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= settings
*Tag:* settings
[ivysettings.settings]#Configures some important Ivy behaviour: default resolver, latest strategy, conflict manager and some others.#
The default resolver is used whenever nothing else is configured in the modules section of the settings file. It should give the name of a dependency resolver defined in the link:../settings/resolvers{outfilesuffix}[resolvers] section of the settings file.
The default latest strategy and conflict manager can also be configured here.
_validate_ indicates if Ivy files should generally be validated against the Ivy XSD or not. This setting is only a default value, and can be overridden:
1. in Ant tasks
2. in resolvers
So if there is a setting in the resolver, it always wins against all other settings.
== Attributes
|defaultResolver|the name of the default resolver to use|No, but all modules should be configured in the modules section if not provided
|defaultLatestStrategy|the name of the default latest strategy to use|No, defaults to latest-revision
|defaultConflictManager|the name of the default conflict manager to use|No, defaults to latest-revision
|defaultBranch|the default branch to use for all modules, except if they have a link:../settings/module{outfilesuffix}[module specific branch setting]. (*__since 1.4__*)|No, defaults to no default branch
|defaultResolveMode|the default link:../use/resolve{outfilesuffix}[resolve mode] to use for all modules, except if they have a link:../settings/module{outfilesuffix}[module specific resolve mode setting]. (*__since 2.0__*)|No, defaults to 'default'
|[[circularDependencyStrategy]]circularDependencyStrategy|the name of the link:../concept{outfilesuffix}#circular[circular dependency strategy] to use (*__since 1.4__*)|No, defaults to warn
|validate|Indicates if Ivy files should be validated against ivy.xsd or not.|No, defaults to true
|useRemoteConfig|true to configure ivyrep and ibiblio resolver from a remote settings file (updated with changes in those repository structure if any) (*__since 1.2__*)|No, defaults to false
|httpRequestMethod|specifies the HTTP method to use to retrieve information about an URL. Possible values are 'GET' and 'HEAD'. This setting can be used to solve problems with firewalls and proxies. (*__since 2.0__*)|No, defaults to 'HEAD'
|[line-through]#defaultCache#|a path to a directory to use as default basedir for both resolution and repository cache(s). +
__Deprecated, we recommend using defaultCacheDir on the link:../settings/caches{outfilesuffix}[caches] tag instead__|No, defaults to .ivy2/cache in user home
|[line-through]#checkUpToDate#|Indicates if date should be checked before retrieving artifacts from cache. +
__Deprecated, we recommend using overwriteMode on the link:../use/retrieve{outfilesuffix}[retrieve] task instead__|No, defaults to true
|[line-through]#cacheIvyPattern#|a pattern to indicate where Ivy files should be put in cache. +
__Deprecated, we recommend using ivyPattern on the link:../settings/caches{outfilesuffix}[caches] tag instead__|No, defaults to [organisation]/[module]/ivy-[revision].xml
|[line-through]#cacheArtifactPattern#|a pattern to indicate where artifact files should be put in cache. +
__Deprecated, we recommend using artifactPattern on the link:../settings/caches{outfilesuffix}[caches] tag instead__|No, defaults to [organisation]/[module]/[type]s/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]