to perform HTML to RDF extraction of RDFa. |
|any23.extraction.metadata.timesize |off (possible values: on/off) |Activates/deactivates the generation of time and size metadata triples. |
|any23.extraction.metadata.nesting |on (possible values: on/off) |Activates/deactivates the generation of nesting triples for Microformat entities. |
|any23.extraction.metadata.domain.per.entity|on (possible values: on/off) |Activates/deactivates the generation of domain triple per entity. |
|any23.extraction.rdfa.programmatic |on (possible values: on/off) |Switches between the programmatic RDFa 1.1 Extractor and the RDFa 1.0 XSLT base one.| |
|any23.extraction.context.iri |?(means current document IRI) |Default value for extraction content IRI. |
|any23.plugin.dirs |./plugins |Directory containing Apache Any23 plugins. |
|any23.microdata.strict |on (possible values: on/off) |Activates/deactivates the microdata strict validation. |
|any23.microdata.ns.default ||Microdata default namespace. |
|any23.extraction.head.meta |on (possible values: on/off) |Activates/deactivates the HTMLMetaExtractor. |
|any23.extraction.csv.field |, |CSVExtractor field separator. |
|any23.extraction.csv.comment |# |CSVExtractor line comment marker. |