blob: adac23edb50fea9a66b1a9d4a805d156b457fa71 [file] [log] [blame]
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== [[latest]]Install the last release via Internet
For most users who have access to the internet it is easiest to install the latest release from the Apache IvyDE update site. So just look out there:
== [[manual]]Manual install
=== Install Apache IvyDE
You should have the zip distribution of Apache IvyDE in which you should find these files:
* features/org.apache.ivyde.feature_2.3.0.XXXX.jar
* plugins/org.apache.ivyde.eclipse_2.3.0.XXXX.jar
You can then install them by unpacking the distribution in `$ECLIPSE_HOME/dropins` directory.
For more information, please see link:[Equinox/p2] documentation.
=== Install the latest Apache Ivy bundle
Get the latest Apache Ivy build for the updatesite:
* the link:[latest successful build]
Then unpack the zip file and use as local update site.
=== Restart Eclipse
After installing your plugins manually, you have to restart your Eclipse to have it take into account the changes. It is recommended to restart it with the `-clean` option on the command line.