blob: b28e3d83653d495e1a1eede15d091eca9b2b8dc4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.ivy.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class ConfiguratorTest extends TestCase {
public static class FileTester {
private File file;
public void setFile(File file) {
this.file = file;
public File getFile() {
return file;
public static class City {
private List _housings = new ArrayList();
private List _streets = new ArrayList();
private String _name;
public String getName() {
return _name;
public void setName(String name) {
_name = name;
public List getHousings() {
return _housings;
public List getStreets() {
return _streets;
public void add(Housing h) {
public void add(Street s) {
public static class Street {
private Class _clazz;
private List _trees = new ArrayList();
private List _walkers = new ArrayList();
public List getTrees() {
return _trees;
public void addConfiguredTree(Tree tree) {
public List getWalkers() {
return _walkers;
public void addConfiguredWalker(Map walkerAttributes) {
_walkers.add(new Person((String) walkerAttributes.get("name")));
public Class getClazz() {
return _clazz;
public void setClazz(Class clazz) {
_clazz = clazz;
public static abstract class Housing {
private List _rooms = new ArrayList();
private boolean _isEmpty;
private Person _proprietary;
public List getRooms() {
return _rooms;
public void addRoom(Room r) {
public boolean isEmpty() {
return _isEmpty;
public void setEmpty(boolean isEmpty) {
_isEmpty = isEmpty;
public Person getProprietary() {
return _proprietary;
public void setProprietary(Person proprietary) {
_proprietary = proprietary;
public static class House extends Housing {
public static class Tree {
private short _age;
public short getAge() {
return _age;
public void setAge(short age) {
_age = age;
public static class Flat extends Housing {
private int _stage;
public int getStage() {
return _stage;
public void setStage(int stage) {
_stage = stage;
public static class Room {
private short _surface;
public short getSurface() {
return _surface;
public void setSurface(short surface) {
_surface = surface;
public static class Person {
private String _name;
public Person(String name) {
_name = name;
public String getName() {
return _name;
private Configurator _conf;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
_conf = new Configurator();
public void testSetRoot() {
City city = new City();
assertEquals(city, _conf.getCurrent());
public void testStringAttribute() {
City city = new City();
_conf.setAttribute("name", "bordeaux");
assertEquals("bordeaux", city.getName());
public void testIntAttribute() {
Flat flat = new Flat();
_conf.setAttribute("stage", "4");
assertEquals(4, flat.getStage());
public void testBooleanAttribute() {
Housing housing = new House();
_conf.setAttribute("empty", "true");
assertEquals(true, housing.isEmpty());
_conf.setAttribute("empty", "false");
assertEquals(false, housing.isEmpty());
_conf.setAttribute("empty", "yes");
assertEquals(true, housing.isEmpty());
_conf.setAttribute("empty", "no");
assertEquals(false, housing.isEmpty());
_conf.setAttribute("empty", "on");
assertEquals(true, housing.isEmpty());
_conf.setAttribute("empty", "off");
assertEquals(false, housing.isEmpty());
public void testClassAttribute() {
Street street = new Street();
_conf.setAttribute("clazz", getClass().getName());
assertEquals(getClass(), street.getClazz());
public void testPersonAttribute() {
Housing housing = new House();
_conf.setAttribute("proprietary", "jean");
assertEquals("jean", housing.getProprietary().getName());
public void testAddRoom() {
Housing housing = new House();
assertEquals(1, housing.getRooms().size());
_conf.setAttribute("surface", "24");
assertEquals(24, ((Room) housing.getRooms().get(0)).getSurface());
assertEquals(housing, _conf.getCurrent());
public void testAddConfiguredTree() {
Street street = new Street();
_conf.setAttribute("age", "400");
assertEquals(1, street.getTrees().size());
assertEquals(400, ((Tree) street.getTrees().get(0)).getAge());
assertEquals(street, _conf.getCurrent());
public void testAddConfiguredWalker() {
Street street = new Street();
_conf.setAttribute("name", "xavier");
assertEquals(1, street.getWalkers().size());
assertEquals("xavier", ((Person) street.getWalkers().get(0)).getName());
assertEquals(street, _conf.getCurrent());
public void testAddWithTypeDef() throws Exception {
City city = new City();
_conf.typeDef("house", House.class.getName());
_conf.typeDef("flat", Flat.class.getName());
_conf.typeDef("street", Street.class.getName());
assertEquals(1, city.getHousings().size());
assertTrue(city.getHousings().get(0) instanceof House);
assertEquals(2, city.getHousings().size());
assertTrue(city.getHousings().get(1) instanceof Flat);
assertEquals(1, city.getStreets().size());
assertEquals(city, _conf.getCurrent());
public void testNested() throws Exception {
City city = new City();
_conf.typeDef("house", House.class.getName());
_conf.setAttribute("surface", "20");
_conf.setAttribute("surface", "25");
assertEquals(city, _conf.getCurrent());
assertEquals(2, ((Housing) city.getHousings().get(0)).getRooms().size());
((Room) ((Housing) city.getHousings().get(0)).getRooms().get(0)).getSurface());
((Room) ((Housing) city.getHousings().get(0)).getRooms().get(1)).getSurface());
public void testMacro() throws Exception {
City city = new City();
_conf.typeDef("house", House.class.getName());
_conf.addMacroAttribute("surface", "40");
_conf.addMacroElement("addroom", true);
_conf.setAttribute("surface", "@{surface}");
_conf.setAttribute("surface", "@{surface}");
_conf.setAttribute("surface", "10");
_conf.setAttribute("surface", "20");
assertEquals(city, _conf.getCurrent());
assertEquals(2, city.getHousings().size());
// first castle : 2 default rooms of 10 of surface
assertEquals(2, ((Housing) city.getHousings().get(0)).getRooms().size());
((Room) ((Housing) city.getHousings().get(0)).getRooms().get(0)).getSurface());
((Room) ((Housing) city.getHousings().get(0)).getRooms().get(1)).getSurface());
// second castle : 2 default rooms of default surface 40, + one addroom of surface 20
assertEquals(3, ((Housing) city.getHousings().get(1)).getRooms().size());
((Room) ((Housing) city.getHousings().get(1)).getRooms().get(0)).getSurface());
((Room) ((Housing) city.getHousings().get(1)).getRooms().get(1)).getSurface());
((Room) ((Housing) city.getHousings().get(1)).getRooms().get(2)).getSurface());
public void testFileAttribute() {
FileTester root = new FileTester();
_conf.setAttribute("file", "path/to/file.txt");
String filePath = root.getFile().getPath();
filePath = filePath.replace('\\', '/');
assertEquals("path/to/file.txt", filePath);