blob: 593bbe5d494988d3fae395e0abdddb0b5b78a63e [file] [log] [blame]
HOWTO Use Ant Command Line Debugger
1. You can build using EasyAnt or Ant. If you have EasyAnt setup simply run EasyAnt. The build will generate a cl-debugger.jar artiface in target/artifacts directory.
2. If you are using Ant, the default target will generate cl-debugger.jar in target directory.
3. To use the debugger, launch Ant with any project passing the path to cl-debugger.jar in the -lib parameter. Eg.
ant -lib path/to/cl-debugger.jar -listener
4. The debugger does not take any other command line parameter. Just as the build starts you will be prompted with:
Buildfile: D:\sandboxes\ant-svn\build.xml
-------- Ant Command Line Debugger --------
Type /? to get any help.
At this point, you can choose to add as many breakpoints or watchpoints (for properties) as you want to. Typing /? will list all commands currently available. These are also listed below:
Use one of the following commands. Type the command followed by /? for further help on the command.
- break: Adds a break point
- trace: Prints all attempts made to modify the value of a property
- watch: Adds a watch point (pauses execution and presents a prompt) whenever a property is attempted to be modified
- return: Returns from the debugger and resumes the build
- locate: Locates (statically) where a particular property is located in build file
- inspect: Inspects the current value of a property or a path
You may add multiple breakpoints or watch points in this manner:
break ...
watch some.prop.1 some.prop.2 ... some.prop.n
To see the current value of a property or a path use:
inspect property some.prop
inspect path some.path
To see the all attempted modifications to a property use:
To find the location of a property in the build files use:
locate property