blob: 499d33ae1dae065b9cc01df2c0b2a41b30fa165a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ant.dotnet.compile;
import org.apache.ant.dotnet.NetCommand;
* This task compiles F# source into executables or modules.
* The task requires fsc.exe on the execute path, unless it or an equivalent
* program is specified in the <tt>executable</tt> parameter
* <p>
* All parameters are optional: &lt;fsc/&gt; should suffice to produce a debug
* build of all *.fs files.
* <p>
* The task is a directory based task, so attributes like
* <tt>includes=&quot;**\/*.fs&quot;</tt> and
* <tt>excludes=&quot;broken.fs&quot;</tt> can be used to control
* the files pulled in. By default,
* all *.fs files from the project folder down are included in the command.
* When this happens the destFile -if not specified-
* is taken as the first file in the list, which may be somewhat hard to control.
Specifying the output file with <tt>destfile</tt> is prudent.
* Also, dependency checking only works if destfile is set.
* <p>For historical reasons the pattern
* <code>**</code><code>/*.fs</code> is preset as includes list and
* you can not override it with an explicit includes attribute. Use
* nested <code>&lt;src&gt;</code> elements instead of the basedir
* attribute if you need more control.</p>
* As with &lt;csc&gt; nested <tt>src</tt> filesets of source,
* reference filesets, definitions and resources can be provided.
* <p>
* Example
* </p>
* <pre>&lt;fsc
* optimize=&quot;true&quot;
* debug=&quot;false&quot;
* warnLevel=&quot;4&quot;
* targetType=&quot;exe&quot;
* definitions=&quot;RELEASE&quot;
* excludes=&quot;src/unicode_class.fs&quot;
* destFile=&quot;NetApp.exe&quot;
* tailcalls=&quot;true&quot;
* references="System.Xml,System.Web.Xml"
* &gt;
* &lt;reference file="${testCSC.dll}" /&gt;
* &lt;define name="RELEASE" /&gt;
* &lt;define name="DEBUG" if=""/&gt;
* &lt;define name="def3" unless=""/&gt;
* &lt;/fsc&gt;
* @ant.task name="fsc" category="dotnet"
public class FSharp extends DotnetCompile {
* Compiler option to enable tailcalls.
private boolean tailcalls = true;
* Compiler option to enable cross-module optimizations.
private boolean crossoptimize = false;
* Compiler option to statically link the F# library and all
* referenced DLLs into the assembly.
private boolean standalone = false;
public FSharp() {
* reset all contents.
public void clear() {
tailcalls = true;
crossoptimize = false;
standalone = false;
* Whether to enable tailcalls.
public void setTailcalls(boolean b) {
tailcalls = b;
* Whether to enable tailcalls.
* @return true if flag is turned on
public boolean getTailcalls() {
return tailcalls;
* Form the option string for tailcalls.
* @return The parameter string.
public String getTailcallsParameter() {
return "/tailcalls" + (tailcalls ? "+" : "-");
* Whether to enable cross-module optimizations.
public void setCrossoptimize(boolean b) {
crossoptimize = b;
* Whether to enable cross-module optimizations.
* @return true if flag is turned on
public boolean getCrossoptimize() {
return crossoptimize;
* Form the option string for cross-module optimizations.
* @return The parameter string.
public String getCrossoptimizeParameter() {
return "/crossoptimize" + (crossoptimize ? "+" : "-");
* Whether to create a standalone assembly.
public void setStandalone(boolean b) {
standalone = b;
* Whether to create a standalone assembly.
* @return true if flag is turned on
public boolean getStandalone() {
return standalone;
* Form the option string for standalone.
* @return The parameter string.
public String getStandaloneParameter() {
return standalone ? "/standalone" : null;
* implement FSC commands
* @param command
protected void addCompilerSpecificOptions(NetCommand command) {
String s = getStandaloneParameter();
if (s != null) {
* Get the delimiter that the compiler uses between references.
public String getReferenceDelimiter() {
return ";";
* Get the extension of filenames to compile.
* @return The string extension of files to compile.
public String getFileExtension() {
return "fs";
protected void createResourceParameter(NetCommand command,
DotnetResource resource) {
resource.getParameters(getProject(), command, false);