blob: 288fce1eecbc0373e2b0a4ebd1ae95451cb0cf87 [file] [log] [blame]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (c)2000 Apache Software Foundation
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import java.util.*;
* Quick and dirty single class bootstrap utility for getting Ant off
* the ground when in need. To use, compile this file in the directory
* where the source code is in the repository, then execute it. That's
* it.<p>
* No pretense is made that this is an elegant peice of code. This code
* only exists to do a ground zero build of Ant. Any other building of
* Ant should be done with itself whenever possible.
* @author James Duncan Davidson (
* @author Conor MacNeill (
public class Bootstrap {
* Command line entry point. This is the first part of the bootstrap
* where we go and set up the environment and generally do what is
* necessary to set up for Bootstrapping.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String[] command;
String classpath = null;
// check to see if we have a compiler on the classpath. Right now
// we're just checking for the old compiler, but will want to check
// for the new compiler and use it if it exists. Later.
try {
Class clazz = Class.forName("");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
String javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home");
if (javaHome.endsWith("jre")) {
javaHome = javaHome.substring(0, javaHome.length() - 4);
// XXX should check if this exists and bail out if it doesn't
classpath = javaHome + "/lib/tools.jar" + File.pathSeparator + ".";
// XXX really should check to see if compiling the bootstrap is necessary. :)
System.out.println("Compiling Bootstrap2");
if (classpath == null) {
command = new String[] {"javac", "./"};
} else {
command = new String[] {"javac", "-classpath", classpath,
System.out.println("Running Bootstrap2");
if (classpath == null) {
command = new String[] {"java", "Bootstrap2"};
} else {
command = new String[] {"java", "-cp", classpath, "Bootstrap2"};
runCommand(command, args);
* Utility method for execing processes
static void runCommand(String[] command) throws IOException {
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process process = runtime.exec(command);
// echo output from process
InputStream in = process.getInputStream();
byte[] buf = new byte[80];
int count = 0;
count =, 0, buf.length);
while (count != -1) {
System.out.write(buf, 0, count);
count =, 0, buf.length);
in = process.getErrorStream();
count =, 0, buf.length);
if (count > 0) {
System.out.println("Error Stream Output:");
while (count != -1) {
System.out.write(buf, 0, count);
count =, 0, buf.length);
* Utility method for running processes that let some additional args
* be specified.
static void runCommand(String[] command, String[] addtlArgs) throws IOException {
String[] newCommand = new String[command.length + addtlArgs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < command.length; i++) {
newCommand[i] = command[i];
for (int i = 0; i < addtlArgs.length; i++) {
newCommand[command.length + i] = addtlArgs[i];