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= Multiple Resolvers
This tutorial is an example of how modules can be retrieved by multiple resolvers. Using multiple resolvers can be useful in many contexts. For example:
* separating integration builds from releases +
* using a public repository for third party modules and a private one for internal modules +
* use a repository for storing modules which are not accurate in an unmanaged public repository +
* use a local repository to expose builds made on one developer's station +
In Ivy, the use of multiple resolvers is supported by a compound resolver called the chain resolver.
In our example, we will simply show you how to use two resolvers, one for a local repository and one using the Maven 2 repository.
== Project Description
=== The project: chained-resolvers
The project is very simple and contains only one simple class: `example.Hello`.
It depends on two libraries: Apache's `commons-lang` and a custom library named `test` (sources are included in `test-1.0.jar` file). The test library is used by the project to uppercase a string, and `commons-lang` is used to capitalize the same string.
Here is the content of the project:
* build.xml: the Ant build file for the project +
* ivy.xml: the Ivy project file +
* src/example/ the only class of the project +
Let's have a look at the *ivy.xml* file:
[source, xml]
As we'd expect, the Ivy file declares this module to be dependent on the two libraries it uses: `commons-lang` and `test`. Note that we didn't specify the `org` for the dependency `test`. When we exclude `org`, Ivy assumes it is in the same `org` as the declaring module. (in this example, it's `org.apache`).
=== The Ivy Settings
The settings are defined in the `ivysettings.xml` file located in the `settings` directory of the project. Below are its contents, followed by an explanation of what it's doing.
=== The *settings* tag
This tag initializes Ivy with some parameters. Here only one parameter is set, the name of the resolver to use by default.
=== The *resolvers* tag
The resolvers section defines the list of resolvers that Ivy will use to locate artifacts. In our example, we have only one resolver named `chain-example`, which is unique in that it defines a list (hence a chain) of resolvers.
The resolvers in this chain are:
* `libraries` : It is a filesystem resolver, so looks at a directory structure to retrieve the artifacts. This one is configured to look in the `repository` sub directory of the directory that contains the `ivysettings.xml` file. +
* `ibiblio` : It looks in the ibiblio Maven repository to retrieve the artifacts. +
That's it, we have just configured a chain of resolvers!
== Walkthrough
=== Step 1: Preparation
Open a shell (or command line) window, and go to the `src/example/chained-resolvers` directory.
=== Step 2: clean directory tree
On the prompt type: `ant`
This will clean up the entire project directory tree and Ivy cache. You can do this each time you want to clean up this example.
In almost all examples, we provide a `clean` target, as the default target. Since most examples use the same Ivy cache, you will clean the whole Ivy cache each time you call this target.
Cleaning the Ivy cache is something you can do without fear (except for performance): it's only a cache, so everything can be (and should be) obtained again from repositories. This may sound strange to those coming from Maven 2 land. But remember that in Ivy, the cache is not a local repository and the two are completely isolated.
=== Step 3: run the project
Go to `chained-resolvers` project directory. And simply run `ant`.
We can see in the log of the resolve task, that the two dependencies have been retrieved (2 artifacts) and copied to the Ivy cache directory (2 downloaded).
Also notice that the `run` Ant target succeeded in using both `commons-lang.jar` coming from the ibiblio repository and `test.jar` coming from the local repository.
== Going further
This very simple example helps us see how to set up two resolvers in a chain. The link:../resolver/chain{outfilesuffix}[chain resolver's reference documentation] is available for those who would like to know all the features offered by this resolver.
Below are a few more interesting things worth knowing about chain resolvers. After reading them, go ahead and try tweaking this example using your new wealth of knowledge!
* a chain is not limited to two nested resolvers, you can use as many as you want +
* by setting `returnFirst="true"`, you can have a chain which stops as soon as it has found a result for a given module +
* by setting `dual="true"`, the full chain will be used both for module descriptors and artifacts, while setting `dual="false"`, the resolver in the chain which found the module descriptor (if any) is also used for artifacts +