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<h1>Ivy configuration</h1>
In order to work as you want, EasyAnt sometimes need some settings. Actually, EasyAnt can work with no specific settings at all, see the default settings documentation for details about that. Ivy is able to work in very different contexts. You just have to configure it properly.
Settings are specified through an xml file, usually called ivysettings.xml.
Here is an example of settings file :
<code type="xml">
<properties file="${ivy.settings.dir}/" />
<settings defaultCache="${cache.dir}" defaultResolver="ibiblio" checkUpToDate="false" />
<ibiblio name="ibiblio" />
<filesystem name="internal">
<ivy pattern="${repository.dir}/[module]/ivy-[revision].xml" />
<artifact pattern="${repository.dir}/[module]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]" />
<module organisation="jayasoft" name=".*" resolver="internal" />
Mainly, the settings enable to configure the default cache directory used by ivy and the dependency resolvers that it will use to resolve dependencies.
<div id="note">Note: To work, this settings file needs a property file named in the same directory as the settings file, with ivy variables you want in it.</div>
If you want to have more details on this settings file we strongly recommend you to read the <a href="">reference documentation of settings file</a>
EasyAnt uses two ivy instance :
<li>used to resolve/retrieve EasyAnt modules (which can be buildtypes/ plugins or skeletons) dependencies</li>
<li>used to resolve/retrieve project dependencies</li>
There is a strong separation of context, this means that plugins dependencies will not be polluting your project.
Both instance are configurable.
<li>Project ivy instance can be configured through an ivysettings file defined through properties. Click <a href="ref/ProjectIvyInstance.html">here</a> if you want more details.</li>
<li>EasyAnt ivy instance can be configured through an ivysettings file defined in easyant-config. Click <a href="ref/EasyAntconfigurationfile.html">here</a> if you want more details.</li>
<h2>Project ivy instance</h2>
The <a href="ProjectIvyInstance.html">project ivy instance</a> is in charge to configure ivy for your project (configure repositories used to retrieve your projects dependencies for example).
<h2>EasyAnt ivy instance</h2>
<a href="EasyAntivyinstance.html">EasyAnt ivy instance</a> is in charge to configure ivy for easyant internal use (configure repositories used to retrieve buildtypes/plugins/skeletons for example).
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